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Love the Assasin :P


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Assassins Suck. If you don’t believe me, take on an operative or scoundrel that is geared the same as you are and the same level. Right now I bet all the topped geared premade warzone running assassins who are tanked spec are responding that the class is perfect. Well of course it is if you are going against an under geared lower level player.


I know everyone says spec 31 darkness and you will still do the same damage as spec’ing 31 deception. Does anyone other than me see an issue there? You would think if you spec 31 deception you would do a significant more damage than someone spec’d 31 darkness.

Deception assassin damage? That’s a joke. I was able to frap another class pop from stealth, stun their target, hit them for 3865, 6407, and finally 5431 damage and have a dot ticking for 633-880 and kill the target before the stun expired. It would be nice if an assassin could attack from stealth and deal damage like that.


Now, for the assassin to do decent damage in melee combat, we need to have our attacks cause effects on our targets. Exploit Weakness is one of our abilities that we wait too afflict our target before using Maul (an ability that hits like a feather if it even works).Next we wait for Static Charges to build. You ideally want 5 charges. In combat you usually die before you get a chance to use these abilities. Static Charges don’t apply with every attack; it is based on a percentage. Exploit Weakness is the same.

We do get a reduction in the amount of force used when attacking from stealth. But you will find that force goes quick and Sabre Strike, our attack that requires no force, hits like a fart from a distance.


Attacking from stealth is a joke as well. Even with Blackout up, you have a 50/50 chance of being seen or knocked back and rooted. If we can be seen while stealth, maybe we should be allowed to wear medium armor? And Force Shroud, Lol works sometimes.

I think “Assassin” is the wrong name for this class.


If the class is based in any way on the character Darth Maul (Shadow Hunter I think), he would have waved at Qui-Gon and Obi, and leaped into the chasm on his own. And just to think, he was supposed to be a figure from you worst nightmare.

Edited by Nwalmaer
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DPS isn't even what makes you a good player in a TEAM GAME!! I'd rather have a guy who uses whirlwinds one opponent, stuns the next, and throws the next one into a pit. Not a ton of damage, but he just disabled 3 opponents for long enough to give my team an edge.


This focus on DPS is ridiculous tbh.

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If the class is based in any way on the character Darth Maul (Shadow Hunter I think), he would have waved at Qui-Gon and Obi, and leaped into the chasm on his own.


made me laugh and in retrospect i would probably have enjoyed this scenario over the 'stand still and wait to get cut in half' ending in the movie.

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dps isn't even what makes you a good player in a team game!! I'd rather have a guy who uses whirlwinds one opponent, stuns the next, and throws the next one into a pit. Not a ton of damage, but he just disabled 3 opponents for long enough to give my team an edge.


This focus on dps is ridiculous tbh.


^ this!

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