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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class/Skill needs nerf badly !


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I was playing (insert warzone here) on my (insert class here), who is (insert level, valor rank and/or gear description here). I have been playing since (insert date/time here, or words "open beta").


There was this (insert class target of nerf complaint here) who was (insert description of pwnage here) me. And they were doing it (insert # of times, frequency or other measurement indicating speed or quickness).

(optional: rephrase this paragraph to claim you *are* the class you want to nerf and "admit" you need nerfing.)


Not only that, but they can (insert a long, exaggerated list of skills here, especially ones the class doesn't actually have).


Now, I understand PvP, since (insert claim of vast experience with other games PvP, especially first person shooters or other games which are not MMORPGS). And I (insert claim of being highly ranked, or of high skill and/or competence here). The "fact" (<-- don't use quotes here) that (insert class target of nerf complaint here) can (insert superlative describing how badly you got beaten here) means they are clearly overpowered.


(insert additional anecdotal claims here, such as but not limited to screenshots of a scoreboard, highly edited video of the target class "kicking everyones butt", or any other claim here).


Bioware is (insult Bioware here). I am gonna (insert threat to quit game if class target is not nerfed tomorrow).


(signature here)

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