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Knockback, Knockback, Knockback, Knockback, Knockback, Knockback, Knockback, Knockbac


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Its not only the knockback, but then that knockback is followed by a snare, or a stun, and/or target after that is often is cover so you are dead before you can even move an inch.


Seriously, who thought of this? Pvp now as a marauder is basicly beeing knocked around like a ragdoll mode. Uninterruptable, and uncounterable knockbacks on *********** every1. Seriously. One class with a knockback on 10 sec cooldown is enough, let alone a knockback with inbuilt snares and stuns. Holy ****in **** are you kidding me. The clicking backpeddling noobs dont even have to kite, just knock you back, stand still, laugh in your face, get kill.


Oh and btw, ability delay fix my ***. Its still exactly as bad as ever.






Pvp in this game is so utterly broken and bad im actually confused how any1 could make it this bad.

Edited by Notannos
use of retard/rude
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I know the feeling.


I sometimes feel, as a Scoundrel, that it's my lot in life to just be pushed, pulled, and dragged everywhere in every Warzone (Huttball specifically, though).


Honestly, if EVERY class had a knockback, I'd be fine. For those without one, however, it's glaringly obvious.


I can deal, though.

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Me, being a Sage, I don't mind the knock back. The different classes have slightly different versions and I can even consider it a valuable and unique resource for pvp. But I think Marauders really need a specialty that defines them, especially since they're over shadowed by their tanky counterparts, the Guardians. I think they could use a fleet-foot, or steady ground type mechanic being either:


Fleet Footed - (Passive) If knocked back, breaks CC effects and gives a 50-100% speed boost for 1.5 seconds.




Steady ground - "activated" For x amount of time, immune to knock-back effects.


I don't play one so I don't know if there are any mechanics like this, but I'd like to see it for them.

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Maybe don't go Rambo charging into groups by yourself. If you're with others they can either support you or take some of the pain.


PvP is about planning and outsmarting the other person, not just using abilities.


Go back to your pve, there you can setup your tank, healer, dps setup as much as you want.


There shouldnt be a problem taking on 2 or even 3 if the game had ANY sort of balance. What breaks it is that ranged dont even have to move, they can knock you back, into a snare and stun and then click, backpeddle, drool over keyboard, whatever, and get a kill.


And there is nothing in this game yet that suggest outsmarting any1. Having 2400+ xp from several seasons in wow where countering abilities, cc, positioning, defensive cooldowns, knowing when to go all in, knowing when to back off, lossing, fakecasting, kiting, offensive and defensive dispells etc are insanely imporant for any sort of pvp succsess. this game has none of it, you cant counter a knockback whatever you do.


Unless you suggest I have no cooldown on my snare/stun remover and can stop every 2-3 seconds someone from stunning me, then possitioning to knock me off bridges.


Same goes for places where they cant knock me off. All they have to do is knock me back before I even get any rage, into a stun/snare, into cover, your dead. If there is anything more than 1 person vs u, ur dead before you can touch em as a marauder.

Most likely if you even get to your target, there are 2-3 more classes there with yet another stun /snare into knockback that will **** you over again.

Edited by Komby
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Anywho, rant over, leaving this thread as is. Not getting into an arguement with people.


Bioware, you have no idea how to develop pvp games. Unless you hire some1 from other companies to come help you balance and tune up the game's abilities. You might aswell remove pvp from this pve game already.


Damn you, so dissapointed, I was looking so much forward to this game. And you completely ruined it.


Pvp'er who hates pve, out.

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Go back to your pve, there you can setup your tank, healer, dps setup as much as you want.


There shouldnt be a problem taking on 2 or even 3 if the game had ANY sort of balance. What breaks it is that ranged dont even have to move, they can knock you back, into a snare and stun and then click, backpeddle, drool over keyboard, whatever, and get a kill.


And there is nothing in this game yet that suggest outsmarting any1. Having 2400+ xp from several seasons in wow where countering abilities, cc, positioning, defensive cooldowns, knowing when to go all in, knowing when to back off, lossing, fakecasting, kiting, offensive and defensive dispells etc are insanely imporant for any sort of pvp succsess. this game has none of it, you cant counter a knockback whatever you do.


Unless you suggest I have no cooldown on my snare/stun remover and can stop every 2-3 seconds someone from stunning me, then possitioning to knock me off bridges.


Same goes for places where they cant knock me off. All they have to do is knock me back before I even get any rage, into a stun/snare, into cover, your dead. If there is anything more than 1 person vs u, ur dead before you can touch em as a marauder.

Most likely if you even get to your target, there are 2-3 more classes there with yet another stun /snare into knockback that will **** you over again.



So from this pointlessness, I see "I wanna be able to 1v2 people and live everytime because I was good in crappy arena PvP" Get knocked back? You have a 30m gap closer on a 15 second cooldown. Shutup and L2P. Srsly.

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Faceroll who doesn't get his way ~ out.


What do you expect? Being able to kill anyone alone and play god-mode? This game (As the devs have said, and how it should be) is based around team pvp, not solo pvp. Meaning, they want pvp to require THOUGHT, you know, planning? The only way to perfect 1v1 pvp is by having 1 unchangeable class.


That said, even if there was 1 class with all the utilities, the team with people who work together and aren't stupid and resisting order will probably still rip you apart. That's called skill. Accept it.


I tried siding with you until I saw the post about not wanting PvP to be like PvE where you have to situate yourself, and you not wanting to do that. You just openly asked to be able to faceroll... No.

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1) I have read somewhere that Sorcs/Sages get a larger knockback distance than Shadows/Assassins. I'm not sure if that's true or not... the above could be a misperception.


2) The amount of CC in this game is extreme. I believe that this game needs more cc-breakers/preventers like Unremitting (in the Guardian|Vigilance tree - make that one longer lasting, too).


3) Also, make resolve work consistently against all CC, but that's not a game saver because many of the knockback + snare or pulls + snare are unavoidable/unstoppable character killers in Huttball (my guardian is getting pulled into fire and sludge pits and then immediately snared/stunned a lot lately), and they need a counter.


With sentinels and guardians, it's often the case that they are the only ones that need to get close, conspicuously. They are almost dependent on charging in alone even if there are 3 others with them (that are fine with ranged, cover or hidden strikes). They get tab-targetted first by everyone on the opposing team. My focus guardian, who is dependent on charges (and melee range) for damage, doesn't always roll with a melee tank (fairly rare in pvp these days) next to him.

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QQ. I couldn't find your opinion underneath all your ****** attitude, so I'll just assume you don't like knock backs.


First, it's called resolve. You can only be knocked back twice before you become immune, or once if followed/preceded by a stun. Anything you say contrary to this is wrong and stupid.


You have force leap, and I know at least the jugg has that brutal force push ability that can be followed by yet another force leap or something. Sounds like you don't like your spec is what i'm hearing. And if you're a freakin marauder, I swear. Some of the highest melee dps'ers I've seen in the 50 wz bracket have been marauders and their jedi equivalent. I don't know what you're doing, but it's definitely not what they are doing.


As a pro merc pyrotech (pvp spec), the easiest class to kite around is the assassin. Marauders and tanks usually have no problem staying on me, especially the ones with mid range abilities. So unless you are the assassin class that has like no gap closers or mid range abilities you shouldn't be whining. And guess what, the classes that have the most knockbacks are also the ones that can be los'ed and interrupted till they're useless. L2P.


Go learn how resolve works.

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QQ. I couldn't find your opinion underneath all your ****** attitude, so I'll just assume you don't like knock backs.


First, it's called resolve. You can only be knocked back twice before you become immune, or once if followed/preceded by a stun. Anything you say contrary to this is wrong and stupid.



Go learn how resolve works.

rofl a full resolve bar last seconds; get knockback into pit and by time your back your bar is gone.

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rofl a full resolve bar last seconds; get knockback into pit and by time your back your bar is gone.


That's nice. Warriors have force leap... Inquisitors have that force sprint... Powertechs pull and jetboost to people. The same goes for the republic side. If you're a mid range or melee spec you have plenty of abilities to get you back onto your target. Pro players do it, so what's your problem? And if your complaining about being thrown as a ranged class.... holy crap... no I refuse to believe someone would do that..


BTW, if you've ever played Huttball.... Skilled warriors and inquisitors (and jedis) dominate as ball carriers/escorts, hands down. And since Huttball is the only place where throws can really make a difference, it is clear how ridiculous these complaints are. But please disagree with that so you can lose all credibility.

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