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Make "root" effects diminish with resolve


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While at first the resolve system was more annoying then useful, it has gotten more manageable after learning how it works. While I believe it still needs a little work, it has the potential to be a decent system.


The main thing that should be changed is in the title. I mean effects that specifically make it where you can't move your character. Being snared (aka reduced movement speed) should not affect resolve. What I am talking about is when a warrior class charges you, a sage/sorc uses their root effect etc. It shouldn't add much resolve to your bar, maybe 1/5th or such. Those details are not really necessary. However, if your bar is full you should not be able to be rooted in place.


For anyone that has a premade running constantly, you all know huttball is the most competitive. The guild I am comprises of some of the best pvp'ers on our server. I am currently ranked 67, which I am not claiming shows any form of skill, merely a representation that I have done my fair share of huttball.


My main concern is for when rated BGs start. Huttball has the highest test of skill and coordination. We all know certain classes dominate (juggs/guard), specifically for their ability to travel quickly across the map on even the z axis (charge, friendly charge). When rated BGs start, I have a feeling people will coordinate their CC abilities so that whomever has the ball doesn't get an unnecessary resolve bar all the time. Point being is the resolve bar is a utility to control and manipulate.


I digress, my point is that it should be used for the ball carrier and against him. He should be able to run through a fire with a full resolve bar and not have to worry about getting stuck. A good counter to this is a team coordinating their CC so that a person only gets full resolve from stuns over a fire. But what's the point of this if a class can just freely "root" them with a full resolve bar. You should not be able to immobilize someone with a full resolve. In many cases in huttball this effect just acts as another stun. But it can be used over and over and over. A team could potentially coordinate their root effects to a point where a ball carrier can't actually move.



tl:dr - To make resolve a more competitive aspect of the game. Make root effects add to the resolve bar in a small proportion.

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No, there has to be a way to stop unkillable ball carries in hutt ball with full resolve bars.


I think "un-killable" is a far stretch.


Remember, I am not talking about random huttballs where everyone throws their stun and fills up a resolve bar instantly. I'm talking about coordinated BGs. Which will make stopping a ball carrier much easier.


Maybe in a sense you are correct, and it should be strategized that the person with the ball should never actually go through a potential fire. And it should always be passed.


But I can't help but hate that there is no consequence to charging people at full resolve.

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If it is an organized team, why are the healers not spam dispelling the ball carrier so that the roots don't stick?


It's because you can't dispel the charge root. The biggest root spam isn't by any class, but by swarms of melee. Literally there's times that I can't move at all because of being charged by every direction by melee.

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If it is an organized team, why are the healers not spam dispelling the ball carrier so that the roots don't stick?


1) you can't spam dispels.

2) global cool down in this game is too long to react fast enough to make a difference. Imagine someone running through a flame. Healer is casting a heal. Someone charges. Healer immediately dispels, but even with an instant reaction, the ball carrier would have still been snared for at least a second. And it's already difficult enough to make it through the fire with the slown speed of the ball

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If they do this then they have to nerf tanks ability to survive as well. Right now tanks get practically instant resolve as it is after one stun. If not able to roort/snare them then everyone may as well roll a tank and get free scores over and over in huttball.
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No, for a simple reason: that's the whole point of Huttball. It's a 'team sport' and the idea is for your team to support the carrier or stop the opposing team by fighting through their support


On top of that, Huttball suffers from the issue of unstoppable Juggernauts and speed-burst Assassins that make me personally just want to sit and wait for them to get 6 goals


I have seen no root issues on either of the other warzones. It serves no real purpose so is rarely used

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Root isn't a problem if your team is working together well enough to actually pass the huttball, which nobody seems to want to do...


My usual team typically doesn't have a carrier ever cross a fire pit. Someone runs across and you pass to them, then the fire becomes an obstacle for the enemy. In huttball coordination is king.


What you should be asking for, is a longer cooldown on those spammable roots.

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Balance spec Sage/Sorcs played by "pro" or near pro lvl players are basically unkillable by the majority of classes due to this reason. You simply can not hit them enough unless you have greater than 10m range abilities.


Given...the # of players of this lvl are few and far between making it less of an issue, but flat out roots should have the minimum resolve increase(which is like 1/6 I think). I think the small change woule solve the issue.

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Well maybe the solution could be something I didn't suggest.


I would like to think that the people complaining about resolve not working is directed towards this exact issue. Resolve really only matters (in terms of objective) in huttball. I feel like many people are getting rooted while full resolve and then claim they are "stunned".


While this is incorrect, and you can still cast while rooted, you still feel useless with the ball. I do agree passing and being coordinated with passes is very important. But if rated BGs start. Running 6 juggs/2 healers would always be the best way to go. The other team could essentially never score, and your entire team could travel across the map.


Maybe I am getting into an off topic issue. But from all the huttballs I have played in, the more classes they have that can charge and root, the better chance they have at scoring and defending.

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