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Alderaan warzone in favor of the Empire?


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In the Alderaan Warzone I encounter this every time. Seems to be a bias in favor of the Empire:


At the start of the match, as a Republic player, I capture the west most turret on the map (mid and east still neutral). When captured, the points of the Empire do not immediately start decreasing. When, about 5 to 10 seconds later, the Empire captures the east most turret on the map (mid still neutral), the Republic's points start decreasing immediately, and after that the Empire points start decreasing.


Consider the mid turret staying neutral the remaining part of the match (hypothetically), then The Empire wins the match because their points started to decrease later in time, although the Republic was 5 to 10 seconds earlier with capturing their turret.


Are there more people encountering this?

Edited by Tregor
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I thought they had fixed that problem (turrets start out facing the republic ship and have to turn to fire on empire) a couple of patches ago. I haven't really noticed -- the Republic usually wins (around 2/3 I'd estimate) in any case on my server, at least in my experience in pre-50 WZs.
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Turrets are just there for animation. The turret flashes 5-6 times on both sides before it changes sides (first cap). Ship has no health the "health bar" on top is just there to measure the score from 0 to 500. Edited by Vesperr
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Turrets are just there for animation. The turret flashes 5-6 times on both sides before it changes sides (first cap). Ship has no health the "health bar" on top is just there to measure the score from 0 to 500.


After flashing has stopped (and the points should start decreasing, whether the animation is complete or not) then there is the delay I am talking about. So having capped a point means the flashing has stopped.

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I noticed the same bug tonight.


Score is 600 for both factions at the start.

Republic turret flashes green then locks solid green. Score is still 600 each. Empire now flashes red and locks solid red. Republic score starts decreasing then Empire scores starts decreasing. Republic was 5 points behind until the 3rd turret was captured.

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