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(Challenge)SHOW ME PROOF!


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After having read 11 pages of posts on this subject, I thought it was finally time for someone to come up with some concrete video evidence to back up the claims either way.



My credentials:

I currently play a level 1 Troll Rogue in World of Warcraft, and have spent literally MINUTES of game time in SWTOR researching this subject (I asked a guildie, who has a friend, who talked to a guy in general chat, who once played PvP on a level 15 OP).



I lol'd. Well done Sir, well done :D

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Boy that didnt take long! Suprisingly this operative does not kill his target in the 3 second stun, not does he reduce his targets hp to sub 30%. Just to give more infor for the video, the other guy has 450 exp, the operative has 400. THIS IS WAS FILMED ON LIVE SERVERS! THIS IS NOT THE PTR!




Can't wait to have that number reduced by 20%. People are pulling these 8K crits out of their asses. Just not possible without buff stacking

Keep em coming!



He had blue eq and some oranges's.

He was doing it on a tank with tank spec / tank eq?

He actually dropped his hp to 50% very quickly.



Now show me another class that does the same?

Vs a full tank spec and tank eq?

In the same amount of time?



Now thats a challenge.

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He had blue eq and some oranges's.

He was doing it on a tank with tank spec / tank eq?

He actually dropped his hp to 50% very quickly.



Now show me another class that does the same?

Vs a full tank spec and tank eq?

In the same amount of time?



Now thats a challenge.


He had 1 orange piece, not several. And i could easily burst 7k + on my Shadow within 3gcds (shadow strike - project - force breach).

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Yup, as the dude above said.... 11 pages of proof that its just all smack talk. Nothing more.


And still they are going to go ahead and break a whole talent tree. At least there is always sorc to play, untill the smack talking wow kiddies scream nerf on that too.

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I don't like nerfs...they nerf one class then they nerf another...but you wanted proof...and don't talk crap about adrenals and other stuff because they are in the game and they are part of the game.



In this video this guy who i don't know fights a lot of lvl 50s solo. check that regardless of the class unless they use cc breaker after they get up from the knockdown they are at 30-40% hp.


so there ya go

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I don't like nerfs...they nerf one class then they nerf another...but you wanted proof...and don't talk crap about adrenals and other stuff because they are in the game and they are part of the game.



In this video this guy who i don't know fights a lot of lvl 50s solo. check that regardless of the class unless they use cc breaker after they get up from the knockdown they are at 30-40% hp.


so there ya go




Upload date 6/1/2012. IE before the fix for buff stacking. Next.

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I don't like nerfs...they nerf one class then they nerf another...but you wanted proof...and don't talk crap about adrenals and other stuff because they are in the game and they are part of the game.



In this video this guy who i don't know fights a lot of lvl 50s solo. check that regardless of the class unless they use cc breaker after they get up from the knockdown they are at 30-40% hp.


so there ya go


Not really sure which part you mean. 16:45 long video. Any special time code you want us to look at?


Edit: Look at 00:29 -> Him trying to kill a LVL 47 sorc. Wow that is really 3 seconds... NOT ;)

Edited by Lushbits
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ppl. really think ops were nerfed cause of whining noobs? Oh lord. I'd say BW dont give a **** about QQing about this game, else some bugs would be adressed weeks ago. They looked into their data and adjusted ops. Get over it.
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So far in this topic:


5 videos of 50's geared OP ganking lowbies and undergeared with adrenals up Pre-1.1 patch.


1 video of a 50 geared OP on a similar geared player damaging said player for max 30% of his HP


1 video of a 50 geared OP on a naked player critting 5k maximum.


Seriously, everybody is proving OP's point like this.

It's not possible to do 7k/8k crits anymore, and its also not possible to 3 hit someone remotely geared.


Show the proof OP asks for, because until then you are only making a fool out of yourself by saying 'it's simply a lie, they still do these crits'. No, they don't. And thats why you can't show it.

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ppl. really think ops were nerfed cause of whining noobs? Oh lord. I'd say BW dont give a **** about QQing about this game, else some bugs would be adressed weeks ago. They looked into their data and adjusted ops. Get over it.



Read the op before you post man, kinda making yourself look stupid there :)



Nothing to do with the whys and hows. All that is asked here is vids/screenies of what the kids on these boards rage about.




1. They are dying IN A 3 SECOND STUN




3. Heavy armor classes with 500+ exp are getting dropped to sub 30% in an opener.



Yes we know BW claim they base this nerf off metrics, what is asked for here is is it still happening after the buff stacking hotfix.


The simple truth is it is not, unless someone can prove otherwise. So far 12 pages of posts say No.

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ppl. really think ops were nerfed cause of whining noobs? Oh lord. I'd say BW dont give a **** about QQing about this game, else some bugs would be adressed weeks ago. They looked into their data and adjusted ops. Get over it.


They bought time for fixing that other stuff. They keep the biggest part of the player base happy now, so that they have time to patch together their broken game.


So yes, they did it because of the whine. They cannot afford the 60% playing sorcs quit, so they ****ed the 5% playing ops. Don't for one second think Mythic or EA are on some golden glory mission to achieve balance.


Balance for them spells M-O-N-E-Y.


Edit: ....still no video? Did everyone just stop using fraps after 1.1 or whats up?

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He had 1 orange piece, not several. And i could easily burst 7k + on my Shadow within 3gcds (shadow strike - project - force breach).



With buffs you could have maybe done 80% of the damage he delt within the same time.

WITH buffs.

I can burst more than you can on my marauder, but that doesnt mean I can out damage him, and especially not a 50 full tank and tank gear / spec.


And just to be clear, Ive got champion pvp set.

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So far in this topic:


5 videos of 50's geared OP ganking lowbies and undergeared with adrenals up Pre-1.1 patch.


1 video of a 50 geared OP on a similar geared player damaging said player for max 30% of his HP


1 video of a 50 geared OP on a naked player critting 5k maximum.


Seriously, everybody is proving OP's point like this.

It's not possible to do 7k/8k crits anymore, and its also not possible to 3 hit someone remotely geared.


Show the proof OP asks for, because until then you are only making a fool out of yourself by saying 'it's simply a lie, they still do these crits'. No, they don't. And thats why you can't show it.



I thought that was the point? That they shouldnt be able to do these crits anymore?

You lost your "I winz!!1" buttons, get over it.

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They bought time for fixing that other stuff. They keep the biggest part of the player base happy now, so that they have time to patch together they broken game.


So yes, they did it because of the whine. They cannot afford the 60% playing sorcs quit, so they ****ed the 5% playing ops. Don't for one second think Mythic or EA are on some golden glory mission to achieve balance.


Balance for them spells M-O-N-E-Y.



The really sad thing is, this is the most believable response on the matter. It makes sense from a business standpoint, but you have to feel sorry for the 5% that are gettting analy fisted by the nerf bat.

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I thought that was the point? That they shouldnt be able to do these crits anymore?

You lost your "I winz!!1" buttons, get over it.


Thank YOU!


That is what we want to prove here. But the fact is that they haven't nerfed us yet. This is only the result of removing of buff stacking and the introduction of 50s only bracket. STILL they want to give us the HUGE over-the-top Warhammer Online nerf bat.


Small adjustments are fine, sure. Removal of stun completely and a 20% pvp AND pve dmg reduction is just crazy.

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I thought that was the point? That they shouldnt be able to do these crits anymore?

You lost your "I winz!!1" buttons, get over it.



Im gonna go right ahead and guess you're a Sorc/Sage.


Read the freaking thread and stop making a complete fool of yourself, its just embarrasing dude.

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11 pages of proof that these scrubs screaming for nerfs are full of it.


Since when does pushing 2 buttons over and over again is considered hard?


Yeah, damn those scrubs who have a rotation that consists of more then 2 buttons. Spamming the same 2 skills is 1337.


Get over yourself. The patch is coming and now you will have to put more effort into playing rather than defending a class, which obviously is not withing the reasonable limits of what is balanced.


Silly kids. Their precious class gets nerfed and they go QQ mode.

Edited by Metallistic
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