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How exactly do you respond to moderators on the forums if they dont accept PMs?


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I recently was given an infraction for something which is completely unreasonable and I believe a mistake. When I try to reply to the message I am told community service does not accept a PM. I believe they were simply mistaken but how to go about telling them?
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You know I think Im just done with the forums. This place is nothing but negativity anyways. Id rather be in the game with people who actually care what happens with swtor. Also its a crap shoot when you replay as to what they will consider "rude". I guess name calling and borerline racism isnt rude. Seems like there should be standard rules for everyone but seems CSRs just randomly enforce this stuff willy nilly.
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I am not looking for support. I am looking to talk to a moderator because if what I said was "rude" then this entire forum should be banned permanently. Apparently the person calling me a child and every other name was fine tho because those posts remain.
I indicated the way the contact support, there you can give the name of the moderator and expose your problem.

Posting about moderation issues here on the forums will only get you into more trouble.

It was a friendly advice :)

Edited by Korrigan
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the moderation in this forum is some of the worst I have ever seen in any forum ever, I got and infraction for literally posting that the resolve system was retarded...


Really Resolve system is retarded and does not work as intended! Infraction for this?!


Yeah moderators do not know what they are doing

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