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How many classes did you PvP with?


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It seems that most people on forums, did not play other classes, dont know their mechanics and often did not even look into other classes ability list/talent trees.


I understand that for most players its normal to just focus on one character and class and min/max it, but i for example wanted to try out different classes, "feel" them, learn the mechanics and find out whats the most fun to play for me. Thus leveled two characters high with warzones mainly, and 3 others mid level doing only warzones as well.


Started out with Sorcerer - which was for long time my main, was a really fun class, with lots of utility, making great score in every warzone with barely any deathes... but playing it i realized at any rate its a "support" class. Nuking people from 30 m away, AoEing and dotting, always running from fight to reposition and nuke or heal again - the results were great, but it was not a class that really carries the direction of fight - he can score, he can kill or help kill, but he is and ultimattely will stay a support class. You barely even get a kills all by yourself (seeing 40 kills each warzone and wondering where they came from, sure didnt felt like it...)


The next class i tried was Powertech (pyrotech) - and thats where i realized how weak my sorc actually was. PT was by far the easiest class to play, was litterally melting faces of everyone, and that while staying always mobile and in the middle of the fight - something my sorc could only dream of. The damage and survivibility were great, the only real issue was heat, but it did not prevent a class from getting astounishing damage/kills numbers and making me feel like i just melt everyone in my way. The class is really fun, BUT - it seems too simplistic. I was doing the same thing over and over and over - and while it was effective, it kinda lacked any utility but damage. Still, if i ever got sick of my other classes this is a choice i will fall back just because of "melting faces" factor.


The next was Sniper - rolling him i read on forums about terrible cover mechanics, squishiness, los e.t.c - lots of whines. When i actually played it... i got to say that Snipers have one of the worst community here, because the class really rocks. The cover mechanic works great, i have no problems using it in combat, and sometimes even just hop in and out of cover just to get the buffs entering/exiting cover gives you. The survivability - i dont know what people complain about, to me it felt like playing a tank. Good armor, good defensive buffs, not being able to be CCed, damage reduction in cover - sniper is a class that is not easy to kill. Especially considering he does pretty good in mid range combat - just debilating and stunning people. Have good means to get away as well.

The damage was ok, and unlike sorc, shooting from a range i actually felt like it was me killing people and not just contributing to total damage score. The LOS isa ***** though, but right positioning (and opposite - not sitting on one place as a duck but moving with combat) negates it. Especially effective a sniper is as nuker in combo with other class - melee that occupies the target or healer that protects him. I found running in pairs as sniper the most. However, while effective, i found the class pretty boring for my taste.


Juggernaut - i just had to play "real" tank, but so far - its the only class that i really did not like, just because its playstile does not suit me. Survivibility is here, damage is ok, utility for the team is GREAT, but i seriously did not felt like playing him. Its the class that leads the combat, but depends on others to utilize the advantages he brings them.


Assassin - and than there was Assassin. From the first moments playing this class i loved it - great damage, great survivibility, stealth and ability to be tank/rogue/mage at any moment by choice. The class extremely versatile and thats what i love about it the most. I never feel like forced into single role and can be usefull in most situations - be it tanking the ball or sprinting through the fire, guarding the team mates, delivery great damage and killing people from befind or doing aoe damage in crowd, nuking people with spells, having nice CC. The class excels really in nothing, and yet is excellent.



Playing different classes made fighting against them in pvp much more easy, as you understand their mechanics, rotations and tactics. I understood that most classes that can do well regardless who they face, depending on player skill. I understood that most people crying about "underpowered" classes need l2p - as most classes can perform outstanding. (on other hand i understood that "nerfs" is a nessessary evil and we will see a lot of them in the future- as almost every class can do something so outstanding its out of line with normal game mechanics).


What classes did you play, and whats your impressions of them?

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Started out with Sorcerer - but it was not a class that really carries the direction of fight - he can score, he can kill or help kill


The next was Sniper - rolling him i read on forums about terrible cover mechanics, squishiness, los e.t.c - lots of whines. When i actually played it... i got to say that Snipers are one of the worst



What classes did you play, and whats your impressions of them?


Fixed it for you.

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Done Commando, Sorc, Sentinel and Guardian so far.


Only the Commando is max level.


I spend all my time when I'm not premading leveling alts so I can understand my opponents better.


Commando is great, solid spec. I enjoy how it rewards using LOS a lot to occasionally pop heals on yourself. Don't play grav/tracer, it's a waste of space against anything but nublets. Assault is where it's at.


Juggernaut is pretty good. But sadly only as good as your team, so terrible class to play if you solo queue. Has a great feeling of utility to it (taunts taunts and more taunts). But the downside is nobody votes up the SK that did "almost" highest damage, protection and objectives.


Sorc is pretty much as good as the forum speak makes you believe. Felt like I had more tools than I needed for any given situation. Dies fast to commandos, but only if they focus you before you focus them. Easily countered by sprinting to los+heal+bubble and re-engage though.


Sentinel was the worst, but I suspect only because my sent isn't high enough level to have enough of the tools/gear they need.

Edited by Vlaid
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I'm a Rep...I don't have the luxury of having my team carry me.


I'm a rep too...

As a ranged class, I still top damage and bottom deaths in losses... the only difference is that I have fewer kills because in a loss there isn't as much team around you to supplement

Funny... reps on my server win more than anything, at least from what I've seen

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uninstalled/cancelled player here


scoundrel 50 valor 57

guardian 50 valor 52

sage 28 valor 27

shadow 26 valor 22

commando 25 valor 25

sentinel 24 valor 24


I pretty much level from pvp, class quests and space dailys.


So I've not played vanguard or gunslinger


I've got no problem with the actual pvp, I enjoyed it. I have a problem with the pvp systems in place that give the pvp game no longevity so I quit.


I've never called for any class to be nerfed, I understand why people called for the scoundrel nerf but I've never had a problem with operatives, I find tracer missile annoying.


Being forced into doing dailys for purples in 3 warzones and a pseudo-world pvp zone do not make a healthy pvp endgame, imo.

Edited by Roak
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