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Increase heat and casting time of tracer missiles


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im just so tired of all the bad players complaining that they dont get to play the way they want to play.....


i mean how inept do you have to be to realize allowing tracers spammers to spam is bad. why would your solution ever be "hey bioware i suck so make it so the bad players cant spam me to death" when the reality should be "lol bioware you made a little kiddie class but its ok cuz ill just interupt the kids and win everytime"


stop calling out for nerfs, the game hasnt even developed yet, until there are competitive battlemaster premades vs each other in an equal setting with all the bugs removed from the game there isnt even data to come up with nerf crys. games are not balanced around garbage players crying about other garbage players having an easier class to play vs the bad players.


you balance a game around the elite players using the class optimally and when the elite players start hitting brick walls in terms of class balance then you will see the true nature of data.

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Wow a sniper can't even get close to that damage, and certainly can't just spam snipe and get those numbers.


Usually to get that cirit I have to adrenaline probe, wait for GCD and then ambush, meanwhile the BH just spams one ability and gets 4 shots off to my one.


I encountered one of these spammers in a game and before I could even look up I was dead.


No skill classes are a joke.

Edited by MightyHalo
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Wow a sniper can't even get close to that damage, and certainly can't just spam snipe and get those numbers.


Usually to get that cirit I have to adrenaline probe, wait for GCD and then ambush, meanwhile the BH just spams one ability and gets 4 shots off to my one.


I encountered one of these spammers in a game and before I could even look up I was dead.


No skill classes are a joke.


go play the class and then take your foot out of your mouth plz



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Until yesterday I thought tracer missiles were fine. But then I saw this



He plays noobstyle,(although he isnt) against other noobs and clearly shows that those missiles are overpowered.

If he would face experienced pvp ers he could use his knockbacks, stuns, vent heat, and he would still own them.


To all those who have no trouble beating the tracer spam, imagine what you could do if you had such skills available in your class.


So tune it down a tiny little bit. Make them generate 2,3 points more heat, and increase the casting time by 0,1 or 0,2 seconds. I guess those changes would already help a lot.


If your going to complain about someone being op, find someone worth while:



That's Me on my Bounty Hunter

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I prefer a challenge, not a spam click class of ridiculousness.


ill ignore your ignorace this one time and repost something i posted in another thread concerning this matter:


Tracer Missle

Heat Seaking Missles



Rail Shot

Rocket Punch

Explosive Dart

Jet Boost

Energy Shield


Rapid Scan

Power Surge

Concussion Missle

Stealth Scan

Death From Above

Sweeping Blasters

PvP trinket

Vent Heat

Hunter's boon

Buff pot

Healing pot

Throw Huttball


that is the list of skills i use in EVERY huttball game


my rotation:

-1v1: unload > tracer x3 > heat seekers > tracer x2 > rail shot > unload (when proc) > missile blast (if they try to run away) w/ electro dart, jet boost, and rocket punch added in when needed


-large group: explosive dart > fusion missile > death from above > sweeping blasters > missile blast (if i have any heat left)


kinda nice to have TWO rotations huh?


i accept your apology

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And no, none of your proposed changes would help at all. Noobs will still stand still while ranged dps free cast on them. They will not move out of the way. Your not supposed to be able to stand still and just tank all damage from a dps class. If your seeing missiles flying your way, and your complaining about it, you just don't know how to play. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY bro, the trains coming through. Edited by DkSharktooth
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Speaking of which, seems commando is the new FOTM, in the past few days there's been boatloads of commandos (but not nearly as many mercs) and they literally shred melee classes up. I wonder if they're scounderal rerolls.


Anyways, I fought a merc today that stood around doing tracer even when I was right in his face with my jugg, as I interrupt him, he struggles to figure out what to do other than back up and try tracer again. I only use tracer when I have a safe range and then use other abilities when I know I'm being looked at by enemies, the moment you start spamming tracer more than two times enemies know what's going on and will come for you.


I've suggested it before, on my jugg I have a 6 second cooldown on sundering assault that applies armor break which is similar to tracer missile's heat signature, tracer could be on a 6 second CD with no cast. Either that, or make jugg's sundering assault casted and spammable too. :p

Edited by Sookster
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And no, none of your proposed changes would help at all. Noobs will still stand still while ranged dps free cast on them. They will not move out of the way. Your not supposed to be able to stand still and just tank all damage from a dps class. If your seeing missiles flying your way, and your complaining about it, you just don't know how to play. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY bro, the trains coming through.


Out of the way or into their face to lock it down. Either works.

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Wow a sniper can't even get close to that damage, and certainly can't just spam snipe and get those numbers.


Usually to get that cirit I have to adrenaline probe, wait for GCD and then ambush, meanwhile the BH just spams one ability and gets 4 shots off to my one.


I encountered one of these spammers in a game and before I could even look up I was dead.


No skill classes are a joke.




Get a group, in your case a nice marauder and tell him hey if you see a tracer spammer we focus him down in 3 globals, stay on him and interupt, if i spot a healer trying to help ill cc the healer while u finish off the tracer spammer. ZOMG u WON !!!!

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Hey guys,


That video is actually me. The video was just for fun. I met a republic in Ilum I PvP'ed against a lot and he asked me if I had Tracer Missile keybound to WSAD, which made me want to make that video.


There is kind of a problem though, I only have a about 180 Expertise at Valor rank 44 (Non-Ilum farming, and champ bags hate me). But the 2 piece PvE bonus is way too unbalanced for PvP. It makes actually casting anything but Tracer Missile not worth it. Of course when you are locked out of it you do have a huge arsenal of other skills to use. It is just boring to PvP on a BH because sadly the best thing is to sit in the background and faceroll people. Yes, you can say people need to L2p, but come on, we all know probably 75% of people you see in a warzone are just lolbad.


2 piece set bonus adds 15% crit to Tracer Missile putting you at ~50% crit. Crits vent heat. So basically Tracer Missile spam keeps your heat down. I can only imagine someone with all PvP gear + 2 piece bonus, it would literally be a faceroll.


An equal skilled BH will be able to faceroll an equal skilled XYZ because of the class.

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Hey guys,


That video is actually me. The video was just for fun. I met a republic in Ilum I PvP'ed against a lot and he asked me if I had Tracer Missile keybound to WSAD, which made me want to make that video.


There is kind of a problem though, I only have a about 180 Expertise at Valor rank 44 (Non-Ilum farming, and champ bags hate me). But the 2 piece PvE bonus is way too unbalanced for PvP. It makes actually casting anything but Tracer Missile not worth it. Of course when you are locked out of it you do have a huge arsenal of other skills to use. It is just boring to PvP on a BH because sadly the best thing is to sit in the background and faceroll people. Yes, you can say people need to L2p, but come on, we all know probably 75% of people you see in a warzone are just lolbad.


2 piece set bonus adds 15% crit to Tracer Missile putting you at ~50% crit. Crits vent heat. So basically Tracer Missile spam keeps your heat down. I can only imagine someone with all PvP gear + 2 piece bonus, it would literally be a faceroll.


An equal skilled BH will be able to faceroll an equal skilled XYZ because of the class.


Good job not mentioning your premade.

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Arsenal Merc OP ... LOL.


If anything they are the easiest of classes to deal with.


In Void star they are like a turret. Easy to spot and easy to get to. Get one melee person who can halfway play their class and that BH is going to the graveyard.


In Alderaan, it is the same thing unless the BH takes the high ground in the center. Hell, then you just need somebody to get in his face and again no more missile spam.


In Huttball, the missile spam is completely avoidable. Most BH missile spammers take the high ground and do their best to stand there. All you have to do is break line of sight or get them off the high ground. Stealthers can easily get behind them and take them out in 3 shots. Warriors can force leap on top of them and take them out of the fight. And then there is the grapple which brings the BH off his high perch and into the proverbial fire. Then there is the numerous kickbacks in the game that will send the BH flying. Once they are off their high perch, the missile spam ends because either (a) they no longer have line of sight on their target (b) the other players in the pit are gunning for the spammer.


Most missile spammers are to busy trying to missile spam to notice their surroundings. You just have to take advantage of their lack of mobility.


If a missile spamming BH racks up a large number of kills or dps numbers it is only because the opposing team is playing like newbs and not taking care of business.

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I agree that tracer missile is not the best implemented dps ability but it is hardly OP.


The following advice applies to pretty much any time someone is casting something at you. Step out of line of sight! Its really that easy. Even if you only break it for a split second it causes the cast to reset. I cant describe to you how frustrating it is when im trying to cast something at someone and they just sidestep back in and out of LoS from behind a pole or the caps on civil war. They can literally make it so you never get a cast off at them.

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Good job not mentioning your premade.


Yeah uhh, too bad it wasn't a premade. If you notice at the beginning of the video in the chat the ....... people said. I told them I was making a PvP video and that they shouldn't count on me to hold a cap by myself because I had one skill on my bar. Those 2 were the only 50's on my team.

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