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Server Population: Too few players to play with


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I was wondering if there was any word on server populations. I am a level 50 Operative on Soresu and I can't find anyone to run FP's with or any of the high level content. PvP ques take anywhere from 15min-1 hour at peak times. If any info on server transfers or mergers would be appreciated. I took this server recommended for me and stayed away from the high population servers like Bioware said, boy that was dumb.


1) Don't tell me to re-roll, I shouldn't have to sacrifice my hard work and time in a character just to play the game the way it's intended to be played (with people)


2.) This isn't about Republic and Sith balance, just overall lack of population on server's


3.) A lot of people were discouraged from high pop server's due to long que times and Biowares recommendation we stay away from them, this caused us to be left behind once server's balanced out.



Any info or word would be great!



Edited by Morvix
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I was wondering if there was any word on server populations. I am a level 50 Operative on Soresu and I can't find anyone to run FP's with or any of the high level content. PvP ques take anywhere from 15min-1 hour at peak times. If any info on server transfers or mergers would be appreciated. I took this server recommended for me and stayed away from the high population servers like Bioware said, boy that was dumb.


1) Don't tell me to re-roll, I shouldn't have to sacrifice my hard work and time in a character just to play the game the way it's intended to be played (with people)


2.) This isn't about Republic and Sith balance, just overall lack of population on server's


3.) A lot of people were discouraged from high pop server's due to long que times and Biowares recommendation we stay away from them, this caused us to be left behind once server's balanced out.



Any info or word would be great!




over looked?

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Care to reveal which server you are on?


It says he is on Soresu.


This extends to servers that aren't really lacking in population too. The activity level of the Republic on Keller's Void is quite low. This was originally a very heavy population server when I joined it too. You might get 100 people in the Republic fleet at peak times, but it goes deeper than that. Nobody is ever talking or looking for groups in the general chats of the different zones. Compare this to my Imperial characters on The Fatman: there are people constantly running everything. The fleet is always packed (250+ people even at off times) and the people just seem more engaging and active.


Keep in mind that Keller's Void is not even a low population server. There are probably 100 low-standard pop servers that I'm guessing are MISERABLE to play on.

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Just because it says there are 250 players in your area doesn't necessary mean that it is correct :p


It is a common devious thing with mmos/MUDS to mess with this number to make it appear to be more populated than it actually is. And that is because you play these games and you want players to be playing to. Even if you don't meet them, the idea they are there makes it feel mmo... your mind is tricked. At startup games this is even more important since the numbers would be so low people would quit rather than keep playing and the numbers will never grow.


In swtor i've been in fleets where there are, or said there are, 200+ players, but the place feels DEAD. In a small area like the fleet 200 players should be generating tons of parties. There are games with less than 200 players where you get stuff going easily.

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Hahaha, to think not only 2 weeks ago, lots of pretentions... would sarcastically say "this is why the game will fail" and then posted a screenshot with the server list, all on Heavy.


Look at them now. Whining about low population. (not the OP).

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Bioware launched with too many servers and its classification of 'Standard' population servers is laughably low.


Kellian Jarro server is this probem all over, I cant vouch for Imperials but on Republic side fleet maxes out at around 80 players (usually nearer 60) and maybe half or slightly more than half of those are below level 50 making it very tough indeed to get a group together for anything worthwhile.


At this point Bioware needs to swallow its pride and merge groups of 2-3 lower population servers to at least give us a shot at having some other people to play this MMO with.


If this means 20 min queues at peak times, i'm willing to accept that, better that than the alternative.

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I like the ideas of server merger's and cross server pvp/dungeon finder. I know there is no perfect system and that Bioware has to prioritize it's bugs, but if they wait too long to fix the server's than customer's will (if they have not already) will loose interest and move on to something else. Star War's is niche, you want to keep that niche happy.





Please update us soon Bioware!

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I ahve the same problem as republic on Chundar...


Peak hours about 60-80 ppl on fleet far from everyone lvl 50....


Major issue that could have been solved with a cross-realm dugneon finder


and on the PVP side, cross realm WZ queues and lvl 50 not being its own minuscule bracket.

Edited by Dominemesis
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Kellian Jarro server is this probem all over, I cant vouch for Imperials but on Republic side fleet maxes out at around 80 players (usually nearer 60) and maybe half or slightly more than half of those are below level 50 making it very tough indeed to get a group together for anything worthwhile.


I play Empire on Kellian Jarro, fleet goes up to maybe 110 during peak hours in the weekend, still hard to find a group even with roughly double the amount of players.


I do hope BioWare is at least looking at possible server merges for low-pop servers, but there's no official word yet as far as I know.


I've heard two different rumours:


- BioWare will have to look into merging low-pop servers if they want to keep their player base


- BioWare will not look into server merges this early on as it's seen as a sign of weakness from the developing company, and it might make their stock drop.


Knowing it's all about the numbers at EA headquarters, the second rumour seems plausible, unfortunately.

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There is a pretty straight forward answer to this - the guild system. BioWare encouraged very early organisation of guilds and a good chunk of the people who like to play socially have joined a guild. Those that didn't join at launch did so shortly after with many rerolling once they had found a group to play with (a noticable number of applicants to my guild rerolled to join us, which was flattering). This means that while there is plenty of grouping going on, much of it is in guild - so far I have only grouped with people outside my guild a couple of times and that was for very quick quests (when you show up at the quest spot and someone else is already there scratching their head and hoping someone else turns up lol).


The other reason for low populations is the number of available planets and the awkwardness of travelling easily between them. Each planet covers only a few levels which causes more of a player spread and the planets are large. Players tend to stay one one planet until they complete it rather than moving between a lot of different ones.


If you plan to play this game for a while and you want people to play with then go find a guild. Look outside your own server - you may find the one that is right for you in another place. Yes, this means re rolling. I know you are adamant that you shouldn't have to but I think you're gonna budge before BioWare does and you could always try another class and hope they open up server transfers. You can either move and find people to play with (assuming there is no one you want to join on your server) or you can sit on your own until BioWare opens charactor transfers in the future. Or I guess you can cry about it but that won't really help.


I am hoping that we see some server merges to bring the population up a bit, but I think you need to be proactive in finding people rather than expecting BioWare to bring them to you.

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I noticed on my server theres barely anyone and when it comes to instances like hammer station and other mid level instances i can never find no one. I spent 4 hours i tried so hard and im a healer by the way. I wish we have atleast LFG system because this way of doing it sucks. I know people say its bad thing to have it u be teamed with monsters from other servers. I rather have that than spend so much time spamming channel and population on this server used to be alot barely any i guess most people finish their free month and quit. maybe i should of too
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