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10 Good
  1. Bump for great justice. Guess the folks at BioWare are too busy counting EA's money for them.
  2. I play Empire on Kellian Jarro, fleet goes up to maybe 110 during peak hours in the weekend, still hard to find a group even with roughly double the amount of players. I do hope BioWare is at least looking at possible server merges for low-pop servers, but there's no official word yet as far as I know. I've heard two different rumours: - BioWare will have to look into merging low-pop servers if they want to keep their player base - BioWare will not look into server merges this early on as it's seen as a sign of weakness from the developing company, and it might make their stock drop. Knowing it's all about the numbers at EA headquarters, the second rumour seems plausible, unfortunately.
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