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Threat issues in groups


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I'm a new Sentinel, having levelled my Vanguard, Scoundrel, and Shadow into at least their 30s (and the Vanguard into his 40s) before adding this toon for testing (for playstyle enjoyment) purposes. At present, the Sentinel's 22 and finishing up Taris. In going back to complete those Heroic 4+ quests, I've had some issues with threat management. Specifically, the tanks I did these quests with tonight were unable to pull off of me when something decided to eat my face off, and I'd like to know why.


I'm specced Watchman ( http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbR.1 ) currently. My opener involves giving the tank two to three seconds after engaging to establish some early threat, then Force Leap -> Overload -> Zealous -> Cauterize (on the biggest target, that I assume the tank'll be primarily tanking) -> DPS Cooldowns (Relics, Adrenals on multi-gold fights/bosses, and Rebuke if there are multiple un-CCed silvers that need to be burned fast and I know I'm going to aggro one or two in the process) -> a pretty simple priority rotation that involves Strike, Zealous, Slash, repeats of the above, and either Master Strike or Force Sweep as 'filler' (i.e.: I'm bored and need to hit a different button) depending on whether it's a single-target fight or an AOE trash pull.


At this point in the game, my Vanguard and my Shadow had no threat issues whatsoever doing these Heroic 4+ quests (and were a level or two lower), so what am I doing wrong as a Sentinel?


Does popping my DPS-enhancing cooldowns that early really make me that much a threat magnet? I haven't levelled a Guardian, so I don't know what their Max Threat rotation is like, but do they lack any threat-frontloaders at all?


Oh, and since I know someone's going to ask... I'm in Juyo form and I'm doing everything I can to spread my burn DOTs around while still focusing on the strong -> elite -> champ kill order.


Am I just getting my DOTs on the mobs before the tank (in these cases, a 21 Jedi Guardian, and in one, a 22 Shadow) has a chance to apply initial aggro? Is initial aggro really that strongly frontloaded that someone who applies a hit + DOT out-threats a tank who, a few seconds later, applies a melee special and a taunt? I've read more than a bit about Sentinels' capabiliies being "sub-par", and that's why I rolled one with which to play, but if they out-threat tanks with a very basic (napkin math) DPS rotation... I don' know if this is the class for me; I like to play underdog classes... thus my Consular will forever be a crafting alt. Don't hate me for having a Vanguard... I've loved them since the early Weekend Betas >.<


What happened here?

Edited by Zachloupe
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Yeah, I'd try it again without popping your dps cooldowns until the second cycle or so. Other than that, I think you're fine, on your end...if necessary, just occupy space for a GCD or two and let the tank try to build more threat, I guess.


Also, remember that at 20-25ish, some tanks don't have a whole lot of tools yet. Just keep doing your thing and have a good time :D

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Yes in Early stages of the game and with certain tanks (guardians specif.) you will have issues pulling aggro. As watchman specced your burn dmg is pretty mean right out of the gate, the dmg you put up just from OS + Zealous (even though it doesnt hit very hard) and then Caut will build you some nice aggro. Remember those dots are ticking all while you are focus building with your reg. attack, adding fillers into your rotation (even force skills that do not apply a charge of OS) etc. The dmg all adds up pretty fast and before you know it theres a mob in your face. Until you get Force Camo, just slow your rotation down a bit and try not to stack all three OS with Caut, its a big flag to the enemy that he should punch you in the face instead of the brick wall :D And wait on those relics + adrenals etc etc until the mob is @ 30%. But the more levels you gain the more your bag of tricks fills up and you can get away with alot more in PVE. Edited by Hezakia
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go all out... if you pull aggro rember you have a reset butten (4 second camo)... in pugs i pull off the tanks all the time just camo and he goes back to tank and i start back up its a litterally a free aggro reset....


i am pretty sure u have force camo but i could be wrong

Edited by Dagimpster
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