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Mara's are fine. If your having issues come here to ask questions and avoid these QQ


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Heya there... just got out of a heated convo with a QQ'er who just thinks we are broken... we are not however and if your having issues in one department or the other, there are plenty of mara's here to help you along your road to success. Pls dont qq just ask and we will help you resolve it. Happy hunting :)
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Choke and ravage do not work a lot of the time in PvP, resolve please.


I know this feeling i normaly just use choke in situations after i have rooted and done my initial rotation ill choke to waste time waiting on cd's. bout the only use for it really. as for ravage unless your carnage its pretty useless but your target will stun if carnaged spec'd

As for the spammers your posts will be removed ty this is not a grammar check post this is help mara's post.

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That's good to know. Me personally, I have it set in my mind that I wish to play a Marauder, but as a Sith Warrior I feel like I'm being pigeon-holed into playing a Juggernaut (I cant stand the heavy armor tank-ish types) for the following reasons:


1. Juggernauts have various forms of CCs and a knockback. Marauders only form of unique CC is an immobolize, thats it. While others have, ya know, actual stuns, actual control. I do acknowledge that Marauders have a "Mortal Strike"-ish ability.


2. It seems that as the "defensive" side of the warrior class, I'm doing more damage than the offensive side of the class.


3. Juggernauts have access to provide protection in PvP, marauders just..do damage.


Outside of the 15 seconds buffs that marauders have, is there any benefit to rolling a marauders outside of the fact that they dual wield?


Just for kicks, another reason I chose Juggernaut is because of the gear. They actually have the armor that was shown on the Marauder in the progression video. So in terms of the two ACs, Juggs look like actual sith. Again, I would really like to roll a Marauder, but I feel like if I do so, I'd be gimping myself. Also I dont want to enjoy one level of Marauders being viable, while 1-49 is hell for me.


So again, is there any benefit to playing a Marauder in PvP over a Juggernaut? Thanks! :o

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That's good to know. Me personally, I have it set in my mind that I wish to play a Marauder, but as a Sith Warrior I feel like I'm being pigeon-holed into playing a Juggernaut (I cant stand the heavy armor tank-ish types) for the following reasons:


1. Juggernauts have various forms of CCs and a knockback. Marauders only form of unique CC is an immobolize, thats it. While others have, ya know, actual stuns, actual control. I do acknowledge that Marauders have a "Mortal Strike"-ish ability.


2. It seems that as the "defensive" side of the warrior class, I'm doing more damage than the offensive side of the class.


3. Juggernauts have access to provide protection in PvP, marauders just..do damage.


Outside of the 15 seconds buffs that marauders have, is there any benefit to rolling a marauders outside of the fact that they dual wield?


Just for kicks, another reason I chose Juggernaut is because of the gear. They actually have the armor that was shown on the Marauder in the progression video. So in terms of the two ACs, Juggs look like actual sith. Again, I would really like to roll a Marauder, but I feel like if I do so, I'd be gimping myself. Also I dont want to enjoy one level of Marauders being viable, while 1-49 is hell for me.


So again, is there any benefit to playing a Marauder in PvP over a Juggernaut? Thanks! :o


yes there are many reasons... I will not lie as you will see in many QQ posts. the mara is very complex. you got to pay attention to what you are doing and time your stuff just right... once you get the hang of it you will top meters by a landslide in pvp and kills and medals. also in huttball with the ammount of def cd's we have we are awesome ball runners compared to others. i can hold a 1v3 fight for quite a bit and win most 1v2 fights.

the downside is if you mess up it will cost you because you can be squishy if not played right.

as for pve when it comes to the "each person gets a mom" i always kill mine first with lil or no health loss due to cd's which allows healers to focus on others and relieves some stress

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That's good to know. Me personally, I have it set in my mind that I wish to play a Marauder, but as a Sith Warrior I feel like I'm being pigeon-holed into playing a Juggernaut (I cant stand the heavy armor tank-ish types) for the following reasons:


1. Juggernauts have various forms of CCs and a knockback. Marauders only form of unique CC is an immobolize, thats it. While others have, ya know, actual stuns, actual control. I do acknowledge that Marauders have a "Mortal Strike"-ish ability.


2. It seems that as the "defensive" side of the warrior class, I'm doing more damage than the offensive side of the class.


3. Juggernauts have access to provide protection in PvP, marauders just..do damage.


Outside of the 15 seconds buffs that marauders have, is there any benefit to rolling a marauders outside of the fact that they dual wield?


Just for kicks, another reason I chose Juggernaut is because of the gear. They actually have the armor that was shown on the Marauder in the progression video. So in terms of the two ACs, Juggs look like actual sith. Again, I would really like to roll a Marauder, but I feel like if I do so, I'd be gimping myself. Also I dont want to enjoy one level of Marauders being viable, while 1-49 is hell for me.


So again, is there any benefit to playing a Marauder in PvP over a Juggernaut? Thanks! :o


also as you get deeper into trees you have multiple ccs including an aoe fear saber throw will root ppl , force choke, your leap will stun and ravage will stun while it does its rotation

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I think the only issue is that they're sub-par until certain requirements are met. Specifically, gear. This was a big deal because we just started the game- new players, or older players re-rolling probably won't notice it as much because they've got a group of established Marauders/Sentinels to learn from, as well as the patience to get to the point where they're fine.
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I think the only issue is that they're sub-par until certain requirements are met. Specifically, gear. This was a big deal because we just started the game- new players, or older players re-rolling probably won't notice it as much because they've got a group of established Marauders/Sentinels to learn from, as well as the patience to get to the point where they're fine.


true words

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Full champion & have been before hitting valor rank 20. Been 50 well over a month & sorry to break the news to you that Marauders are broken. Every other class has a knockback, stuns yet we're stuck with a DOB aoe stun & a bugged out force choke. I could list everything each AC has but its counter productive.


Personally as much as i love the fury system its no way worth giving up force pull or even heavy armor for that matter, Marauder is almost as bad as Chosen were on release. Bright wizard, boiling blood dot could annihilate your health alone & thats just picking off one example.


As we all know Mythic have control over Endgame/PVP & for those who've played Warhammer Online should know not to expect anything smart coming our way. For example both our PVE/PVP set bonuses are awful just AWFUL, i really do wonder what goes thru peoples brains when they come up with such useless set bonuses for us when other classes get far superior.


They're only two reason why Marauders are brought to raids

;- Obfuscate

;- Bloodthirst


If it wasnt for those two we'd get shunned for lets say for arguments sake, an afker. This isnt QQ this is fact.


The future isnt bright, the future isnt orange.

Edited by Kodokai
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Full champion & have been before hitting valor rank 20. Been 50 well over a month & sorry to break the news to you that Marauders are broken. Every other class has a knockback, stuns yet we're stuck with a DOB aoe stun & a bugged out force choke. I could list everything each AC has but its counter productive.


Personally as much as i love the fury system its no way worth giving up force pull or even heavy armor for that matter, Marauder is almost as bad as Chosen were on release. Bright wizard, boiling blood dot could annihilate your health alone & thats just picking off one example.


As we all know Mythic have control over Endgame/PVP & for those who've played Warhammer Online should know not to expect anything smart coming our way. For example both our PVE/PVP set bonuses are awful just AWFUL, i really do wonder what goes thru peoples brains when they come up with such useless set bonuses for us when other classes get far superior.


They're only two reason why Marauders are brought to raids

;- Obfuscate

;- Bloodthirst


If it wasnt for those two we'd get shunned for lets say for arguments sake, an afker. This isnt QQ this is fact.


The future isnt bright, the future isnt orange.


Your post certainly is.

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Wait, let me get this right, you tell people that mara's do not have issues and are fine without giving any reasoning for why the issues raised are not valid, and then when a person comes up with a well written reply that disagrees with you, you tell him that he is QQing and shouldn't express his opinion, really?

And you don't even reply by bringing up a well constructed counterpost, just simply by insulting his playing ability in spite not knowing it?


Now, having pointed out why I think your post is useless and that you are set in stone in your opinion purely by virtue of "because i say so!":


Marauders are a lot less broken after yesterday, the delay change went great strides towards fixing a number of the bugs connected to the class and was also, at least in pvp, a rather huge boost to marauders by simple virtue of being able to use our abilities now. They still suffer from low dps unless they go rage, and from most pve encounters being specificallly tuned against melee, as well as being the only class without any proper CC, although if you go Carnage you got more roots than a damn tree.


Sadly, until dps meters come up we cannot confirm if we are truly as far behind on dps as it seems so far, but marauders at the moment have a lot of factors going against them, and relatively few going for them. Sadly, one of the few they do have going for them is that they are a fun class to play, and a hard class to play compared to the others (hell, my level 10 operative DESTROYS marauders in terms of medals in pvp, and my trooper can just spam ranged attacks for victory while knockbacking and freezing anyone who tries to get to me in melee).


Another factor which will need time is the gear, especially if they decide to allow stats to affect our offhand attacks.


But for now, sadly marauders are just as "fine and balanced" compared to others as Sorcerers are.

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Can we stay on topic, please? This is a good idea for a thread but not one question has popped up. ASK questions here. Don't derail the topic with your opinion about the viability of the class, no matter how well-constructed it may be. There's plenty of other threads on the sub-forums for that. This one has a different purpose.
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To the op poster dó you even have a raid gear marauder


I 99% sure u don't ... There are so menny bugs withthis class , i Can run casting anhi

3 time before it go off due to the lag, woot



The bonus set are a joke , therenare to meny problems with the class and they Devs now it.


Deal with it ..... Try Roll a sorc and see what the clas's Can dó...


U full of it. Show us Youre rank or level gear before coming here ...saying crap

Tell us u was in beta. Show us that u was playing marauder When we had force pull

U cant ...

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To the op poster dó you even have a raid gear marauder


I 99% sure u don't ... There are so menny bugs withthis class , i Can run casting anhi

3 time before it go off due to the lag, woot



The bonus set are a joke , therenare to meny problems with the class and they Devs now it.


Deal with it ..... Try Roll a sorc and see what the clas's Can dó...


U full of it. Show us Youre rank or level gear before coming here ...saying crap

Tell us u was in beta. Show us that u was playing marauder When we had force pull

U cant ...


i dont need to prove anything im here because i apparently dont have an issue with the class and want to help... no i didnt have beta and yes the loss of a forcepull is no buff that is for sure. however i am 50 in full pvp gear and am having no issues. so instead of telling me im full of it and wasting time tell me what your issue is so i can help? also a set bonus doesnt mean we are broken it means the set is broken

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Question: How are a lot of Marauders claiming that they are doing 75k+ healing as anni when some of the bleed effects from the tree are bugged? Or are they no longer bugged.


None of the bleeds related to getting heals were bugged. DPS hard and crit hard. Also, payback in rage tree helps.

Edited by Aurrelio
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ok well if you dont want to tell me what is broken then stop wasteing my time. i just want to know so i can help but you would rather argue.


No mate, you could never help me. Sorry to burst your bubble but i far exceed a "capable player".


To the op poster dó you even have a raid gear marauder


I 99% sure u don't ... There are so menny bugs withthis class , i Can run casting anhi

3 time before it go off due to the lag, woot



The bonus set are a joke , therenare to meny problems with the class and they Devs now it.


Deal with it ..... Try Roll a sorc and see what the clas's Can dó...


U full of it. Show us Youre rank or level gear before coming here ...saying crap

Tell us u was in beta. Show us that u was playing marauder When we had force pull

U cant ...


Both PVP/PVE set bonuses are a joke, thats one thing you're correct on.


Ability delay is getting better over time.

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Question: How are a lot of Marauders claiming that they are doing 75k+ healing as anni when some of the bleed effects from the tree are bugged? Or are they no longer bugged.


TBH i dont play anni as i pvp more than pve but i will say the bleeds only add to it. we have ur self heal that all classes get on top of that pluss teh healing icons you can pick up in warzones pluss if spec'd into it some of your cd's will heal you

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Question: How are a lot of Marauders claiming that they are doing 75k+ healing as anni when some of the bleed effects from the tree are bugged? Or are they no longer bugged.


If they were bugged it was only for a very short period (previous patch, I think). In the Void Star I just played I hit 81k healing. The other Anni-spec'd Marauder on my team had 36k but he dealt about 40% of the damage, so it makes sense.


I can confirm that as of now Berserk is indeed guaranteeing crits on DoT ticks if that was what you were having issues with.

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A number of posts have been removed from this thread because they were off-topic and unconstructive. In order to keep this thread open, we ask that any further replies to this thread be on-topic and relevant to the discussion.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

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That's good to know. Me personally, I have it set in my mind that I wish to play a Marauder, but as a Sith Warrior I feel like I'm being pigeon-holed into playing a Juggernaut (I cant stand the heavy armor tank-ish types) for the following reasons:


1. Juggernauts have various forms of CCs and a knockback. Marauders only form of unique CC is an immobolize, thats it. While others have, ya know, actual stuns, actual control. I do acknowledge that Marauders have a "Mortal Strike"-ish ability.


2. It seems that as the "defensive" side of the warrior class, I'm doing more damage than the offensive side of the class.


3. Juggernauts have access to provide protection in PvP, marauders just..do damage.


Outside of the 15 seconds buffs that marauders have, is there any benefit to rolling a marauders outside of the fact that they dual wield?


Just for kicks, another reason I chose Juggernaut is because of the gear. They actually have the armor that was shown on the Marauder in the progression video. So in terms of the two ACs, Juggs look like actual sith. Again, I would really like to roll a Marauder, but I feel like if I do so, I'd be gimping myself. Also I dont want to enjoy one level of Marauders being viable, while 1-49 is hell for me.


So again, is there any benefit to playing a Marauder in PvP over a Juggernaut? Thanks! :o


Actually, I found Marauder to be easier to level than Guardian. Could be class\faction content, but overall, it felt easier.


First, I got amazing baseline damage. I tore through Silvers and Golds much quicker - in fact, it felt like I tore down a Gold faster than my Guardian killed a Silver. I felt as tough as non-tank Guardian - perhaps even tougher, simply because of the killing speed.


In Annihilation, I essentially had 2 interrupts on a 6 and 12-sec cooldowns, 4-second invulnerability on a 45-sec cooldown and the ability to do pain even when I'm not touching the enemy (slow that particularly nasty meleer, kite him while he's bleeding, then charge back in when DoTs are fading).


The short of it - Marauder\Sent is amazing when you get the hang of it.


My main problem is "fresh" level 50 PvP. Marauder is my alt, so I didn't spend as much time gearing him. Everyone and their mother had arseloads of Expertise, and I didn't feel half as comfortable as in the pre-expertise time. Those geared Sages, in particular, are hell.


Ranged is supposed to be frakking afraid when a melee DPS is in their face. And they were - I recall cutting down level 40+ people on my 20 Marauder back when he was levelling very quickly. The killing time measured in seconds, not in minutes, like it does now. Kriff Expertise. It's a horrible stat and it needs to die in a fire.

Edited by Helig
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i dont need to prove anything im here because i apparently dont have an issue with the class and want to help... no i didnt have beta and yes the loss of a forcepull is no buff that is for sure. however i am 50 in full pvp gear and am having no issues. so instead of telling me im full of it and wasting time tell me what your issue is so i can help? also a set bonus doesnt mean we are broken it means the set is broken


Yet you told me in another thread you were an NON geared 50 and you were pulling 350k so which are you ?


you really should stop with all the bs like this thread may i say :o

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