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<Cali Killed Nox> world first Unyielding title!

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Lol I just noticed why condemned is so mad. They claimed world first on their website after 3 EU guilds already cleared the content the day of!


God, these forums just get better and better!

Edited by Artacks
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curiuos as to class comp for this. did you stack sage healers?


our raid comp is as follows


1 jugg tank

1 assassin tank (until someones alt PT gets 50)

1 sorc dps

1 sorc healer

1 merc dps

1 merc healer

1 marauder

1 sniper

Edited by gramz
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We don't have assassins, just for tanking because she's geared out the *** and our jugg is possibly rerolling Merc, while I could be switching to PT since we picked up some decent sorcs here recently. It seems advertising with threads such as this one is working as far as recruiting the people we want to recruit, very possibly we'll be clearing 16 NMM content again in a few weeks. :)
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We don't have assassins, just for tanking because she's geared out the *** and our jugg is possibly rerolling Merc, while I could be switching to PT since we picked up some decent sorcs here recently. It seems advertising with threads such as this one is working as far as recruiting the people we want to recruit, very possibly we'll be clearing 16 NMM content again in a few weeks. :)


she's still an assassin

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What ever happened to the good ol days when someone did something stupid and when they got yelled at they shut up and fixed it.


What up with everyone having feelings all of a sudden. Casuals.


Leroy Jenkins happened and then people thought messing up was perfectly acceptable because it was funny, not realizing that Leroy Jenkins was a very isolated incident (possibly scripted?). Now it's:


"Stop standing in fire! ****!"

"L2Heal newb"


I have been a healer for nearly 7 years and I have always said "I can heal through a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them."


Edit: Luckily, I have never been a hardcore, so messing up doesn't bother me too badly. Only messing up repeatedly, or because of stupidity bothers me, but accidents do happen.

Edited by DarthVarrak
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