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Powertech PvP: A Discussion


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I like the powertech class. I love the visuals, fire, explosions, the whole nine yards.


But quite frankly, I'm getting a little jaded in pvp, and I was hoping you guys could give me some tips and pointers as to whether I'm just being stupid or whatever.


Here's some queries I have to discuss:


1. Survivability + DPS.

I swapped out of tank spec to the parakeet spec, as I was quite frankly, tired of beating on people and nothing happening to their health bar. Granted, this was back when I was a fresh 50, and not tooled up like I am now, so maybe its time I changed back to see if with pvp gear, my damage capabilities have improved.


Are you guys finding that you have enough DPS to keep pressure on and enough survivability to keep yourself there to make a difference in a fight? Or are you more a nagging thing on the edge of someone's radar?


2. Ranged classes.

I'm finding it hard to resist the urge to join the general move and roll an Inquisitor or a Mercenary, they seem to have things a lot easier, a lot more tools, a lot more damage, maybe its just my imagination, but I can't help wondering as I run around trying to get into range of people that these peons sitting on top of walkways and such are just having a much easier time of it all.


3. Defenses in PvP.

I never saw any resolution from anyone as to the defensive stats in pvp. Do they work? Are they useless? Is the tanking side of our class pretty useless in pvp short of firing off taunts and guarding people and following them around like a puppy only to be slaughtered? I can't help thinking that when I go back to tanking, I'll just be this extra buff on someone's bar, to keep the almighty Inquisitor or Mercenary alive longer.


4. Offhand shield as Pyro

Thought of something else, just a quick query, would you use an offhand shield as a pyro for the slightly increased damage resistance?


Anyway, /rant over, I just wondered if you guys could share any tips, issues or observations.

Edited by GazTheViking
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I play a Shieldtech in PvP at this point, and I am finding the operative word to be control.


I am better equipped to control the flow of the opposing team than most other classes.


-- I can Grapple/Root/Snare frequently to control ball carriers or peel from soft targets.


-- I have Guard and Taunt to control damage done to my team mates.


-- I have several forms of CC to remove enemy mobility.


-- I have Rocket Charge to improve my own mobility.


-- I have decent emergency cooldowns when necessary, and consistently take reduced damage through armor.


When I approached PvP with the mind set of trying to kill other players I became frustrated very quickly. However, when I approached it with the intent to simply control them I began to find PvP much more enjoyable.


I think once you decide which is more important to you - damage or control - then you will know what to focus on, and will get a more satisfying PvP experience.


Whichever you do, though, I wouldn't recommend using a shield generator unless you are using IGC. Even then, with the amount of shieldable attacks currently in PvP, you may find more benefit from just a power generator.

Edited by Lezale
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long time pvp here. im a full shield tech, for starters. my observations so far as powertech are that we are a support class and very heavily objective minded. its not everyones playstyle. in warzones im usually top 3 unless we are getting farmed, never top damage, always top guarding, and pretty frequently top on objective points and medals. the goal for me is to stay alive as long as possible and cause as many problems as i can for the other team. most of the match im shooting electro darts, grappling healers, jumping to high priority targets so the real dps can burn them down. every once in a while, you get stuck in a 1v1, or 2v1 where you have to duke it out, but i generally try to avoid this situation because it does take a while to kill people and reinforcements always show up and screw me. im no good to the team going around like rambo and dying. picking the most useful fights is important. sometimes its alot more boring than that.. objective defense. most people seem to think twice about running up on a powertech. make yourself a target so your team can get the advantage, you can take a lot more damage than anyone else. theres another post on how our damage can be high on paper at the end of the match, but its mostly grinding away kind of damage over the course of the match. theres also a very good post on our mitigation as far as it relates to pvp. long story short on that, is shields currently dont do too much to keep us alive in pvp because most of the damage goes right by it, which is why the parakeet build works without really killing your survivability. ive never tried the build, simply because im happy with full shield tech. ive resigned myself to never rolling face with giant crits and deeps, but i find satisfaction in staying alive, causing all kinds of havoc, and being able to really contribute to the win. /end text wall.
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play the pyro spec if you want alot of range, majority of my kills are from 20-30 meters, the free shot combined with all the dots is so good for chasing those damn sorcs who always force speed away, i feel the pyrotech is the best chaser in the game aslong as peole dont get out of your range of rapid shots because you can apply a permanant snare on them if you spam it Edited by Bejita
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What's your spec. Right now I'm specced 8 6 27, getting 9% aim and prototype cylinders at the cost of thermal detonator (worth it!) and I pump out the dmg doing 300-500k dmg in a battleground, very few classes even stand a chance one on one. As for ranged classes, grapple needs to be well placed, and try and stay up high in huttball. Open up with incendiary missle followed by railshot followed by flame burst and you'll be inrange and they'll be snared, never had a big problem with range, except snipers up high in cover.
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Parakeet + eliminator set/supercommando shield gen should serve you just fine.


In 1v1, i feel capable enough to take any class (provided cds are available)

Objectively, mid-air jet charge interceptions in hutball. Splendid.


Mitigation stats in pvp work just the same as any other game, "white" dmg is shieldable, while most "yellow"(spells) dmg is not. However, I definately notice a difference in survivability when i slap on my supercommando set.

If they were to adjust shield rating to be more effective in pvp, we would be far too overpowered.


Pug WZs can be a nightmare as a shield tech, but as part of a coordinated team, we are an incredible asset.

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long time pvp here. im a full shield tech, for starters. my observations so far as powertech are that we are a support class and very heavily objective minded. its not everyones playstyle. in warzones im usually top 3 unless we are getting farmed, never top damage, always top guarding, and pretty frequently top on objective points and medals. the goal for me is to stay alive as long as possible and cause as many problems as i can for the other team. most of the match im shooting electro darts, grappling healers, jumping to high priority targets so the real dps can burn them down. every once in a while, you get stuck in a 1v1, or 2v1 where you have to duke it out, but i generally try to avoid this situation because it does take a while to kill people and reinforcements always show up and screw me. im no good to the team going around like rambo and dying. picking the most useful fights is important. sometimes its alot more boring than that.. objective defense. most people seem to think twice about running up on a powertech. make yourself a target so your team can get the advantage, you can take a lot more damage than anyone else. theres another post on how our damage can be high on paper at the end of the match, but its mostly grinding away kind of damage over the course of the match. theres also a very good post on our mitigation as far as it relates to pvp. long story short on that, is shields currently dont do too much to keep us alive in pvp because most of the damage goes right by it, which is why the parakeet build works without really killing your survivability. ive never tried the build, simply because im happy with full shield tech. ive resigned myself to never rolling face with giant crits and deeps, but i find satisfaction in staying alive, causing all kinds of havoc, and being able to really contribute to the win. /end text wall.


Hey man, because I have read your wall of text, and because somehow I have this tingling sensation of curiosity and wanting to feel whats its like to be in that world.....

I'm going to try and play your style.


I was always a suicidal hunter.

And it's going to be an exciting change I believe, for me at least.

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30/11/0 Shieldtech. IMO, retractable blade makes all the difference. THere are seldom times you'll overheat without heatblast, and the additional DoT is worth it.


As another guy said, dont concentrate specifically on killing... control control control


Drag the ball handler down in huttball ; drag enemies into acid and fire as well


As a shieldtech, if you are in a 1on1 situation, you control the fight.



And yes, defensive stats are derp in pve. I learned that the hard way. I'll be getting the Battlemaster Combat Tech set.

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If youre looking for survivability and DPS, you should definitely go full pyrotech. With energy shield and the talent that reduces it's CD, add in some skill and brains and you will only die if 4 guys jump on you (only 2 of them will be left standing after you kill them).


I'm almost afraid to talk about this but the DPS you can get out of a full pyrotech spec is a little ridiculous. Currently, I only have 4 pieces of champ gear and a few solid random pieces of gear and I will top the damage charts 90% of the time, even in games that my team gets farmed.


I feel pyrotech is incredibly overpowered, with that being said it's also a little more difficult to master since we have so much utility with our abilities.


Carolina Parakeet can't even hold a candle to a full pyrotech build (with thermal detonator)


If you wan't to be literally unkillable, go full shield tech, if you want to be pretty much unkillable and dish out a ton of damage, go full pyrotech. Anything in between and you are missing out on so much potential.

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If youre looking for survivability and DPS, you should definitely go full pyrotech. With energy shield and the talent that reduces it's CD, add in some skill and brains and you will only die if 4 guys jump on you (only 2 of them will be left standing after you kill them).




This is just complete over-exaggeration unless your fighting utter morons or they are completely undergeared/below your level. No matter what class you are, if you are fighting competent opponents that are relatively geared as you, you are losing 2v1 without killing them.


Again so everyone reads that part, if you are fighting competent opponents that are relatively geared as your.

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This is just complete over-exaggeration unless your fighting utter morons or they are completely undergeared/below your level. No matter what class you are, if you are fighting competent opponents that are relatively geared as you, you are losing 2v1 without killing them.


Again so everyone reads that part, if you are fighting competent opponents that are relatively geared as your.


True, i did exaggerate to make a point.


Some people think going pyro requires you to sacrifice survivability, which is not true.

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Yeah, don't focus on killing as shieldtech, go for utility. We have some of the best mobility, so we can get into the thick of fights quickly, and we can pull enemies away as well. Defense is good, though we're not immortal - if a bunch focuses on you you'll still go down quickly without healer backup, energy shield and other defensive cooldowns triggered or not. But you should last long enough for reinforcements to arrive even if multiples attack, provided your group notices.
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Parakeet + eliminator set/supercommando shield gen should serve you just fine.


In 1v1, i feel capable enough to take any class (provided cds are available)

Objectively, mid-air jet charge interceptions in hutball. Splendid.


Mitigation stats in pvp work just the same as any other game, "white" dmg is shieldable, while most "yellow"(spells) dmg is not. However, I definately notice a difference in survivability when i slap on my supercommando set.

If they were to adjust shield rating to be more effective in pvp, we would be far too overpowered.


Pug WZs can be a nightmare as a shield tech, but as part of a coordinated team, we are an incredible asset.



Why do you feel that adjusting shielding in PVP would be overpowered? It seems 'overpowered' that DPS stats are universally effective against ALL players, whereas defensive stats are effective against a select few. How is this balanced?


If someone wants to use all tank gear, why should 80% of the stat allocation on their gear be an absolute waste when DPS stats are effective all the time, against all players.


It would not be overpowered at all. A full Shieldtech build would be close to unkillable with a pocket healer; but that's how it should be. If you aren't able to put out enough damage to actually kill people, you should be a gosh darn TANK


As of right now, anyone using defensive gear in PVP is doing it wrong. This is not how it should be. You should be allowed to make a choice and have benefits from the choice you make. Right now, the only choice that provides a solid benefit in PVP is DPS stats.


This really needs to be fixed; I'm not expecting shields to work 100%.. I don't expect to reduce 50% of attacks done to me by 45%. I do expect to have more mitigation than I would in DPS gear, which simply isn't the case.


As a 50 powertech with full epic sets of both DPS and Tank gear, and having done extensive personal testing... I notice absolutely *NO* difference in survivability when wearing DPS gear over Tank gear in PVP.. The ONLY difference is that I deal, on average, about 1000-2000 less damage per ability, and I have 1000 less Health. In Tank gear, I'm basically a guard/taunt/grapple bot, that's all I'm good for. In DPS gear, I can do all the guarding/taunting/grappling, but I'm also able to waste people in 4-6 GCDs.. so instead of standing around simply absorbing damage for my healer, I'm actually able to kill the 3 people attacking us, not just sit there and prolong our deaths. It's the very definition of unbalanced.


There's absolutely no reason that I should live as long in DPS gear that I do in Tank gear, this is wrong.

Edited by ericdjobs
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Tank gear benefits are based around who is attacking you. It is providing quite significant defence vs clases that use attacks that can be shielded. Unfortunatly most of fotm clases in WZ dont. The only reliable defence on tank set is slightly higer hp pool. Edited by Rabbitofdoom
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If youre looking for survivability and DPS, you should definitely go full pyrotech. With energy shield and the talent that reduces it's CD, add in some skill and brains and you will only die if 4 guys jump on you (only 2 of them will be left standing after you kill them).



You mean if its you vs. stupid and undergeared. Otherwise you're stunned till you die because you've just become a victim of rear entries.

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I play the Shield/Pyro build with 7.41% expertise. Biggest tip for this sort of build is to be the biggest *** you can be. If you're going Shield, you are a tank/utility first, dps second, this is even after picking up the pyro talents. Those are just meant to give you an edge in damage while not taking away much at all from your survivability.


Unless you're going deep Pyrotech, damage will never be your strong suit and you will not be able to take that healer down solo. What you can do is shut him/her down with your various ways to interrupt. Between grapple, jet charge, quell and your stuns, you should be able to buy enough time for another to dps to wreck its day.


Like others said before me, you excel in a team setting. You want to make sure there's always someone able to take advantage of what you're doing. Be like a tumor for the other team and always be in their way. Do they want to get to the ball carrier on your team? Make sure you're there and that they need to get through you first. Only time where I see a 1vN situation is a good thing is you're able to distract them enough away from objectives for your team to do something.


FYI, our defensive cooldowns like Kolto Overload and Energy Shield aren't exactly O-**** buttons, they need to be popped preemptively. I usually pop one when I get down to 65-70% to get the most mileage out of those cool-downs.


Guarding/Taunting is not just bodyguard work though it can be like that sometimes (ball carrier, pocket healer etc). Rule of thumb is to always try and guard the most important person on the team at that given moment, you will need to use your judgement on this. What I personally do is I bound acquire Target's Target to F1 so I can quick guard someone to save them. Don't just needlessly spam Taunts for the medals either, make sure to make it really count as it's a powerful debuff. Don't tab target and fire it away, zoom out and put it on that Marauder that just charged at your back-line casters.


I've been playing Shield since my 20's in PvP and it's very easy to carry the team to a win as a tank more so than other specs. If you have played LoL or other MOBAs, think of what tanks do in that game. They initiate and find openings for their team. They're useless if running off solo unless it's for a very good reason. You want them to focus their attention on you if possible, this way your higher dps comrades will go unchecked. Play smart and you will be a pain to remove while applying a good amount of pressure.


Hutball tip: Range or not it's always a good thing to be on the walkways. You have better LoS at the people below and you're also able to do something about the range camping on the vertical levels as well. Can't tell you how many times I was able to grapple enemy ball carrier up away from his team into fire and then cross the goal-line. In addition to that, it's always easier to drop down than climb up; mobility and positioning is key in a map like huttball, you have some of the best tools to deal with it, abuse it. Even if you get knocked down into the pit before scoring a goal, there's always the chance that some idiot will look over and let you charge back up, carbonize him and walk to the goal line with them not being able to do anything.


TLDR: Troll your opponents, troll them hard. Disrupt the enemy's flow in battle and you will see yourself contributing a lot to the outcome of a fight.

Edited by Rykke
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I like the powertech class. I love the visuals, fire, explosions, the whole nine yards.


But quite frankly, I'm getting a little jaded in pvp, and I was hoping you guys could give me some tips and pointers as to whether I'm just being stupid or whatever.


Here's some queries I have to discuss:


1. Survivability + DPS.

I swapped out of tank spec to the parakeet spec, as I was quite frankly, tired of beating on people and nothing happening to their health bar. Granted, this was back when I was a fresh 50, and not tooled up like I am now, so maybe its time I changed back to see if with pvp gear, my damage capabilities have improved.


Are you guys finding that you have enough DPS to keep pressure on and enough survivability to keep yourself there to make a difference in a fight? Or are you more a nagging thing on the edge of someone's radar?


2. Ranged classes.

I'm finding it hard to resist the urge to join the general move and roll an Inquisitor or a Mercenary, they seem to have things a lot easier, a lot more tools, a lot more damage, maybe its just my imagination, but I can't help wondering as I run around trying to get into range of people that these peons sitting on top of walkways and such are just having a much easier time of it all.


3. Defenses in PvP.

I never saw any resolution from anyone as to the defensive stats in pvp. Do they work? Are they useless? Is the tanking side of our class pretty useless in pvp short of firing off taunts and guarding people and following them around like a puppy only to be slaughtered? I can't help thinking that when I go back to tanking, I'll just be this extra buff on someone's bar, to keep the almighty Inquisitor or Mercenary alive longer.


4. Offhand shield as Pyro

Thought of something else, just a quick query, would you use an offhand shield as a pyro for the slightly increased damage resistance?


Anyway, /rant over, I just wondered if you guys could share any tips, issues or observations.


1. As Pyro no one is a problem for me.


2. Grappling hook is your friend. Plus TD, Unload, IM, and rapid shots.


3. They work it just depends on the character you are fighting. Certain abilities can't be blocked by defenses.


4. Never. Your high level of sustained DPS is what keeps you alive. This allows you to finish off other players quickly before they are able to do too much DPS to you.

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I am MrFreeze, a chiss BH on Haader Soongh, and I am in full champ gear as a supercommando (well i have centurion gloves), and am almost completed with my DPS set as well. Here are my experiences playing as all 3 specs.


Shieldtech: Probably my favorite playstyle. Think of yourself as a support class. Healing is reactive, protection is proactive. Guard and taunt will make you a favorite among the smart players that realize just how much damage you are mitigating for them. These abilities are invaluable to groups. When I play with friends this is hands down my favorite spec. I used to run 30/11/0 getting retractable blade so I could predator people, but as I have gotten more geared I have found heat blast to be incredibly useful. Since you live much longer, you are a sustained fighter and having that extra heat dissipation has been critical. Especially when you want to spam flamesweep on objectives/in large groups to put on your 4% damage debuff.

Your damage isnt amazing, but you cant be ignored either. Guard your dps (i like ops or marauders) and assist them. People will be surprised to find you have your own EXECUTE combo. Sticky dart-> Rail shot-> rocket punch (if you havent been beating on them already you may have to rocket punch first to apply the dot). Get a crit in there and you can easily burst for 5k+ in a split second. Also throw in your pvp trinkets/adrenals and you will lay down the hurt.


Defenses: Yes our defensive stats go to waste on yellow attacks, but you will notice your survivability go up. The key is the defense nullifies peoples sustained damage, mainly their white attacks and many staple damage abilites. This means in order to kill you, they will have to burn up their resource bar (energy/heat/ammo/focus) etc. To survive you need the stamina and expertise then when they are all out of resources they will be in trouble as your defense stats just too much. As a tank in pvp your challenge is to live through burst, cause they cant sustain damage on you.


If you want to add a bit more DPS (say you are on offense in voidstar) throw on DPS offpieces. No reason you cant switch up gear mid warzone. Analyze the other team. They lack damage? Throw on more dps, you getting focused? put on more tank gear.


Pyrotech: Pyrotech puts out insane amounts of burst. Watch the damage numbers fly as you can melt whatever you want. However, you will have to manage your heat. If you want something dead it will die, but you will usually overheat as a result. So be mindful of this. Also dont forget your taunts, they cost no heat and are amazing. This spec hurts, but has the least utility of the three trees.


Advanced Prototype: this class feels more like a tank/dps hybrid. The burst isnt crazy, although trinkets and adrenaling can give you near 3.5-3.9k immolates. But you will NEVER have heat problems. Your sustained is very good as you can flameburst pretty much all day, and it crits hard for a spamable ability that ignores defenses/armor. I like going 10 into shieldtech to have the option to switch to ion gas cylinder when i am getting focused or want to carry the ball in huttball etc. 6 second quell is also invaluable and generally means the death of many healers. Prototype flamethrowering people when you have hydrolic overrides on can also be a bit hilarious when many dps classes use knock backs as interrupts.


Good Hunting.

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