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Use crouch, not Take Cover


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And suddenly you never have to worry about delayed cover etc. Using the crouch ability will never have that delayed period, in between the time you press cover and the time it takes for your character to roll into cover, that so many people complain about.


I play Lethality and do absolutely fine with this method of cover (albeit I don't use cover much), always getting #1 or #2 in damage and kills at level 50, but I consider myself highly skilled and not everyone is as good as me.


There is absolutely 100% no delay to your next ability with Crouch. Therefore, with proper keybind setup, casting snipe IS instant (for example, set crouch as the #2 keybind, and snipe on 2 as well.. hit 2 twice and you're already casting snipe.. walaah!)


On a side note, I love snipers, but it's good most of you are all really bad and complaining about the class so that we get buffs in the future! Please continue!

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And suddenly you never have to worry about delayed cover etc. Using the crouch ability will never have that delayed period, in between the time you press cover and the time it takes for your character to roll into cover, that so many people complain about.


I play Lethality and do absolutely fine with this method of cover (albeit I don't use cover much), always getting #1 or #2 in damage and kills at level 50, but I consider myself highly skilled and not everyone is as good as me.


There is absolutely 100% no delay to your next ability with Crouch. Therefore, with proper keybind setup, casting snipe IS instant (for example, set crouch as the #2 keybind, and snipe on 2 as well.. hit 2 twice and you're already casting snipe.. walaah!)


On a side note, I love snipers, but it's good most of you are all really bad and complaining about the class so that we get buffs in the future! Please continue!


It's also a good idea to map the ability to your mouse wheel, works wonders.


However, saying that people are only bad players and that the Sniper class is just fine... that's BS. Let's face it, BH merc can do anything and more than sniper... plus self heal and wear heavy armour and do same DPS that is even more constant and steady.

I can play Sniper just fine, but it's rather gimped class with no rewards from the immobilty compared to the other classes. Nice trolling though.

Edited by Beansoup
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Reading the original post, it answered one of my questions.. i thought Cover was broken, not realising that I had replaced it with crouch...


Makes me more efficient, and as said, no delay with the next ability. Not going to go back to cover now, much better this way.


I have read plenty about how the sniper is apparently gimped, I started as a BH, and then decided to re roll as an operative, the sniper seemed like the way forward for me, and now I love it.

Edited by Leders
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Well, ive actually discovered crouch in beta, helped me in pvp alot, its a shame that instant snipe got around 5-6 sec hidden cd.

I dont feel like im even using cover right now, the more u play and get experiance the more natural cover system gets.

Not for everyone tho, If ur the "jump for kills" crowd.

Edited by Gunthr
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And suddenly you never have to worry about delayed cover etc. Using the crouch ability will never have that delayed period, in between the time you press cover and the time it takes for your character to roll into cover, that so many people complain about.


I play Lethality and do absolutely fine with this method of cover (albeit I don't use cover much), always getting #1 or #2 in damage and kills at level 50, but I consider myself highly skilled and not everyone is as good as me.


There is absolutely 100% no delay to your next ability with Crouch. Therefore, with proper keybind setup, casting snipe IS instant (for example, set crouch as the #2 keybind, and snipe on 2 as well.. hit 2 twice and you're already casting snipe.. walaah!)


On a side note, I love snipers, but it's good most of you are all really bad and complaining about the class so that we get buffs in the future! Please continue!


I Love your post Mister !!


The few of us already doing 70 kills per Warzone , will benefit more from eventual buffs they might get in .


Got to love teh crybabies from this forum .

Edited by ntyzor
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And suddenly you never have to worry about delayed cover etc. Using the crouch ability will never have that delayed period, in between the time you press cover and the time it takes for your character to roll into cover, that so many people complain about.


I play Lethality and do absolutely fine with this method of cover (albeit I don't use cover much), always getting #1 or #2 in damage and kills at level 50, but I consider myself highly skilled and not everyone is as good as me.


There is absolutely 100% no delay to your next ability with Crouch. Therefore, with proper keybind setup, casting snipe IS instant (for example, set crouch as the #2 keybind, and snipe on 2 as well.. hit 2 twice and you're already casting snipe.. walaah!)


On a side note, I love snipers, but it's good most of you are all really bad and complaining about the class so that we get buffs in the future! Please continue!


Topping the damage meter is still no indicator that shows how well a class performs.

Everyone can top the meters if not attacked or with a pocket healer.

Or if you apply your DoTs to everyone as Lethality.

Yeah you get high damage but did you actually kill someone and did you deliver some utility to the team ?

Just because you top dps versus some random groups says nothing.

Start playing against premades and see how well you do when you are the first one being focused down.

Premades also know how to use a purge and that basically kills Lethality damage.


The damage isn't even the issue.

It's the low mobility combined with the squishyness if targeted.

No other class has to self root itself in a position to start doing damage.

Edited by Hobocore
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Don't bind crouch to wheel as previously posted. I still had sporadic ambush/snipe issues.

I rec using the tilde key and strongly don't rec using a number bind because the key designation doesn't switch with "stance".


Edit If you are worried about ability response time you can also play around with ability que times (.10 .25 sec before next que) under player pref.

Edited by Kathvely
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Ok, im bored with this "immobile sniper" bs, what the hell are u talking about? Ur getting owned by other ppl and U need some excuses to feel better ? Sorc need to stay in place for like 3 sec to do any damage, same with arsenal merc with 1,5 sec cd on tracer/3s for unload. This immobile crap is all in youre head, just becouse U need to push 1 more button before starting to do dps thats not even on gcd...think outside of the box please.


The differance between Sniper and those other 2 (dps classes in same bracket called-> "ranged dps") is that sniper's need to push cover before we do dps, and that takes ZERO time, U can start sniping/ambushing/probing them in the same second u pushed cover, its not on GCD. PLUS we got so many bonuses while actually beeing in cover that its just silly...30% damage reduction,higher energy regen, no interrupts, no cc etc. In pvp thats IMBA


Im in marksman (and I played both sorc and merc) and I can tell You thatany decent player wont be more immobile as sniper/mark then any of those 2 comperable classes.


But it doesnt matter, U and rest of medicore players will whine anyway.

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