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10 Good
  1. I hate accuracy and I have too much of it at the moment. I want to be a crit/surge sniper but my current pve gear says different. Full columi half rakata.... What i would like to know is where the dps point of return +/- actually lands. From the discussion you need 8/18% and i still have to call BS on that. Stats say we dps more with more accuracy. Yes we could but do we really care? Crits and surges offer soo much more bang for the buck. I need recount and pure data to argue more. From my dailies I tend to like crit surge more then accuracy. (heroics/ops/hard/nightmare) My rotation does not change but I have noticed a drop in zerg dps and overall dps when i started to lose crit for the lovely stat of accuracy.
  2. Ran it yesterday. First 2 times we didnt have a real plan and were messing around. Third time he enraged. 4th we destroyed him fast. At the end we ran with 3 uptop. 1 Healer, 1 Bounty Hunter, 1 Sniper (Me). But, I would break off of dps after 1 or 2 rotations and start clicking as early has possible. Rotated from right to mid spot. After the 1 proximity droid spawn we were able to near constantly have the shields down. Don't wait for shields to come up before you start positioning or clicking especially if you are only clicking with 2.
  3. Don't bind crouch to wheel as previously posted. I still had sporadic ambush/snipe issues. I rec using the tilde key and strongly don't rec using a number bind because the key designation doesn't switch with "stance". Edit If you are worried about ability response time you can also play around with ability que times (.10 .25 sec before next que) under player pref.
  4. No i am sorry I mean i did only 22k damage in 1 full hutball. I was able to use maybe 1 or 2 abilities and a few grenades.
  5. 50 sniper. pvp'ed in beta. Did really really good. I wiped my system before swtor lauch. Installed win 7. Have 0 connection problems. My system only runs SWTOR and the internet. Anything none gaming I do on another system. I CANT attack anything in pvp. Its not delay. I have more then 4-6 sec delay. I can use maybe 1 ability every never if even that fast. Did 22k dps in 1 WZ and 15 in another. Rest of my screen is not jumpy or lagging. It seems to be just me. None of my buttons are jammed. My keyboard while questing seems to work fine. I ran 2 HM's and did great dps... able to hold rotation and use all abilities and keybinds even my F1-F5. Thoughts?
  6. I forget where the link to the companion gifts... but I specifically check for this and he had blanks under every gift category. I will edit this after testing but I dont think you could raise his affection any.
  7. /Signed This is a pretty big oversight by the developers. I cant even think of a reason why you wouldn't want it.
  8. I had this problem as well. I couldn't find a rng past the need/greed. It is a pretty big oversight by the game developers. Master looting now is basically dependent on an organized dkp system, loot committee, or personal opinion. Master looting in PUGs seems stupid without /roll. One could argue all you need is a need/greed system and I would agree it would kind of work. BUT, I prefer 1 centralized leader/organizer/responsible person (even in pugs) over 8 or 16 that could accidentally need or need on purpose for x companion gear. It is such an easy function to add and really useful. I would be surprised if its not added soon.
  9. I have seen the exact same in UWT. I am around 150. I have crit maybe ~4 times and received purples. I am not complaining... I actually prefer an epic feel to my epics BUT there is not a base chance of 20%. I remember reading the developers post and thought it sickeningly high at the time. The base 20 % level was used to show how specific companions with only +2 % crit wouldn't steer players towards specific professions. At the moment I cant see how the developer is anything but wrong. It's possible I read it wrong, things changed, or it was a typo... I dont know. Right now 2% seems like a doubling of the chances for crits. With the cost of missions now, I feel pressured to always use my "criter"
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