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Allow Ability To Change Our Advanced Class


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why though? how does someone switching their AC affect you in any way shape or form? or are you just against people having fun?


"LF Tank HM Foundry"



"I'll come! I'm a Marauder but let me respec!"


*Enters Flashpoint with all Medium Armor*


"I've never done this before! WEEE!!"



That's just one way.


Another way, is it goes against the spirit of what the advanced Class is. Its a Specialized Training that you undertake and it changes your Journey from that point on. It goes against EVERYTHING the game teaches you about it and would make things really really bland...Not to mention, I would eventually be expected to Hold a Heavy and Medium set of Armor. I like My Marauder because I'm not expected to tank for once in my life. I'd like to keep it that way.

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For me, it's just an issue of culpability. The 'nets are rife with opportunities for children and those who act like children to avoid being responsible for the decisions they make. I'm all in favor of locking folk into at least one decision. Do your homework, pay attention and deal with it.


thats nice, step down from the soapbox now please. who are you to say that someone should be locked into a certain class and essentially be punished in the event they don't like the way a certain class plays.


you can do all the homework in the world, read guides and forums posts left and right but at the end of the day the only way to know if you're going to like a class is to really play it, and to play 20 hours and grind up to level 20 or 30 only to realize you hate your class is no fun. when you play a single player game, do you enjoy starting over when your save file gets corrupted? because its basically the same idea, starting over.


this is an mmo. classes change. things are nerfed, revamped, altered all the time. people will want to change their classes because of this. so lose the self-righteous attitude, and try not calling anyone who disagrees with you a child

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"LF Tank HM Foundry"



"I'll come! I'm a Marauder but let me respec!"


*Enters Flashpoint with all Medium Armor*


"I've never done this before! WEEE!!"



That's just one way.


Another way, is it goes against the spirit of what the advanced Class is. Its a Specialized Training that you undertake and it changes your Journey from that point on. It goes against EVERYTHING the game teaches you about it and would make things really really bland...Not to mention, I would eventually be expected to Hold a Heavy and Medium set of Armor. I like My Marauder because I'm not expected to tank for once in my life. I'd like to keep it that way.


Don't make it more than it is. It is literally just hitting one button that locks you out of the other half of your class and changes some of the abilities you use.

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NGE was a pile of *****, the soul was ripped out of the game by that point, so I wouldn't want to compare that with this game if I was you. Maybe we could just pay to be level 50 and have no meaningful choices at all.


The game even gives you a specific warning your decision is final.


you have your meaningful choices already don't you? isn't that what the big awesome story driven quests are all about?


face it, you people have no leg to stand on, because other than roleplaying issues (read: stuff not everyone cares about) there is no reason why people should not be able to switch their AC

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why though? how does someone switching their AC affect you in any way shape or form? or are you just against people having fun?


Not against people having fun, but if you can make such drastic changes why have character archetypes at all. Just make it a free for all where everyone can fill all roles. I am a bit of an old-schooler on this one. Pick a character, stick with it. There should be some variability within the archetype, but if you are just going to allow people to switch to completely different types, then don't have classes at all.

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"LF Tank HM Foundry"



"I'll come! I'm a Marauder but let me respec!"


*Enters Flashpoint with all Medium Armor*


"I've never done this before! WEEE!!"



That's just one way.


Another way, is it goes against the spirit of what the advanced Class is. Its a Specialized Training that you undertake and it changes your Journey from that point on. It goes against EVERYTHING the game teaches you about it and would make things really really bland...Not to mention, I would eventually be expected to Hold a Heavy and Medium set of Armor. I like My Marauder because I'm not expected to tank for once in my life. I'd like to keep it that way.



cute hypothetical. unfortunately extreme circumstances don't really bolster an argument well.


and why would you have to carry two sets of armor? no one is going to make you respec. you act like you would suddenly be forced to flip flop your spec every other day. no one is holding a gun to your head

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Don't make it more than it is. It is literally just hitting one button that locks you out of the other half of your class and changes some of the abilities you use.


To me (as a mild RPer) its much more than that. I don't play on an RP server, but it would completely ruin my immersion for people to suddenly learn some brand new set of skills that were unrelated to their first.


"So, I forgot how to heal you guys and lost all those abilities but now I can heal and suddenly Proficient with a Double Bladed saber!"


There should be some level of commitment here.


I agree with the person who said it would be like changing from Warrior to Druid.


I know this isn't WoW


It also isn't SWG.


That being said, AC Respec just isn't good for the game.

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you have your meaningful choices already don't you? isn't that what the big awesome story driven quests are all about?


face it, you people have no leg to stand on, because other than roleplaying issues (read: stuff not everyone cares about) there is no reason why people should not be able to switch their AC


Name one other game where you just pay for a total class change? This game takes so many ideas from WoW and other MMO's where class is final. You need to stop thinking of AC as just another spec and think of it as a distinct class.

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No, because AC's are different classes. Bioware was stupid for using "Advanced Classes" as the tag for classes (read: people think they aren't due to how BW named them.).


If there were 8 classes to choose from at creation no one would be saying we should be able to switch afterwards.

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cute hypothetical. unfortunately extreme circumstances don't really bolster an argument well.


and why would you have to carry two sets of armor? no one is going to make you respec. you act like you would suddenly be forced to flip flop your spec every other day. no one is holding a gun to your head


You apparently never played a Tank Class in WoW.


*Roll DK*


Can you tank?






or Friends get frustrated because they need you to tank but you don't have tank gear.


If you can fulfill the role, people will expect you to be able to. Its that simple.

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Not against people having fun, but if you can make such drastic changes why have character archetypes at all. Just make it a free for all where everyone can fill all roles. I am a bit of an old-schooler on this one. Pick a character, stick with it. There should be some variability within the archetype, but if you are just going to allow people to switch to completely different types, then don't have classes at all.


its not like people are switching from jedi to commando. how does allowing people to switch their AC make it a free for all where everyone can fill in all roles? you're still only filling in one role at a time, with the ability to switch between 2 roles. its not like I'm going to switch my merc to a jedi.

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No, because AC's are different classes. Bioware was stupid for using "Advanced Classes" as the tag for classes (read: people think they aren't due to how BW named them.).


If there were 8 classes to choose from at creation no one would be saying we should be able to switch afterwards.


This ^


I don;t think people look at AC as your 'class'. They look at it more like a spec.

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Name one other game where you just pay for a total class change? This game takes so many ideas from WoW and other MMO's where class is final. You need to stop thinking of AC as just another spec and think of it as a distinct class.




did i mention how hilarious it is that you guys will ramble on and on about how tihs game isn't WoW, then turn around and say things like "hurr we shouldn't have AC changing because you can't do that in WoW."

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why though? how does someone switching their AC affect you in any way shape or form? or are you just against people having fun?


i can effect others though. the time spent playing 10-50 is teaching people how to play the class and the ac they have picked. To change after so long it completely changes how that toon will play from then on. Then that person has to take the time re learning skills and abilities. This could work except what if that person goes into to a hm fp or an op with no clue how the new skills work it hurts everyone playing with that person. Also not every shares armor and weapons. Example: going from a guardian to a sentinel you lose the ability to wear heavy armor thus you no longer have any from of gear or a shadow to a sage you can not use your weapons anymore.

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its not like people are switching from jedi to commando. how does allowing people to switch their AC make it a free for all where everyone can fill in all roles? you're still only filling in one role at a time, with the ability to switch between 2 roles. its not like I'm going to switch my merc to a jedi.


Switching from Sith Sorc to Sith Assassin is indeed like switching from Jedi to Commando. They are completely different in every way.


Advanced Classes are just classes. Bioware shouldn't have named them AC's.

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i can effect others though. the time spent playing 10-50 is teaching people how to play the class and the ac they have picked. To change after so long it completely changes how that toon will play from then on. Then that person has to take the time re learning skills and abilities. This could work except what if that person goes into to a hm fp or an op with no clue how the new skills work it hurts everyone playing with that person. Also not every shares armor and weapons. Example: going from a guardian to a sentinel you lose the ability to wear heavy armor thus you no longer have any from of gear or a shadow to a sage you can not use your weapons anymore.


and that is the price to pay for respecing. for the record, good players will be good players and bads will be bads no matter what class they are. and its not like the quests teach people how to play, last time I checked NPC's just stand there anyway, this isnt exactly a skill based game

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did i mention how hilarious it is that you guys will ramble on and on about how tihs game isn't WoW, then turn around and say things like "hurr we shouldn't have AC changing because you can't do that in WoW."


it also isn't SWG and its much more closely related to WoW than SWG.


SWG also wasn't a level based system as someone mentioned.


AC = Class

Class = Archetype


You can't Change your AC because that would be like going from Warrior to Druid.

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did i mention how hilarious it is that you guys will ramble on and on about how tihs game isn't WoW, then turn around and say things like "hurr we shouldn't have AC changing because you can't do that in WoW."


I would never say this game isn't WoW. It is quite obviously similar, as are many MMO's thesedays.


You mention SWG again, but as we all know that was a mighty failure post NGE, a lot of which was down to the dumbing down of the game. With people able to swap at will the economy became worthless as anyone could make anything just by switching their traders.


I'm not saying because you can't do it in WoW, you can't do it in any game. But AC is not like changing spec it is a total class change. Yet again I'll ask, Would you expect to change a Mage to a Druid?

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why though? how does someone switching their AC affect you in any way shape or form? or are you just against people having fun?


You really don't realize it or just pretending?

In case you don realize it I will type it for you - because if you don't use all the options at your disposal you are at disadvantage. And some ppl think that some options can hurt the fun for them. Or are you just against people having fun (if we assume that not you define what fun is)?

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If it is about "choices should matter" than make it costly and put a 30 day cooldown on it so people can't just swap whenever they want. The choice would matter because if you didn't like it you couldn't instantly undo it and it would cost you a lot of credits. It could act as a credit sink, which I read is good for games or something. It also gives the players more choices which is almost never a bad thing.
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why though? how does someone switching their AC affect you in any way shape or form? or are you just against people having fun?


Doesn't matter if it does or does not affect me.


If, after something like 40ish levels of playing with the AC you picked you decide you are not having fun then I highly suggest rolling a new character and picking the other AC and have fun. If the only thing that matters is having fun then re-roll what you *think* will be fun. Fact is that you might decide it wasn't actually as fun as you thought it would be, or maybe it will be, but it's a decision the game forces you to stick with while letting you change your spec.


There are logistical reasons to not allow changing the AC including the tendency of players to get gear to play all of the aspects of both AC's and then simply spending credits to swap between them as they want completely destroying the purpose of picking an AC in the first place. I know, that would *never* happen and has *never* happened in the history of any MMORPG ever. :rolleyes:

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and that is the price to pay for respecing. for the record, good players will be good players and bads will be bads no matter what class they are. and its not like the quests teach people how to play, last time I checked NPC's just stand there anyway, this isnt exactly a skill based game


ok then, take someone into a hm fp who knows how to play the game but not the class you give them, with no gear, no rotation and see if it goes as well as if they were playing a class they played from 10-50

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