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Horizontal cover, not just vertical


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I accept that cover is here to stay. However, it would be nice (and more iconic) if we could also get the option to remain standing with our backs on a corner, darting out to fire, before moving back to safety, you know, like they do in the movies. Horizontal cover would be a great way to put all of those pillars/walls to use.
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Not much different from the difference between melee and ranged. Melee classes have to approach ranged to attack. Adding horizontal cover would introduce a third category, truly differentiating us from standard ranged, rather than the sitting ducks we currently are. Both melee and other ranged types would need to negotiate the terrain to either remove the LOS and engage us or LOS us themselves.
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If it were done in such a way that you were always half out of cover (so could still be targetted and shot at like you can in standard cover) I imagine it would work. But honestly there's so many complaints with cover in how it's currently implemented I doubt we'll see them add MORE forms of cover in (likely they'll start taking away).
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