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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades.. Seriously?


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Why not cater to both sides of the argument?


Have 3 queues:


Premade queue - only premades may queue here (4 man groups at the present time)


Mixed queue - both individuals and premades may queue here, add valor bonuses to individual queue-ers and valor penalties to premade groups.


Individual queue - only individuals may queue here.




Please note, both the premade queue and individual queue offer no valor bonuses or penalties.


They tried this in Rift and it failed miserably. The premade queues were so long that the premades found ways to game the system so they could still premade vs pugs.

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you can't make a bracket for premades only, the que's would be even slower then what they are now.Seriously either don't pvp or get some more friends to pvp with theres not much you can do or say to get them to change this, it would really mess up the game even more stop whinning and just deal bro
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ts3 and Ventrilo are Thirparty tools. Why are they are ok, if speedhack and co are no ok? They give wortly "Unfair advantage to ones vs others whoare not using it".


Ban for tools that are not in game - and thats all :)

Problem solved. Yes you are allowed to join as team vs pug but WITHOUT THIRTPARTY TOOLS:


While you are at it, you should also ban the use of gaming keyboards and mice. Also, anyone with more than 1gig of Ram should also be banned, since everyone should play at the minimum requirements to level the playing field. Also, artificially increase latency and lag for all players so everyone is exactly the same.

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ts3 and Ventrilo are Thirparty tools. Why are they are ok, if speedhack and co are no ok? They give wortly "Unfair advantage to ones vs others whoare not using it".


Ban for tools that are not in game - and thats all :)

Problem solved. Yes you are allowed to join as team vs pug but WITHOUT THIRTPARTY TOOLS:


K and to this guy...are you really that idiotic? they can't ban thirdparty tools (thats how you correctly spell it) I mean seriously were you drunk/high/or just that stupid to even suggest it. They can't control what you run on your own computer, since in this case its a completely different program that doesn't effect the game directly. Now if you got anymore stupid ideas i want you to run them by me so I can tell you how idiotic they are before you waste everyone elses time

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ts3 and Ventrilo are Thirparty tools. Why are they are ok, if speedhack and co are no ok? They give wortly "Unfair advantage to ones vs others whoare not using it".


Ban for tools that are not in game - and thats all :)

Problem solved. Yes you are allowed to join as team vs pug but WITHOUT THIRTPARTY TOOLS:


It's not like MMO's are social games or anything. Who wants to talk to thier friends

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They tried this in Rift and it failed miserably. The premade queues were so long that the premades found ways to game the system so they could still premade vs pugs.


Well bugs with a system should be fixed, but as long as the solo players get bonus valor and premades get a penalty. The incentive for premades to fight other premades is to not get the valor penalty, verses fight pugs and get less valor. If the choice is there, and the system works it can cater to all.


To stop sync - queueing as such, i'm sure bioware can come up with a fancy algorithm to scatter sync queuers. I.e add a random time to each player when they queue for warzones, between (1 - 20 seconds) to offset the actual time they join the queue, all behind the scenes of course.

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Agreed. Punish players for having/making friends!


So let me get this straight...


Having a system that attempts to match a premade against another premade is punishment?


Agreed. Let all the whiny, bad players whose bad-player premades can't beat other premades continue to farm free wins off PUGS... After all, we wouldn't want to punish them with fair fights.. LOL! Baddie.


Most of my guild isn't 50 yet, but I run WZ groups a few nights a week to help everyone get geared up. Fighting PUGs is boring.

I STRONGLY prefer fighting other organized groups. It's always more fun (win or lose).


On the other hand, fighting premade groups when I DO queue solo is equally as boring.

Throw into that mix, the fact that some guilds seem to have managed a way to queue two seperate 4man groups into the same WZ on the same team (reliably) and you have a giant cluster-f***.


Anyone who QQ's that it would be "unfair" or "punishment" for WZ's to match groups against groups and similar gear against similar gear is a bad player who doesn't want to lose their free wins.

Pure and simple.


<<<<<<<<< World of Pokemon that way. Back to 4chan, err, I mean trade chat =P

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If you don't like the idea of playing against an organized group of people in a multiplayer game, then go play a single player game. Suck it up, group up with like minded people, and play the game. Hell go to the fleet and shout in general that you're LFG to PvP premade. See that more than once during prime time. I join solo a lot and I’ll group with 1 or more people when I can. It’s easy enough to enjoy the game either way. And yes I’ve been faced stomped by premades more than once.
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Well bugs with a system should be fixed, but as long as the solo players get bonus valor and premades get a penalty. The incentive for premades to fight other premades is to not get the valor penalty, verses fight pugs and get less valor. If the choice is there, and the system works it can cater to all.


To stop sync - queueing as such, i'm sure bioware can come up with a fancy algorithm to scatter sync queuers. I.e add a random time to each player when they queue for warzones, between (1 - 20 seconds) to offset the actual time they join the queue, all behind the scenes of course.


This makes sense but there would still be long queues for premades.


Unfortunatly because a lot of premades go in premades because they do not want a fair fight in the first place.


This makes it a problem for the people that really do want a fair and fun fight as they are few and far between.

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Thats why I said, same guild and out number you at all choke points which points to either being on vent together or dumb luck that continues happening throughout an entire match.



I get beat by better players all the time and that is when I've learn most about my class and others, losing to a team who happen to be using secondary programs is not the same.


I've lost to terrible players on vent all the time, you don't learn anything from those siutations since they are morons who blindly click 1-3, all I learn from those people is that secondary programs are a good crutch.


The bottom line is neither vent nor guilds are the real issue; when I've played republic I've routinely seen people forming random (non vent) groups to pvp and have also been part of a few. What kills pugs is typically lack of working / moving as a unit and or lack of support (i.e. heals - teams protecting their healers..)


It's an MMO, working / playing together is one of the great things about these games. If you're constantly getting put up against premade groups, why not form a group that you think would work best and roll with it- I'd venture you'd have a lot more fun and potentially make some new friends in the process. Is it necessary? Absolutely not, however, it at least gives you the ability to balance one aspect of your group.


I say this as a player who prefers listening to music instead of vent / in game sounds and likes the solo queue. I will admit I rerolled as a healer due to everyone losing their **** over getting as many medals as possible, even if their team wipes as a result. There are certain things that can be improved to make PvP more enjoyable for everyone and likewise bad situations / groups outside of your control; do your best and have fun with it -- it's only a game.

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