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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades.. Seriously?


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Those against the idea of a Pre-made Bracket are so for only one reason: they fear having to play against other pre-mades.


(In your next WZ, isolate someone in a pre-made, see how "good" they are on their own in 1 on 1 combat, and you'll quickly figure out why they want to farm PUGs)




Yes please isolate me so I can get my one on one medal.


This is stupid imo. Setting up a premades only bracket would be terrible. What if you and your pve guildies want to just run a quick game together? You're then guaranteed to come up against a premade. If you Q solo and you know what your doing take up the reigns and lead. I do it constantly and people on my server respect me for it. Don't be afraid to call individuals out for sucking but be civil. People seem to try harder when they are getting called out by name, but being torn down by a cyber bully sucks.


If you get in a match and somebody is calling out good instructions, follow them and support them, do what they say. There are people that can enter a pug issue commands and pull a horrible team together for a win. You either need to become one of these people or hope one is in your group. One thing you can do in any match as long the person who gets Ops leader isn't brain dead is ask for lieutenant. Once you have an upgraded position in the group you can mark targets. MARK THE HEALERS, that will immediately make your game much easier.


A lot of people have issues following orders and that's the real problem.

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This is stupid imo. Setting up a premades only bracket would be terrible. What if you and your pve guildies want to just run a quick game together? You're then guaranteed to come up against a premade.


I get it...you want your premade to never go against a premade. But you dont' like people who don't form premades to just suck it up and go against premades? I see....

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Why live with an auto loss against peopel who are using secondary programs?


I'd rather justleave and queue up again for a chance to win.



I'm fine with defeat because thats when you actually learn nuances about your class and others, I'm not fine with being steamrolled by 4-8 people on vent.


And? So what if they are coordinating. It's just a loss, and there's no need to turn it into something more than that and change the game. Like I said, people will make excuses for losing because they can't deal with it. The other team is more coordinated is just an excuse, and being used as a crutch. People can't seem to take losing anymore.


I've never really seen such a hub-bub about people grouping in PvP before in all the MMO's I've played. This is something new that for me I never saw until Rift came out. Lots of people whined about others grouping there too.



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But whats a premade? If 3 other guildies and I want to join PVP together, we shouldn't have to fight PVP maniacs exclusively. We are casual and even though we can speak in teamspeak together we are probably talking about what was on TV last night.


If you que with 1 other then not a big deal but a 4 man would be a premade and there's probably other people doing the same thing so what are the odds of getting a full 8 man premade not to high.

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Honestly get some friends and start running your own. You will start to roflstomp the pubbies, and get good matches from other premades. Adapt or Die man.


Your bad that's why you need a premade to win.

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what a QQ fest ppl either need to find 3 friends and get better or dont Q up. just cause you suck doenst mean ppl should make it easier for u to win. if you play an MMo and dont have 3 ppl to play wish i suggest skyrim or a game where friends arent needed. finding 3 good ppl shouldnt be that hard.


What are you high? You don't see how allowing your organized group to farm unorganized groups is making the game easier for you, which is the very thing you're accusing us of?


It's not that I can't find friends it's that allowing organized groups to go up against unorganized gives undeserving people gear faster than they would normally farm it. Bads use pre-mades as a crutch. I'm not saying that's you (neccesarily), but it happens and it should stop.


If you want to play with your friends that is totally fine and I think it's great but you shouldn't get free wins.

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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


I love when I go on my level 11 to do PVP and find that the highest level on my team is 26 and the republic team is a premade of 40+.

I think they believe its somehow an advantage but they still are easy to kill.


But yeh I think if republic are going to make a premade of 40+ then they should go against the Empire premade of 40+ if they want it to be 'fair'.

Edited by Avindra
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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


Getting roflstomp faceroll'd with a pub team of 7 fresh 50s in lvl 40 PvE gear by a group of guildies in vent with full battlemaster isn't really my idea of fun.


Your fault. Not theirs. Don't like it, unsubscribe from the game. You'll find very little sympathy from the community beyond the niche group of solo players who can't work with other people but expect to overcome the beauty that is teamwork between a group of people alone like it's some god given right.


Society rewards teamwork. You're on the wrong side of the fence.

Edited by Obie_Wan
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Are you in their vent? As I said, I get matched with guild mates solo all the time and we work well together without vent communication. You play the warzones enough and you see patterns in behavior from your opponents. The objectives aren't rocket science, stick close to your team. Some people are too proud to admit they simply got outplayed.


Thats why I said, same guild and out number you at all choke points which points to either being on vent together or dumb luck that continues happening throughout an entire match.



I get beat by better players all the time and that is when I've learn most about my class and others, losing to a team who happen to be using secondary programs is not the same.


I've lost to terrible players on vent all the time, you don't learn anything from those siutations since they are morons who blindly click 1-3, all I learn from those people is that secondary programs are a good crutch.

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It is really hard to figure out that if you're defending two turrets in Alderran, and you're at the turret with most of your guys and see no enemies, then you should head to the turret with less guys since that's probably where the enemy is heading to?
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I get it...you want your premade to never go against a premade. But you dont' like people who don't form premades to just suck it up and go against premades? I see....


PEBKC methinks....


I queue solo all the time and tear some premades apart in PUG groups. I'm not worried about other premades at all, I don't care about wins/losses it's not rated yet. My guild is pvp only and we *LOVE* running into other premades, or even facing our own guildies. We don't win 100% but we win a lot.


I don't want longer Queue times, I don't want to PUG every game I queue solo in. A lot of times I'll Queue solo and a premade will be on my team. I know about 90% of the premades running around and we all get along well. I don't hear anybody complaining about being on a team with a premade, only getting squashed by them.


As someone who puts together multiple premades and runs Warzones/ilum for 6-7 hours every weekday and 20+ hrs Sat+Sun I don't want to spend all that time sitting in a Queue waiting for 8 more pubbies or 12 more imps. People either need to step up and take charge by making premades and leading PUGS or shut up.


Everyone has this idea that the premades will go away, we won't we'll just all Queue at once solo and still get our premade in. You can't get rid of the people who just want to roll pugs, they will find a way around any system that comes out.


Once Rated WZ's come out and they enable cross-server pvp it could be done, but until then it's just a bad idea to alienate entire groups of people at once.

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And? So what if they are coordinating. It's just a loss, and there's no need to turn it into something more than that and change the game. Like I said, people will make excuses for losing because they can't deal with it. The other team is more coordinated is just an excuse, and being used as a crutch. People can't seem to take losing anymore.


I've never really seen such a hub-bub about people grouping in PvP before in all the MMO's I've played. This is something new that for me I never saw until Rift came out. Lots of people whined about others grouping there too.




It's not that it's a loss, that's not a big deal. It's that there are so many now, that it's like every game I play. Maybe it's just my server, or maybe I'm just unlucky but I lose a lot of my games because there is a premade on th eother team. The games that I win, are usually stomps, because we have a premade on our team.


The games aren't fun anymore, and they aren't close.

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And? So what if they are coordinating. It's just a loss, and there's no need to turn it into something more than that and change the game. Like I said, people will make excuses for losing because they can't deal with it. The other team is more coordinated is just an excuse, and being used as a crutch. People can't seem to take losing anymore.


I've never really seen such a hub-bub about people grouping in PvP before in all the MMO's I've played. This is something new that for me I never saw until Rift came out. Lots of people whined about others grouping there too.




Exactly, its just a win so why do you need to make it more than it is when I leave?


I'm fine with premades, just match them up against other premades heck it would do them a favor so the bad players will get stomped trying to blindly press their abilities and they might learn something.

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Your fault. Not theirs. Don't like it, unsubscribe from the game. You'll find very little sympathy from the community beyond the niche group of solo players who can't work with other people but expect to overcome the beauty that is teamwork between a group of people alone like it's some god given right.


Society rewards teamwork. You're on the wrong side of the fence.


solo players are the vast majority, thinking otherwise pretty much destroys anything you could possibly want to say.

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Yes because it's not like the girlfriend I live with could possibly be in the living room watching TV while I PVP with a guild.


A blowup doll is not a real girlfriend.


PS anyone who runs in a premade that is defending not making a premade bracket is bad and everyone knows it because you need that group advantage to compensate for your fail.

Edited by Yadad
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Yes because it's not like the girlfriend I live with could possibly be in the living room watching TV while I PVP with a guild.


Or be sitting beside me pwning noobs in the same pvp match.... You think vent is bad? When we used to LAN party we ate people's children....

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Exactly, its just a win so why do you need to make it more than it is when I leave?


I'm fine with premades, just match them up against other premades heck it would do them a favor so the bad players will get stomped trying to blindly press their abilities and they might learn something.


People can form groups instead of pugging. It's very easy to chat up the people that PvP in your games and see if they want to form a set group. Comm programs are dime a dozen and free, no reason not to have one.


These games used to be about socializing and forming groups to tackle something you can't do on your own. There is no need to change the game to make queue times longer for everyone just because playing solo causes you to lose to people that are playing the way the game was designed.

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It's not that it's a loss, that's not a big deal. It's that there are so many now, that it's like every game I play. Maybe it's just my server, or maybe I'm just unlucky but I lose a lot of my games because there is a premade on th eother team. The games that I win, are usually stomps, because we have a premade on our team.


The games aren't fun anymore, and they aren't close.




I don't know what to say about anecdotal arguments other than my experience is different.

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