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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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The problem is being caused by shoddy design.


The games setup is more like a multiplayer enviroment than a MMO one.


Its not just a case of merging servers, there needs to be large enviroments that can support a large playerbase, a proper game economy and post 50 content other than grind for a chestpiece.


Populations have gone down alot, on my server you can't get any 50 pvp matches at all or have to wait for hours for 1, while pre 50 it's not so bad but once you hit 50 it's reroll or quit time.


There's no real economy, crafting is virtually useless after 50 for those that like making stuff and selling.


Your shoved down the railtracks into a blind tunnel with a brick wall at the end, and its killing and will kill the game stone cold dead, and in quite short order too.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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Cross server warzones, Cross server flashpoint finder, get rid of ilum all togheter and turn it into a 20-20 warzone like alterac valley where people go to chill out or something like that.


Ilum was never good anyway, it has always been total garbage, and with patches it went from being just awful to actually HURTING game balance (every empire and his mum are battlemaster+ while republic struggels).

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I just want to point out that I started Republic and leveled to 50 within a week of game release I was excited to do hard modes and operatives but people on that side didn't take it seriously at all. We wiped because people thought it was cool to wear out dated gear for level 50 and not cc and such. I created an Empire character and leveled to 50 now I am doing Nightmare mode Operations in 16 man within the 2 weeks it took me to level and get geared. I tried Republic but they just were too casual...
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Why would they merge servers when most are standard to heavy or worse during prime time? The problem is the game is new and not a lot of people are at the level cap. There is no need for any server merges. Not everyone rushes to lvl 50 in a month. I still dont have a lvl 50 because I dont have tons of time to dedicate to the game.


Those mean nothing I couldn't care less if a server says light or standard or heavy its not a unit of measurement as you dont know what those even mean other then light is supposedly light population and so forth. Other then that you have no idea if light means theres 5 people on and standard theres 10 people on.


It means NOTHING.


What does matter is when people are playing and they only see 10 people on a world during prime time..... oh but it says standard! lol right...

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You are basically talking about choices the players make. Do you want them to tell you what server or class to play? There are some upcoming events likely to cause a few new players to come in but, ultimately, we have the ability to moderate the problems we have. Just go play another server where you like the population before investing more time while it is still early.


At this point, there are players who have been complaining about this issue for longer than they had invested when they started complaining about it.

Edited by Matte_Black
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I don't understand the complaints from vets at all. This is a faction based MMO. Flashing red warning lights should have been going off in your head from the moment you heard that you could join the Empire or Republic as it pertains to PvP. Did any of you honestly think that a faction based MMO would be balanced in terms numbers in a Star Wars game? Few other games have pulled this off, but this is Star Wars we are talking about here and you can not have a balanced fation based PvP system when you allow players to choose which side they are on. The Empire side will always get more play. There is nothing else to say. Deal with the truth or move on.
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Are you kidding? They must be embarrassed as possible since they won't even acknowledge it.


That's the trend here though. Bioware is not admitting anything until people practically beg them to acknowledge it.


That is not the proper way to run a business and they are learning that people will not stand for that crap. They will cancel and move on, like me.

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What I don't understand is that most of the people I see complaining about faction imbalance are Imperials. Yet, they refuse to roll Republic themselves.


Probably they are annoyed that there are less and less victims for them to gank and corpsecamp.

They want -other- people playing republic side, but not too many, so they can still belong to the powerful faction but have an endless stream of victims.

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It is too late. About all they can really say now is: "Yeah, we screwed up. We didn't realize it would be this severe on some servers or that so many would roll Imperial".


Not a lot they can do at this point. It should have been handled when the servers first launched.


What should have been handled? They can't force players to roll Repub.

Edited by Drewser
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Are you kidding? They must be embarrassed as possible since they won't even acknowledge it.


That's the trend here though. Bioware is not admitting anything until people practically beg them to acknowledge it.


That is not the proper way to run a business and they are learning that people will not stand for that crap. They will cancel and move on, like me.


LOL This is just ridiculous. You might be trolling but I'll bite. What exactly does Bioware have to be embarassed about when it comes to faction imbalance or low populations on certain servers? They should be embarassed that the paying customers mostly wanted to roll Empire? They should be embarassed that they didn't stop people from playing what they wanted to play and force them to play as the other faction just because Joe got the last spot for Empire players 2 seconds before they tried to create their character? They should be embarassed that certain servers ended up being unpopular while others were very popular? They should be embarassed that they didn't offer free Rakata and Battlemaster gear for those who roll on low population servers? They should be embarassed that they didn't deny people to roll on the same server as their friends or family and force them to roll on another server by themselves?


When the game first launched people cried and cried and cried about having to wait in a queue to log into their chosen server and now people cry and cry and cry because the server they chose is currently light on players. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. In many MMOs such imbalances work themselves out over time. People migrate to other servers for various reasons. New players choose servers that just happened to have low populations. Some players get tired of having no one to kill so they decide to roll the other faction. New players come in and roll Republic enough times to where it may not be exactly balanced but now there are more than enough to keep Warzones and World PvP going. The game hasn't even been out for two months. There is always a kneejerk rush to play the "cool" faction on a server with a "cool" name in the beginning. Over time things work themselves out and a year from now everyone will forget about the faction imbalance and low population servers and be too busy complaining about the next thing they feel entitled to and how Bioware doesn't care about them.


This trend that you're seeing is Bioware listening to its players and seeing what they are very passionate about but not reacting immediately and to every outburst from John who sits in the forums and spams how much he hates not being able to change his advanced class. Seriously do you see how many damn posts are made every day on the same issue? Bioware is not obligated to respond to people in these forums on an individual basis nor are they obligated to post every day on the same issue that they don't currently have a precise answer to short of telling us every single day "hey we're working on that thing you've been crying about for the last 3 days even though we told you three days ago and every day since that we're working on it". Not only would it be impossible but it would be a waste of time as we've seen with people who even after being acknowledged are still kicking and screaming like neglected children.

Edited by Varteras
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