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Operative/Scoundrel Nerf went to far!!


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So they nerf the OPS.. the class that is only effective 1 v 1 if they have you alone.. which you shouldn't be anyway...


So WHAT ABOUT the WAY OP'ed SAGES and SI's. Thats the class that needs NERFED and BAD.


Commandos need nerfing first before sorcerer. Like I said before we are only a god class in pve. I can solo heroic 2 with ease and heroic 4 with some challenge as a sorcerer. My main was an operative which is laughable at soloing a heroic 4 and much effort required in soloing a heroic 2. Same deal with my jugg alt but slightly easier than an operative.


My point is that people need to realize sorcerer are only a god class in pve not pvp. Commandos are ranged, self healing 2-4k spammable ranged crit dealing, knockback, shield bubble death machines. Really commandos should have been hard nerfed before operatives.

Edited by mandrillagon
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You are not just a god class PvE, you are a *********** walking bunker with big dots and enough utility spells to prevent anyone staying in melee range for more then a second or two. Sorc/Sage definately need a nerf, and the easiest way to put them in line is to either reduce bubble hp or increase bubble/knockback cooldown.
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I don't think they went too far. Frankly, I'm glad they gave us a nerf. This will separate the bad FOTM players from the players who know what they're doing.





Level 50 Operative



No it seperates only the good equiped from the not so good nothing more :D

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Star Wars: The Old Republic - 1.1.1 Patch Notes


Imperial Agent





Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.


So the Operative nerf day is upon us. Sad day for all the ops, seems like they went ahead with a nerf that basically makes us useless in PVP, so now the class is crap in both PVP and PVE... I was hoping BW would fix our out of combat damage and nerf our stealth opener to be more in line with other abilities, but no they nerfed the opener, nerfed the already horrible out of combat damage and made our knockdown the worst CC in the game since it will give a full resolve bar for 1.5sec of stun.






I have 16500hp buffed and ~650 expertise.


Yesterday, while my "trinket" was on cooldown, i got attacked by an operative.


When i got back on my foot, i had 20% hp left, the operative did NOT have the +15% expertise WZ buff.


No other class in the game can bring this burst, not even close.


So, no, operative nerf did not go too far.

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so much this


the whining is like rogues in vanilla wow, one tiny nerf and they go berserk saying the class is broken.


That's because rogues in vanilla WoW could actually easily kill someone within a stun lock, and even if they didn't manage they could gouge, blind or vanish and do it again.


In TOR an Operative opens on a sorc, all damage from hidden strike gets absorbed by the shield, then backstab and shiv, combined with the acid dot do 6k to 7k damage at best and the Operative is free game. Since the resolve bar is entirely full we cannot use any CC anymore.

The interrupt only works against one of the heals, the other can still easily be cast.

Furthermore the shield is back up, sorc is at full health and we get either rooted or double stunned and killed.

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Either way we have to move on. Operatives are hard nerfed in not one but two of their top tier abilities. Now this leaves open the possibility that commandos will get their self healing on a 6 or 7 minuted cooldown and grav round obviously needs to be taken down a few notches.


The balancing is a good thing and even if some don't like it too late. We have already started to take down the overpowered classes so lets move on the commandos now. Sages next. Every other class is fine right now.

Edited by mandrillagon
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I have 16500hp buffed and ~650 expertise.


Yesterday, while my "trinket" was on cooldown, i got attacked by an operative.


When i got back on my foot, i had 20% hp left, the operative did NOT have the +15% expertise WZ buff.


No other class in the game can bring this burst, not even close.


So, no, operative nerf did not go too far.


Operative is supposed to be able to destroy you 1v1. If you had been with your team he would've died within 3 or 4 seconds.

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I have 16500hp buffed and ~650 expertise.


Yesterday, while my "trinket" was on cooldown, i got attacked by an operative.


When i got back on my foot, i had 20% hp left, the operative did NOT have the +15% expertise WZ buff.


No other class in the game can bring this burst, not even close.


So, no, operative nerf did not go too far.





Wait until you see them open on you after the patch.


You will be on your face half as long and then you will stand up and realize you still have more than 85% of your bar.


You will proceed to knock the Operative/Scoundrel back and if he ever catches back up to you, he may get you to 80%.



That's really the best case scenario. Every operative and scoundrel I know is rerolling.


The nerf was a bit too hard and did not include anything to increase their mobility.


This would have brought them more in line with other classes. Now they will sit as the lowest dps class and also the only one lacking a knockback or a gap closer.


or both =/

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Wait until you see them open on you after the patch.


You will be on your face half as long and then you will stand up and realize you still have more than 85% of your bar.


You will proceed to knock the Operative/Scoundrel back and if he ever catches back up to you, he may get you to 80%.



That's really the best case scenario. Every operative and scoundrel I know is rerolling.


The nerf was a bit too hard and did not include anything to increase their mobility.


This would have brought them more in line with other classes. Now they will sit as the lowest dps class and also the only one lacking a knockback or a gap closer.


or both =/


On the bright side if we never nerfed scoundrels we would have obviously never balanced the two remaining overpowered classes. Commandos and sages are next on the chopping block and now its actually mandatory for game balance that they be brought into line with operatives and the other classes.


Those three classes were the only overpowered. The other classes in the game are fine so after we bring down commandos and sages everything will be fine balance wise.

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Either way we have to move on. Operatives are hard nerfed in not one but two of their top tier abilities. Now this leaves open the possibility that commandos will get their self healing on a 6 or 7 minuted cooldown and grav round obviously needs to be taken down a few notches.


The balancing is a good thing and even if some don't like it too late. We have already started to take down the overpowered classes so lets move on the commandos now. Sages next. Every other class is fine right now.


What are you talking about?!? seriously? our self heal isn't that "great" at most it'll do 4k...typically people can do 4k damage in 3 seconds....we can't just spam it...because it costs a lot of resources....grav round (tracer missile in my case) is powerful yes...but I die just as well to sages and ops and snipers...because we have to turret to cast....mercs and commandos (marksman and arsenal spec) have 0 mobility, and very little survivability if you get us 2 on one....in a 1 on 1 fight we might be able to hold our own...but it really is a coin flip...plus we get 0 interrupts...and our stun is on a long cooldown (in pvp sense) so is our knockback. Sounds like you can't pvp and have no idea that los'ing us is the way to go.

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What are you talking about?!? seriously? our self heal isn't that "great" at most it'll do 4k...typically people can do 4k damage in 3 seconds....we can't just spam it...because it costs a lot of resources....grav round (tracer missile in my case) is powerful yes...but I die just as well to sages and ops and snipers...because we have to turret to cast....mercs and commandos (marksman and arsenal spec) have 0 mobility, and very little survivability if you get us 2 on one....in a 1 on 1 fight we might be able to hold our own...but it really is a coin flip...plus we get 0 interrupts...and our stun is on a long cooldown (in pvp sense) so is our knockback. Sounds like you can't pvp and have no idea that los'ing us is the way to go.


If Commandos self heal isn't that great as you say why do I see every commando shield run and spam it when low on health. I would love a self heal that can do up to 4k especially if I was a dps heavy armor tank... self healing would be awesome and overpowered.


That ability needs at least a 4 minute cooldown considering you're a ranged tank, heavy armor, self healing, spammable crit death machine. Now that operatives are nerfed we need to bring the two remaining overpowered classes in line, Commandos and sages. The rest of the classes are fine.

Edited by mandrillagon
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