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Cybertech is worthless at 50


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Honestly, these rakata grenades are a joke. A 5min CD for such low damage? So they give a 90s cd reusable to negate damage to Biochem but a 300s cd to inflict (paltry) damage to CT? Give me a break. I'm considering dropping CT just so I don't have to waste a crystal on these utterly worthless products. How did they come up with 5min anyway? Just a nice convenient number?
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Is that a sincere suggestion? That the product is justified because, given the right circumstances, multiple CTs can coordinate their use on a target?


Right, the medpac is always useful; the nade almost never is.

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Numbers in that range are outside rotation inclusion. The grenades from cybertech are clearly intended to offer occasional, but recurring, benefit in the form of AoE damage or CC.


The investment required for the reward? Junk.


I wouldn't drop it if you've got it to 400 though, unless you're not much interested in rolling an alt to do something different with.


Then again, if you know you'll have fun with something else and know that you're not having fun with this, drop it and never look back. It'll sting for the obligatory moment of uncertainty, but that'll pass.

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If I hadn't already sunk in millions of credits for purple patterns, I'd drop Cybertech for Biochem in a heartbeat.


I'm especially disappointed in the speeders. Not only is the level 50 just a recolor of the level 40, it's a recolor of a speeder that's available to everyone. Even worse is the expense. Last I checked, calculated at market value for the materials, it would cost me over $140k to craft. Seriously? I skipped it and bought a level 50 speeder for 55k from the dealer.

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I find Cybertech very useful and I've never even touched the grenades...


yes. cybertech is very useful when leveling.


in fact, it is the most viable craft skill for leveling.


if you get cyber + scavenge + underworld trading, then you are totally set to produce all mods and armors for you and your companions without needing anyone else - the blue ones and purple ones.


there isnt any other crew skill that is that self sufficient while leveling. biochem is, but its only useful for certain stuff.

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I believe the grenades use to kick out like 5-6k dmg but were nerfed BW seem to have forgot the CD. I believe it will be reassessed and CD lowered, when however is the mystery.


I suggest posting in suggestion like mentioned above

Edited by Shazzi
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yes. cybertech is very useful when leveling.


in fact, it is the most viable craft skill for leveling.


if you get cyber + scavenge + underworld trading, then you are totally set to produce all mods and armors for you and your companions without needing anyone else - the blue ones and purple ones.


there isnt any other crew skill that is that self sufficient while leveling. biochem is, but its only useful for certain stuff.


Hence the title that it is worthless at 50. You will not need armoring and mods at 50. You can get better purps than you can craft from the Belsavis dailies. And honestly, leveling is not a problem. You could shell out the credits for the armoring and mods at the GTN and still probably be ahead.

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yes. cybertech is very useful when leveling.


in fact, it is the most viable craft skill for leveling.


if you get cyber + scavenge + underworld trading, then you are totally set to produce all mods and armors for you and your companions without needing anyone else - the blue ones and purple ones.


there isnt any other crew skill that is that self sufficient while leveling. biochem is, but its only useful for certain stuff.


I mean no offense by the bluntness of this statement, but--who really cares? I had 400 Cybertech by level 25, and I almost never made my own mods and armoring. I never needed to. I always had commendations to burn, which equates to free, and most importantly, this is an easy game where you never need to gear yourself out. Simply doing quests will generally gear you out enough that you can advance comfortably.


The only thing about Cybertech that came in handy while leveling was ear-pieces, since they are somewhat rare as quest rewards.

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What crew skill doesn't have a thread of this nature attached to it is what I want to know. Once you have everything, what do you want crafting to do for you exactly anyway? You can make money with it. You can equip new characters with better stuff than you had on your first time through. What else do people want out of skill in the late end-game before new level caps/content are introduced?
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To be honest, the only crew skill worth taking right now is Bio-Chem. Until they add BOP bonuses to the other professions, and probably even afterward, it is the only one that offers any tangible end game reward.


Grenades are only of rare, situational use. In many boss fights I don't even have room in my rotation to use them unless there are a lot of little mobs. In most cases, a lot of little mobs means that I simply use death from above, and they all die. If there are some still standing, then I'll toss a grenade.


Your OP should have been titled "All Crew Skills are worthless at level 50 other than Bio-Chem".

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Personally I think it was great for lvling - but I am switching to biochem as soon as I hit 50 - the nice thing about that is Biochem is only really "great" after 50 as I can buy the lower lvl stims and implants (well have my guild make them for me) while lvling. And I was able to make the lvl 40 and 50 speeder(saves you bunch of cash) and use the nades while lvling - the lvl 50 nades are a waste IMO as they are only really useful for their CC now, and I can buy some that work for that anyways. Edited by Torn
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What crew skill doesn't have a thread of this nature attached to it is what I want to know. Once you have everything, what do you want crafting to do for you exactly anyway? You can make money with it. You can equip new characters with better stuff than you had on your first time through. What else do people want out of skill in the late end-game before new level caps/content are introduced?


Biochem obviously should not have one. The complaints with Armormech etc. is not that their products are not useful (best in game PvE potentially) but rather that they're BoP and that they can't sell it.


CT's end products are not comparatively useful. The potential money made cannot buy the products that give other professions an edge.


I'm sure it's really quite clear what is desired out of these grenades that require rakata crafting mats to use: make them viable, likely by lowering their CD from an arbitrary 5min; i.e., make them worthwhile.

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Your OP should have been titled "All Crew Skills are worthless at level 50 other than Bio-Chem".


This remains largely true. That said, the problem with CT vs BioChem is distinct from, e.g., Armormech vs BioChem. Our reusable endgame product is comparatively useless, but has been lumped with BioChem's and likewise nerfed. The use of some other profession's endgame products is restricted with the BoP/BoE issue, but they are not themselves useless for the crafter himself. A sick piece of crafted rakata PvE armor will not have an unjustifiable CD to when you can wear it, after all.

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This remains largely true. That said, the problem with CT vs BioChem is distinct from, e.g., Armormech vs BioChem. Our reusable endgame product is comparatively useless, but has been lumped with BioChem's and likewise nerfed. The use of some other profession's endgame products is restricted with the BoP/BoE issue, but they are not themselves useless for the crafter himself. A sick piece of crafted rakata PvE armor will not have an unjustifiable CD to when you can wear it, after all.


But is the crafted Rakata gear that much, if any, better than the Rakata gear available to anyone else?


Bio-Chem also benefits from a HUGE savings in terms of credits. In order to be "equal", Armormech would have to have BOP armor that is both better than any other armor available, and that takes no damage (thus incurring no repair bills).

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What about SHIP UPGRADES people? I have made hundreds of thousands of credits off selling the lvl 45+ purple ship upgrades on GTN. That is what CT is good for imo.


And yea i agree with the speederbike comment, whoever made it. Its ridiculously expensive making your own custom speeder/hoover. Why is it even called CUSTOM when it is clearly not, its just a different colour.

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What about SHIP UPGRADES people? I have made hundreds of thousands of credits off selling the lvl 45+ purple ship upgrades on GTN. That is what CT is good for imo.


And yea i agree with the speederbike comment, whoever made it. Its ridiculously expensive making your own custom speeder/hoover. Why is it even called CUSTOM when it is clearly not, its just a different colour.


This is true. I took Slicing instead of Underworld. I've gotten 5 of the purple Starship Upgrade schematics from running slicing missions. 10 minutes of riding around Corellia looting boxes gives me enough credits to make an upgrade which sell for nice little chunks of credits.

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But is the crafted Rakata gear that much, if any, better than the Rakata gear available to anyone else?


The Rakata gear is the exact same you can get in KP HM/NM. The only difference is...


A) It can crit and have a augment from crafting it yourself.

B) You can get it far earlier @50, since KP requires decent gear @HM/NM difficulty.


Really, every crew skill is useless. Money isnt a issue, you dont *need* money. There is nothing to buy. The dailies on Bel & Ilum provide enough cash for any repair bill you might have.


You certainly dont need Cyber or Artifice or any other to level up, as you'll be using commendations for that. Sure they arent purple, but if anyone says you need purple mods to get to 50, they deserve to be smacked. This game literally coudnt be anymore ezmode then it is currently.


Which leaves Biochem. Even nerfed, Biochem is still your best bet. Making perm Adrenals, Stims and Medpacks all the way to 50 is far more benefit then any other crew skill, then at 50 the benefits are painfully obvious.


All Bioware did with the nerf was make Biochem required for any competent player, and relegate all other crew skills to the realm of alts. (Especially since there is no level requirement for X skill, a Alt @20 (3 companions) can easily work any skill you'd like to level up your new characters if your a altaholic)

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I'm still debating whether or not to drop CT for Biochem.


Whilst the armouring is useless, the purple mods are the same level and equivalent values as the ones u get from dailies so you could potentially make money off them. However, given the ease that you can get the daily mods and the fact we can't make tank mods means this is pretty useless.


I've pretty much decided that ship upgrades and earpieces are the only things worth crafting. Earpieces are hard to come by at endgame until you get drops from flashpoints or get lucky on pvp gear so there is nice money to be made. Struggling to get decent tank purple earpiece for my shadow (the blue RE'd to purple and only gave me presence as extra stat, hardly worth it :S).


I'll see if I can make lots of credits from earpieces but tbh, I spend so much on medpacs that reusable medpacs might be the winner for me.

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The problem with this "Let's all take Biochem since it's the only useful Crafting Skill" attitude is that the devs clearly don't WANT it to be that way. Which means that they're just gonna keep nerfing it and/or boosting up the other skills untill they're determined to be equal.


Why waste time and effort switching to another skill and then boosting it up when you KNOW it's just gonna get nerfed - probably soon - anyway?

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