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Huttball for Sentinels


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Huttball was a bit frustrating for me last night. It was more than likely my fault for putting myself in bad situations, but I want some input on where Sentinels position themselves. I counted a streak of getting pushed back or knocked down 3 times in a row. Countless times I would get knocked back and immediately stunned in the acid or fire. Eventually I found my groove by going into the death pits and the sides of the map. Going on the catwalks was just pointless.


Anyone else have useful tips? Do you all seem to be most successful in the pits and sides like I was?

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I try to use my Force Camo to get past enemies for passing. Remember, Force Camo makes you immune to the damage from those fire pits. If our ball carrier is stuck waiting for a fire trap to go away, I'll pop FC and move through the fire so he can pass me the ball(of course in pugs 99% of the people don't know how to pass or just don't do it but that's a different story).


Nothing you can do really about knockbacks/stuns though. They should make it so Rebuke gives you some knockback immunity though or something because there are just way too many knockbacks in the game while we have none and no resistances to them. Makes PVP quite frustrating especially Huttball.

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Sentinels make great ball carriers/carrier buffers due to transcendence, GBTF, and force camo immunity, but we are extremely vulnerable to KB and CC as support, escort, or when killing the enemy carriers, which can be one of the single most frustrating experiences in this game.
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Combat : defense zone (root in flames), scorer

Watchman/Focus : killing ball carrier, scorer


dont listen this guy, he doesnt know what he say


there is no hutball for xxx profession, pass just pass

Edited by rufix
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Sentinels make great ball carriers/carrier buffers due to transcendence, GBTF, and force camo immunity, but we are extremely vulnerable to KB and CC as support, escort, or when killing the enemy carriers, which can be one of the single most frustrating experiences in this game.


Agreed. I took my hands off the keyboard after the 3rd knock back and stun at one point and could only laugh.


To my original question: where do you all find the most success on the map?

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Agreed. I took my hands off the keyboard after the 3rd knock back and stun at one point and could only laugh.


To my original question: where do you all find the most success on the map?


The place where I spend most of it. In the pit with and against my fellow melee while the Mercs/Commando and Sorcs/Sages play with the big kids on the platforms.

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