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Where is the 64-bit client? Sick of the 2GB crash...


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Where is the 64-bit client?


I'm pretty sick of getting a CTD when the client reaches 2GB RAM, it happens very often in Ilum PvP. Enabling LMA is not enough to fix it, thats just delaying the crash.

Most other games seems to have realised that you cant make a 32-bit client run a large MMO effectively, and since this game was just recently released why didnt it come with a 64-bit client?


When can we expect to see one?


It has little to do with 64bit client or multi treading. It has to do with piss poor system resource management (ie sloppy code), and number of memory leaks.


Primary memory leak i would suspect is the GUI API (Flash language). Flash should of never been used in the first place. Why they choose a engine to that relied heavily on a bloated resource hungry API for every aspect of the GUI is beyond me.

Edited by lokivoid
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Doesnt matter. At some point when you are using a large amount of that ram, its going to want to dump to a pagefile. I have 24GB of ram in my machine, you would think it doesnt need a page file. It does.


I have 32gb ram and I often use much more than 24gb memory. I have not needed any pagefile so far and I doubt I will need it anytime soon.

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Doesnt matter. At some point when you are using a large amount of that ram, its going to want to dump to a pagefile. I have 24GB of ram in my machine, you would think it doesnt need a page file. It does.


You really don't. It provides almost no additional benefit beyond memory dumps in systems with a large amount of available physical memory.

Edited by TradewindNQ
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Windows really will not like you if you disable the pagefile.


Really wont matter much unless you run some Microsoft server app's on your gaming PC, that require PF becose, God really knows why but some do... For gaming PC or any Real-Time system the PF is redundant for anything but debugging (that is, if you got enough memory)

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Really wont matter much unless you run some Microsoft server app's on your gaming PC, that require PF becose, God really knows why byt some do... For gaming PC or any Real-Time system the PF is redundant for anything but debugging (that is, if you got enough memory)


Because Exchange is a *********** hog.



Is this why even though I have 16GB of RAM loading still takes forever? If it were a 64 bit client would it go faster?


I'm guessing your HDD is a turd. Figuratively...not being mean.

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its fairly common for me when i go to the fleet or get around large crowds, other than that im fine.


it is probably your graphics card memory lacking.


i havent had ANY problems with anything, despite i am running in 5040x 3 monitor resolution.


but then again, i have a 2gb video card, and windows 7 does memory sharing with video card by assigning the normal ram to texture memory.

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Really wont matter much unless you run some Microsoft server app's on your gaming PC, that require PF becose, God really knows why byt some do... For gaming PC or any Real-Time system the PF is redundant for anything but debugging (that is, if you got enough memory)


It's hit or miss depending on the environment. Generally, disabling it doesn't result in any real benefit either [fractions of a second for boot time and shutdown, yay?] beyond freeing up the disk space on the drive [which can be useful for SSD scenarios].


Apparently, it can impact SuperFetch as well, which has varying degrees of impact depending on your system's setup.

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I guess you didn't notice the thread about SSD not improving loading.


They do improve load times...........unless you buy the cheap slow transfer SSD's


Just because one person buys the crappy SSD and makes a post about it not loading faster does not prove anything.

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They do improve load times...........unless you buy the cheap slow transfer SSD's


Just because one person buys the crappy SSD and makes a post about it not loading faster does not prove anything.


Tried the game on ramdisk and it does not load much faster. Still around 5 seconds on every type. Just a second or more on normal HDD.

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Tried the game on ramdisk and it does not load much faster. Still around 5 seconds on every type. Just a second or more on normal HDD.


Which is very nice. Just to chime here, I think the folks complaining about their load times are looking at closer to 30s to 1min loadtimes than the sub-10s range.

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Like someone wrote, the pagefile seems to have been corrupt, disabling it removed my issue, client is currently at 2.8gb and no crash, the lag not as bad as before either in ilum. So it seems I've blamed wrong people for the issue, should blame MS instead. :)


Back to farming.

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Like someone wrote, the pagefile seems to have been corrupt, disabling it removed my issue, client is currently at 2.8gb and no crash, the lag not as bad as before either in ilum. So it seems I've blamed wrong people for the issue, should blame MS instead. :)


Back to farming.


Just as I wrote that it reached 3GB and then got the CTD again, lol...

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You're welcome. Just defrag that partition and rebuild the page file with a static max/min (1.5x your physical memory for both) if you feel the need to re-enable it at a future date.


I think I will just run with it disabled, only going to play games on this machine anyway. :)

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Have never crashed and I run Windows 7 64-bit with 8GB of Memory. I've seen plenty of times to TOR using more than 2GB of memory alone.


I have the exact same setup. Windows 7 64-bit. 8 GB RAM. I see TOR going over 2GB all the time. I'm not sure folks understand exactly how this stuff works :/

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Dunno what other people are smoking but this game's a memory hog. The 32 bit client crashes for me when it maxes out at 3.8 gigs of memory - this happens every hour or so out on ilum when there's 100 people on my screen spamming abilities non stop at the repub base.


Nothing wrong with my machine, their client just can't physically use any more memory past 3.8 gigs (anyone who understands 32 bit vs. 64 bit will know why..)


It's a shame too because I've got another 10+ gigs just chillin.... :(

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