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Does Right/Left strat ever work in Civil War?


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Dude, as soon as you control the sides you can take a speeder straight from spawn to either side so yes the best strategy is to get the sides and defend them and if u die u take the speeder right back and prevent cap.


This. And yes it has worked many times. Generally when I am with my guild premade, we ask the pugs to go left while we got take right, we get there in enough time to interrupt the cap and then kill them off. For the majority of the time it works and for those who actually use the speeders correctly, they are the easiest to defend.

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I lawl at this every time someone mentions it. The point is whilst ignoring middle you are allowing the opposing faction to Zerg and 9 times out of 10 you get overwhelmed. Taking middle and left is the intelligent thing to do. However you just can't reason with noobs


This is short-sighted because if they are zerging you with 7-8 people, you can just have one person ninja middle for yourself. Plus, you can defend a side node with 4 people against 8 enemies if you have anyone with 18 second DoTs. So Left/Right is still the better strategy.


So in actuality, the best strategy is to cap 2 turrets and adapt by attacking wherever the enemy zerg is leaving open and keep trading your one turret for their one. If you don't adapt, you fail, simple as that.

Edited by Kryptorchid
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Right will always be red at the start unless your enemy sends 0 people to cap it.


Not true. I've only missed preventing a opening cap on right twice with my sorceror, and one of those I swear I got my force storm off in time but must have been laggy or something. The other time the enemy surprised me and charged someone along the wall separating west from middle, who hit me with a stun while I was still crossing the open area.


Of course, if the enemy fields more than two to that side, I might only be able to hold them up for a short time.

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Unless you know the other side will massively faceroll you in a straight up battle, left/mid right/mid is way better, IMO. The tactical advantage of the middle is underestimated.


And I think the tactical advantage of 2 players being able to DoT and use side speeders to defend a node against 5+ enemy is underestimated as well.

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I go middle all day. It's closer to left if they or we need help. I don't play to die and don't rely on speeders to save my turrets.


Middle also has very useful terrain and 2 expertise buffs right there. Dah best.

Edited by Exilim
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I think it depends on the team build. If you are in a pug only group, often left and middle tend to work out best, simply because middle is much easier to take and swap. Once both sides are up and running, the team that holds them have a much faster travel time to them.


Which is of course why in a perfect world, getting both sides is the best. However it is very hard to get to the right gun since it is farther away. I'm willing to bet that most strategies involve force speed to get there to interrupt capture. Once a team is embedded as well it can be a nightmare due to the fast travel time for the holding team.


Generally in situations like that, you tend to be in the lap of the gods in regards to the other team messing up their defence. Either with a feint working or players just not coordinating well.


Usually the best option for pugs is just to take left and brute force the middle. Some groups overthink it really, especially if they are used to premades or have had a really good pug that works well together/made up of the right balance. Let the enemy group overthink it. Go simple and call out EARLY if you need help. It's no use shouting if they are already capturing. If you see a mass of red coming at you. let the ops group know. You have now done your part and try to hold them till the cavalry arrives. Many times ive been swarmed and got dropped when i have typed my warning shout, but 9 times out of 10 while i've been biking back down... a sea of green has suddenly responded to my call and stopped them. It's all quite simple really.

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If your team is better geared, you win! If it doesn't, you lose!


But seriously I haven't lost an Alderaan yet from having a free middle and then everyone heading left for some 7-4 action.


If by some chance the Imps ever do get left I sit right at the speeder spawn point and teach them a lesson, with a KD and a slow I can beat on them before they can even get up the stairs to 'help'.


Pretty easy to cap it actually.

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Healer + Tank combo Left

Zerg Right


Once you have both outside turrets you should have healer + tank on the turrets and everyone else fighting at mid to keep the other team occupied.


Guaranteed win since the healer + tank combo can call incoming and survive more than long enough for the mid squad to reinforce (if you have a good healer + tank combo they can hold off 4 enemies indefinitely due to the fast speeders).

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Which falls apart if anyone is able to cleanse those dots.


Stop being dense. With 2 defenders and the side speeders, you will never NOT have someone there to break caps in addition to DoTs rolling, unless your enemy is extremely smart and whittle both of you down so they can kill you both within 3 seconds of each other (which still might not be enough because the speeder takes so little time to get there).

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Stop being dense. With 2 defenders and the side speeders, you will never NOT have someone there to break caps in addition to DoTs rolling, unless your enemy is extremely smart and whittle both of you down so they can kill you both within 3 seconds of each other (which still might not be enough because the speeder takes so little time to get there).


You don't need to be extremely smart to do that, you need to have a minor capability to understand how the WZ works. Two people dotting up a group of 5 bads works, sure. Two people doing it against coordinated players will be gibbed almost immediately and the dots will be cleared, with people ready to drop CC on you the moment you drop off your returning speeder and try to stop the cap.

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You don't need to be extremely smart to do that, you need to have a minor capability to understand how the WZ works. Two people dotting up a group of 5 bads works, sure. Two people doing it against coordinated players will be gibbed almost immediately and the dots will be cleared, with people ready to drop CC on you the moment you drop off your returning speeder and try to stop the cap.


And while all that is happening 3 people have arrived from the other urret via the tunnel breaking any captures. If your other turret gets hit with the remaining 3 enemy, either send 2 respawners there via speeders, or shift to mid and get a free cap.


If you are going to assume compotency with the enemy, assume it from your team as well.

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1. You can definitely stop someone from capping their side turret in the beginning. In fact, every game I deliberately drop off left and go straight to intercept anyone trying to do this by CC'ing them or slowing them down as much as possible.


2. Two people of the right classes and who know what they are doing can defend a side endlessly. Dots are the key. Dots interrupt the flag cap and if you keep spamming them as you come down you can keep them off it.

Edited by EternalFinality
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For PUG groups i enrole my own selfish tactic. Point denial rather than own capture. And of course i trust in the only thing worthy of trust within a PUG Group. Stupidity. :D


The most enrolled tactic is to cap your closer turret (mostly send just one or two people there) - mostly one and concentrate on the middle.


If just one player goes straight to their turret you can at worst prolong the capping of the turret, or even claim it for your side.



in 98% of all matches, it goes like this, we capture our turret, we lose the middle after 20 to 30 secs, while they still got not a single turret captured during that time.


Part of the enemy zerg (or dead respawners) rush to their turret where i still fight denying a capture.


I die, they capture the turret, our zerg has at this point almost taken over the middle. Enemy Zerg rushes to the middle, now at least two to four people realized middle = bad, let's go ...oh right!


We zerg the outer Turret, capture it, now dongle between the outer turrets. There is mostly someone who still keeps attacking the middle, so there will be always at least TWO enemies. "Defending it".


The same "must defend turret" mindset is on our random players, but we got two turrets. :D


This severely shrinks the attacking force while we can dongle between the turrets.


(so one or two people mindlessly zerging the middle isn't bad!) Actually it's the reason you can capture the middle once your PUG Zergs diverts his attention, mostly due to losing the one outer turret due to their zerg. ;)



We may lose one outer turret, but that's always comes to the expense of the middle to them. But the important fact is, we had a slight or huge advantage due to initially capturing turrets (towers).



For the aggressive Middle + outer approach you need communication and sometimes even the gear. So yeah the point denial approach works great in "my" pvp warzones.

And has always given "us" the edge we needed.



I probably should feel bad for abusing the zerg dynamic of my fellow PUg players, but still if it works, why not? :D

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And while all that is happening 3 people have arrived from the other urret via the tunnel breaking any captures. If your other turret gets hit with the remaining 3 enemy, either send 2 respawners there via speeders, or shift to mid and get a free cap.


If you are going to assume compotency with the enemy, assume it from your team as well.


I assume competency when we're bothering to discuss tactics, because you barely need tactics against bads and thus it's not worth discussing. Do you have any idea how quickly two players can be utterly destroyed by a group of 5? Much faster than anyone can traverse the tunnel. Again, it's not hard to slow down incoming people just long enough for you to cap a point. Your tactic works great against disorganised PuGs, but unless they have 0 resistance at the point they're already defending, and you call out the incoming the moment you see the first red nameplate, they will be hard pressed to consistently reach you quickly enough. One player rushing towards the tunnel and putting them into combat slows down their advance.


It really doesn't take all that long to cap a point. I'm not saying DoTs aren't a great tool in the majority of Warzones, I'm just telling you that against a decent opponent, it won't be enough to lock down a control point because the DoTs are a non-issue when the enemy can cleanse them off with an instant cast. Hell, it's likely you won't even have a chance to DoT all 5 of them anyways because you'll be getting CC'd and focused down so quickly.

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