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Thrawn Trilogy anyone?


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I know this is too much to wish for, and im probably just having erotic nerddreams about it, but if swtor becomes a huge success, do you guys think they will turn this trilogy into movies?

The actors are still all there, granted they aged like 30 years instead of the 5 years the books give them.


Any news someone spotted anywhere yet? a circle on a napkin will do (family guy reference)


Anyway, great game Bioware, you really did it!

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I don't think there is any connection between TOR's success and new movies. Lucas seems to not be interested in doing any more movies, and I doubt he would take something from the Expanded Universe, too, and rather do his own story (which may violate anything the EU said.)


That said, I'd totally watch the Thrawn trilogy!

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I'm currently reading the TT and quite enjoying it, however I heard that GL declared it non cannon unfortunately.

Lucas took stuff out of those books, for example in the trilogy Coruscant invented (the would that even got into the movies). But I doubt that Lucas would make those movies, because the books have stuff he don't like (like the normal speaking Wookiee) and I think he would prefer to do something himself not a story that someone else already told (and with the prequels the saga of the movies have an entire other thematic emphasis than the Thrawn Trilogy has).


Also if someone would do that one day, those movies would get a new cast of actors (and that alone could make people unhappy).


I think it's for the best that those books don't get made into movies (Thrawn, however cool he is in the books, just might not be that cool on screen).

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I'm currently reading the TT and quite enjoying it, however I heard that GL declared it non cannon unfortunately.



I don't think they were declared non cannon. Lucas Arts has to approve all the newer EU books and they all depend heavily on what Zahn brought us in the Thrawn Trilogy.


I mean c'mon Mira Jade Skywalker is a huge EU cannon character.

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George Lucas pretty much said that none of the books are canon. But, they still are.


Untrue. The quote is taken out of context. Lucas sees them both as two separate universes. He also stated there's nothing he wants to make movies about because his story was about the rise, fall, and redemption of Vader. That story is done and that's the story he wanted to share.

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Lucas says he won’t make anymore, but still he is going now maybe they will have someone else do it. However, I really don’t support making the Thrawn Trilogy into a new star wars movie trilogy. Sure it's great in its own right but there are far greater Star Wars books out there, just to name some:


1) Dark Lord, the Rise of Darth Vader.

2) The Darth Bane Trilogy (Would be great for the movie.)

3) The Jedi Accademy trilogy.

4) Many many more.


Or one could make a movie out of "The Great Sith War" with Exar Kun.


The main reason I don't want the Thrawn Trilogy is because it lags a strong sith pressence. Sure it has that crashy dark jedi master clone, but he is not sith enough for me.


The Canon question


The problem with the Thrawn Trilogy is that it conflicts with the "Dark Empire" series. In the Thrawn Trilogy it is asumed that the Rebels took Corusant from the empire and formed The New Republic pretty easy after the battle of Endor. However, in the Dark Empire series it's told that the Rebels and Empire is still in a huge war across the galaxy and the battle is far from won.


Subsequently, Lucasart fixed this in the Jedi Accademy trilogy by claiming both Thrawn and Dark Empire happened, and it HAD taken a lot of effort to retake Corusant and throw the empire out.

Edited by Inzuher
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Also if someone would do that one day, those movies would get a new cast of actors (and that alone could make people unhappy).


Yes, but how bout a 3D movie about it, like they do the Clone Wars now.



I mean I really like that series, even though I frown so hard on the idea of Anakin having a Padawan.


But it would cost less than a movie, the fans would like it, and could be the first of many more (TOR-ERA :D The Story of Revan :D :D :D )

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Lucas says he won’t make anymore, but still he is going now maybe they will have someone else do it. However, I really don’t support making the Thrawn Trilogy into a new star wars movie trilogy. Sure it's great in its own right but there are far greater Star Wars books out there, just to name some:


1) Dark Lord, the Rise of Darth Vader.

2) The Darth Bane Trilogy (Would be great for the movie.)

3) The Jedi Accademy trilogy.

4) Many many more.


Or one could make a movie out of "The Great Sith War" with Exar Kun.


The main reason I don't want the Thrawn Trilogy is because it lags a strong sith pressence. Sure it has that crashy dark jedi master clone, but he is not sith enough for me.


The Canon question


The problem with the Thrawn Trilogy is that it conflicts with the "Dark Empire" series. In the Thrawn Trilogy it is asumed that the Rebels took Corusant from the empire and formed The New Republic pretty easy after the battle of Endor. However, in the Dark Empire series it's told that the Rebels and Empire is still in a huge war across the galaxy and the battle is far from won.


Subsequently, Lucasart fixed this in the Jedi Accademy trilogy by claiming both Thrawn and Dark Empire happened, and it HAD taken a lot of effort to retake Corusant and throw the empire out.


I rather watch Thrawn Trilogy than another "LOLOMG OP force user" tbh. Thrawn himself made the empire so much more interesting to the point where it is both feared and respected. Not to mention that he alone, a non force user almost destroyed the New Republic and became as much of a threat as Vader and Palpatine.


Oh and Mara Jade :)

Edited by Idunhavaname
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George Lucas pretty much said that none of the books are canon. But, they still are.

Actually what GL said is "I don't care about the books," which is different from "they are not canon." It means he'll run roughshod over them if he wants to.


Lucasfilm's Canonicity Department just cleaves to "what's latest is greatest with the exception of George's stuff which is Word of God."

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3) The Jedi Accademy trilogy.


Get out.


Seriously, the JEDI ACADEMY TRILOGY?!?!? That horridness started the ruination of the Star Wars EU which continued in the Corellian Trilogy and finally caused me to abandon EU books altogether until the New Jedi Order series brought back decent Star Wars fiction.


The only real decent Star Wars EU books are anything by Zhan, Stackpole, or Tyers. I do grant that the NJO is a love-or-hate affair, but it dared to be more than just a lame attempt to copy Timothy Zhan (write a trilogy, nearly destroy the New Republic, try to do political intrigue (badly, because you're no Tim Zhan), and end it all in a chapter by having Luke "Use the Force" to pull a magical solution out of his hindquarters (which is a trope Kevin J. Anderson actually started.))


But still, I wouldn't want to see the Thrawn Trilogy turned into movies for a number of reasons:


1) The actors, sadly, are too old, and CGI can take you only so far.

2) The average novel has about three times the plot of the average two-hour movie. Thus, to turn the average novel into the average two-hour movie, you have to cut out about two-thirds of the plot (which is why it's almost inevitable, upon seeing a movie based on a book, to hear "the book was better.') Thus, making the Thrawn Trilogy as Zhan wrote it would take NINE MOVIES. More likely, it would be shredded to suck by editing it to fit in three two-hour movies.

3) Some parts of it would need to be rewritten to fit into the prequel continuity. Mostly this would be minor re-writes, but some things, such as the cloning facility in Mount Tantiss, may require major overhaul.

Edited by ErikModi
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