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Delays are gone!


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Excellent. This shows that Bioware 'is' working on things. I've always been an advocate of giving them time, as it takes time to fix any problem in an MMO, and now they've shown through their actions that they're carrying through with what they said. If there are still problems, I'm now reassured that they're doing everything they can to address them. Now, to get back to playing this awesomely fun game.
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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.




try force shroud right before going into nightmare soa's lightning balls and you will experience a delay



Edited by Moitteva
avoiding language filter
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this must be placebo effect. servers are light after update and they wrote "delay fix" in patch notes and everybody hype.. but obviously my friends lying to me saying was nothing changed with those nasty delays. gosh.. I must lie to myself too cuz I don't see any difference too.







OMG that like is hilarious!:D So true too.

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try force shroud right before going into nightmare soa's lightning balls and you will experience a delay




When did you even get a chance to do Nightmare Soa since the patch this morning?

Edited by Moitteva
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I'm not sure what people are talking about as I can't feel any difference. The ridiculous ability delay is still very much present...


Think it worked for some classes and not others... I think... lol. My scoundrel heals seem to be firing a bit faster, allowing me to switch targets and heal but I haven't had much of a time to test this out.


Like I said 2 pages back though. Anything with a channeling effect is still slow.. and delayed.

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I cant feel a difference and yes the speeder still dismounts when going forward at the end of cast bar. That right there should tell you the problem is still present. I do however feel a smoother wz experience. Not as smooth and sweet as WoW game play but its ok.
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Skills are much much better now in terms of delay..


As for the speeder thing, it is a little annoying but well. Once you get the timing in your head it's not so bad, for me at least.


One thing that stopped this happening in Lotro tho was for the last half a second or less of the induction to summon your mount you where effectivly rooted on the spot so you couldnt break the animation. For me this is the way to go but not everyone may agree.


Just for examples sake. 2 second summoning time, you can cancel it by moving up untill the final 0.5seconds then your rooted till your speeder is out and away you go.

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I cant feel a difference and yes the speeder still dismounts when going forward at the end of cast bar. That right there should tell you the problem is still present. I do however feel a smoother wz experience. Not as smooth and sweet as WoW game play but its ok.


Umm different issue, actually the speeder is a non issue, it's about ignorance.

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Umm different issue, actually the speeder is a non issue, it's about ignorance.


Mounting up, the cast bar finishing, starting to move, having the speeder appear and then dissapear again...


It is an issue of delay in an ability causing a feeling of non responsiveness. It is absolutely under the same umbrella as other issues classified as ability delay, claiming otherwise is ignorance.

Edited by DragnHntr
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Mounting up, the cast bar finishing, starting to move, having the speeder appear and then dissapear again...


It is an issue of delay in an ability causing a feeling of non responsiveness. It is absolutely under the same umbrella as other abilities classified as ability delay, claiming otherwise is ignorance.


This^^. If they fixed ability delays, how come they couldnt fix mount delay. Would mount delay be much easier to fix than ability's?

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[*]We've heard your mixed feedback regarding the new cooldown animation that was part of patch 1.1, and we have improvements to the readability of that UI coming down the pipe.






Wheres the "mixed" feedback? It was all dire

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I'm glad people read the blog and noted that today's patch was only addressing one of multiple issues combining to cause the overall affect known as ability delay. The other two that were mentioned in the blog probably haven't even made it to ptr yet, but that is where they are destined before they hit live servers sometime in the future.


EDIT to say the blog also mentions even those are not a full cure, they are still chasing down all the gremlins.

Edited by Ituhata
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another way to see the delay is to use 1 of them car TAXI not a speeder taxi u will need to wait about .5sec-1sec before u can move not really sure if it is same that cause ability delay i just know its not normal and should be able to walk soon as off taxi just like speeder taxi.
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Dude, i hate this game, I haven't played it for 1 week now (my 30 days end on 25th tomorrow).

I'm not gonna sub and this fix doesn't fix the game nearly enough for me.

Yet, I logged in and did a WZ to test this and I notice it, I could barelly do interrupts before, because it would wait for animation crap, not I don't even see the animation and it just interrupts.

And overall feels a tad smoother to chain abilities.


There is definitly improvement, that said the game still feels clunky to me.


and you feel like you wanted to post and say that...why?....

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I'm glad people read the blog and noted that today's patch was only addressing one of multiple issues combining to cause the overall affect known as ability delay. The other two that were mentioned in the blog probably haven't even made it to ptr yet, but that is where they are destined before they hit live servers sometime in the future.
you are aware that generally speaking sarcasm doesn't actually work in print right ? :p Edited by Sleekit
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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


Just got my firt ever Bluescreen in Win7. Started game, went to make a cup of tea (10 mins max) and windows had recovered from a serious error!

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