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What's Bioware position on Credit Runs?

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Since our server is a low populated one on republic side and my guild is one of the few that raids, we were thinking of implementing the same we had on wow, gold runs, or in this case credit runs.

In this runs all the items are auctioned and in the end the credits are divided by equal among all the guild members that "boosted" the pugs.


I would like to know what's Bioware position on this matter, because we don't want to violate the rules and risk bans, but the EULA is not very clear about this matter.




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would have to be run in HM, so ML could assign loot


secondly what about the patterns and crafting mats? you would have to have a set amount applied to each pattern/mat so if they won they gave you the credits, failure to give the credits if won would mean kicking from the raid and ofc bad mouthed in /1 :)

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So then the only question is, are you all geared enough to 7 man or 15 man hard modes yet :), and if you need 15 to run 1 guy, the profit margin is quite small, whereas if you do 8 man losing one person is all the more significant...


Even though the gear is pre-assigned in normal mode, we can make arrangements to boost PuGs by charging PRE raid a fee...say 250k-500k for a full EV run.

We can boost around 8 people, making a nice profit for the other 8 for 2 hours effort.

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So then the only question is, are you all geared enough to 7 man or 15 man hard modes yet :), and if you need 15 to run 1 guy, the profit margin is quite small, whereas if you do 8 man losing one person is all the more significant...


Easily, can run 16man ahrdmode with 3 usless pugs no worries.

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Except anyone that's geared enough to run EV in hard mode isn't going to pay some guild to run them through. They'll either have enough friends to create their own group, or be in a guild already.


Honestly, the only thing that ever really succeeded in "runs" where regular instances (aka flashpoints) like "Running you through Deadmines, you get all loot 20g" etc etc.


I swear, each year people come up with more gimmicky schemes to try and separate some poor fool from his/her money/credits. :rolleyes:

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Except anyone that's geared enough to run EV in hard mode isn't going to pay some guild to run them through. They'll either have enough friends to create their own group, or be in a guild already.


Honestly, the only thing that ever really succeeded in "runs" where regular instances (aka flashpoints) like "Running you through Deadmines, you get all loot 20g" etc etc.


I swear, each year people come up with more gimmicky schemes to try and separate some poor fool from his/her money/credits. :rolleyes:


You don't seem to understand gold runs at all which is fine it was mostly a concept from Korean MMO's and it became popular largely in Wrath in WOW. There is also the selling of runs which is a bit different and I think the OP commingles the concepts a bit.


You have two types coming on this raid the skilled raiders who want credits(god really knows why in this game) and the puggers who have credits and want loot. And generally are at least semi skilled and through some circumstance can't or won't join a raid guild.



Each piece that drops you'd put up for a bid in raidchat. Top bid takes the item the credits go into a pool that gets divided equally at the end of the run. Which is also an incentive to keep raiders in the raid til the end and not drop as if they drop no credits...I'm looking at you Saurfang and you warriors :p..... So if you get no loot you ideally get a lot of credits. If you get a particularly desirable item that has hot bidding you come out with the item but put up a lion's share of the credits that gets split.



This type of run is very useful for alts. Also for getting that one last piece that hasn't dropped for you or that you always lose the roll.



The normal mode deal where the loot is preassigned is a bit different. They are banking on the fact that their minimum number of raiders can carry the people they have sold runs too no matter how poorly skilled they are. So I can take my naked just geared 50 in on autofollow and just get my loot. This is simply selling a run.

Edited by Grooboggle
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