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View Distance In Graphic Options Please?


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It was in the beta, have no idea why they took it out. It's pretty much a basic option in every modern MMO to help performance so it seems like common sense would have said to leave it in. But after some of the things I've seen them do with this game, I've lowered my standards for what I expect from the devs.
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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about so excuse me if I'm talking about the wrong thing (after all I'm just trying to help you) but I'm quite sure that you can change the view distance in your options, but it isn't in the graphic options, it's in the first menu selectable or so, can't remember its name.. Just search for it
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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about so excuse me if I'm talking about the wrong thing (after all I'm just trying to help you) but I'm quite sure that you can change the view distance in your options, but it isn't in the graphic options, it's in the first menu selectable or so, can't remember its name.. Just search for it


No, this is camera view distance. Better said, it's the distance you can zoom your camera out from your toon.


What people here are asking for (and I heartily agree) is an option that allows players and NPCs to render at greater distance (or less, depending).


As was already said, this is present in nearly every major MMO. Are they afraid that some players won't be able to increase the render distance to max? Nope, some won't. But that is no reason to pander to the lowest common denominator in PC hardware. Welcome to PC gaming. Too many of our graphical options seem to pigeonhole all PC users into one computer build. It seems more like a game designed for a console than one designed for the PC market.


I sincerely hope this changes.

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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about so excuse me if I'm talking about the wrong thing (after all I'm just trying to help you) but I'm quite sure that you can change the view distance in your options, but it isn't in the graphic options, it's in the first menu selectable or so, can't remember its name.. Just search for it


What we are talking about is the view waht you see in the far, like a tree is 200 meters away, with max view distance you can see it, with min wűview distance you cannot. You can see less things, less work for your pc, better performance, more fps, profit for people with bad machines, more costumers:)


And I also support the idea.

Edited by cybertouch
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Yeah, this would be nice. Right now I'd like to greatly increase my view distance; I'm tired of grass and people popping up so close to me, especially when I'm on a speeder. This game on max settings only uses like 10-30% of my computers resources, so I'm pretty sure I could handle it.
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Yeah, this would be nice. Right now I'd like to greatly increase my view distance; I'm tired of grass and people popping up so close to me, especially when I'm on a speeder. This game on max settings only uses like 10-30% of my computers resources, so I'm pretty sure I could handle it.


sadly, people popping up close to you isn't the view distance they're talking about. thats load distance.


view distance is how far you load textures like landscape and buildings. in WoW for example, if you set it to high, you can see the landscape sprawling pretty far. if you set it lower, you see fog at a certain distance so your system can load less.


as for players loading further out? good luck :/ thats limited not so much because of a players systems but because the further you load players/npc's the more work their servers have to do. this is limited so they don't break their systems and can keep server lag to a minimum.

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No, this is camera view distance. Better said, it's the distance you can zoom your camera out from your toon.


What people here are asking for (and I heartily agree) is an option that allows players and NPCs to render at greater distance (or less, depending).


As was already said, this is present in nearly every major MMO. Are they afraid that some players won't be able to increase the render distance to max? Nope, some won't. But that is no reason to pander to the lowest common denominator in PC hardware. Welcome to PC gaming. Too many of our graphical options seem to pigeonhole all PC users into one computer build. It seems more like a game designed for a console than one designed for the PC market.


I sincerely hope this changes.


What you're missing here is the fact that the OP wants a slider to lower it past the already dismally low setting that is in place. He's part of the problem. He can't upgrade or doesn't want to, His settings are probably already on low, or should be if he's having fps issues, and he wants a slider that will bring the view distance even closer than what it already is.


This game should have been made on a console considering that the 2 games before it were mainly console games. This 3rd one being on PC is bringing console gamers to the PC side of gaming, but none of these console gamers know what kind of monetary effort is required to be a PC gamer. I'm not saying I'm better than console gamers because I'm a PC gamer. Hell, I own both the PS3 and the 360 and played them almost exclusively until about 4 months ago when I built a new PC for Battlefield 3 (don't even let me get started on THAT game).


All of these schmucks new to PC gaming think they can just install the game on the family computer and go. I bet half of them didn't even know to look at the requirements. I'm just frustrated that I'm not allowed to play this game the way it was intended and now get to play TOR-lite because other people are too stupid to lower their settings or couldn't even run the game in beta to begin with.

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What you're missing here is the fact that the OP wants a slider to lower it past the already dismally low setting that is in place. He's part of the problem. He can't upgrade or doesn't want to, His settings are probably already on low, or should be if he's having fps issues, and he wants a slider that will bring the view distance even closer than what it already is.


This game should have been made on a console considering that the 2 games before it were mainly console games. This 3rd one being on PC is bringing console gamers to the PC side of gaming, but none of these console gamers know what kind of monetary effort is required to be a PC gamer. I'm not saying I'm better than console gamers because I'm a PC gamer. Hell, I own both the PS3 and the 360 and played them almost exclusively until about 4 months ago when I built a new PC for Battlefield 3 (don't even let me get started on THAT game).


All of these schmucks new to PC gaming think they can just install the game on the family computer and go. I bet half of them didn't even know to look at the requirements. I'm just frustrated that I'm not allowed to play this game the way it was intended and now get to play TOR-lite because other people are too stupid to lower their settings or couldn't even run the game in beta to begin with.


He wants the "option" which is fair enough, if you don't want it that's cool but if somewhere down the line (for whatever reason) you would like to adjust the setting the option will be there. which anyway you look at it is good, but to say this is negative is just silly since it wouldn't affect you in any way.

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He wants the "option" which is fair enough, if you don't want it that's cool but if somewhere down the line (for whatever reason) you would like to adjust the setting the option will be there. which anyway you look at it is good, but to say this is negative is just silly since it wouldn't affect you in any way.


I never said it shouldn't be added and I never said it was a negative option, I for one would love sliders for view and draw distance. My post had negative connotations, but not once did I say that it shouldn't be in the game. Try to not make assumptions and read what I said again. Take it word for word how it was written without any interpretation.


I was merely stating, in plainly callous terms, that if the OP couldn't get good enough frame rates after lowering all the settings, then he should seriously consider investing in upgrades for his PC.


I'm all for view distance sliders. As it stands now, draw distance is horrible. I feel like a Nature Wizard sprouting plants at my feet everywhere I go.


I know people IRL and have seen people mention in game how they only get 10 fps. They've turned everything down and still get horrible frame rates. Those people don't need to be catered to, the graphics settings in this game are dumbed down enough as it is. If they can't hang, they need to upgrade, it's that simple. The devs can add lower settings, but I really want the game I was shown in the pictures and videos to become reality. I want high res textures. Is it any more selfish of me to ask for that to be worked on and not his problem of obviously not knowing what he's doing? I did my research, I spent my money, I invested in a computer that is actually capable of doing what I want it to do. If joe everyman can't get it into his head that his computer can't do everything he wants it to, why should he get special treatment? Get with the industry standard.


Did I try to run Battlefield 3 on my old, outdated single core Athlon 64, 2GB DDR RAM, and 7800GT and then ask for the devs to add lower settings to make up for the fact that I couldn't even get the game to run? No, I saved up. I bought a new PC and accepted PC gaming for what it is, a terrible, horrible moneysink in which there is no escape if you want to stay up to date. That's what PC gaming is. That's what PC gaming will be. I don't look down on people who can't afford it, there are plenty of things in my lifetime I will probably never be able to afford. If someone can't afford a better PC, then PC gaming isn't for them. I'm not trying to play Xbox 360 games on a PSX because I know it won't work.

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