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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nightmare Soa needs buffed


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Hard Soa was an incredibly fun and difficult encounter on 16 man before the patch. Only a very few guilds actually downed it because it was a challenging encounter. However in patch 1.1 numerous changes happened to the Soa fight which basically neutered the encounter and make nightmare mode a joke. Please revert the nerfs (not the mind trap bug fix) for NIGHTMARE ONLY.


Normal should be for pugs.

Hard should be for decent guilds.

Nightmare should be for hardcore players.


You have the chance to have an amazing system, but the current way of doing ops have 2 modes. Normal and Nightmare. Hard mode can simply be completely skipped over. Make hard modes the difficulty of nightmares now, and make nightmares well, a nightmare.

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I always like the term "hardcore players"... it always makes me laugh :)


*how do we kill that which has no life?*




Actually hardcore players most likely have more lives than average raiding guilds. For example my guild is "hardcore" and we have cleared every raid already. As such were are on a 1-2 night a week raiding schedule leaving us plenty of time to enjoy the rest of our life.


We would just like challenging content. While loot may be the reason some people raid, others raid simply because the content is challenging and the sense of accomplishment when you down hard soa after 200+ attempts is exhilarating.

Edited by MercArcher
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ITT: Guild clears all NM content, world first, comes to forums and qq's that it was too easy after putting in hundreds of hours on attempts (4am kill?).


Most people can't put in 10 hours in a night of raiding (first kill 5:50pm, last kill 4am). Keep telling yourself you have more of a life than non 'hardcore' players, 99+% of people cannot drop everything they have going on to simply not go to sleep and raid all night.


The content is fine in terms of difficulty. Go enjoy your newfound free time. Stop caring that other people might somehow tarnish your accomplishment by doing the same thing.

Edited by Avia
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ITT: Guild clears all NM content, world first, comes to forums and qq's that it was too easy after putting in hundreds of hours on attempts (4am kill?).


Hundereds of hours on hard mode Soa yes, Nightmare was a 1 shot without any challenge what so ever. It was overnerfed.

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200+ attempts isn't a nightmare for you? The word "masochist" comes to mind for some reason. :rolleyes:


I have to agree with this. If you don't find 200 attempts to be nightmarish you are really something else. I know 15 wipes can take 2 hours and after that I am pretty much finished with attempting that content for the night. I don't want to begin to imagine the time that is required to deal with 200 attempts not to mention the cost for the repair bills and consumables.

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200+ attempts isn't a nightmare for you? The word "masochist" comes to mind for some reason. :rolleyes:


200+ attempts on HARD. Nightmare was significantly easier than hard mode. By that I mean the current NM mode is quite possibly 50-100x easier than the old hard mode.

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