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EGA broken down barney style


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Here's a little finance 101:


You have $5 you want to invest. Now, you could put it in the bank, which is zero-risk investment and get a return on investment (profit) of 5%. You're guaranteed to get your 5%.




You could put it in a medium-risk stock. But hey, the risk is higher! There's a chance you could LOSE money. Are you going to expect to only get 5% return if you do that though? OF COURSE NOT! You could get the same thing playing the zero-risk investment! There's more risk! Say you require 10% to mitigate the risk and make the investment worthwhile.


So what's this in a nutshell? The higher the risk of investment the higher return you will require.


Now what the hell does this have to do with the EGA? Everything.


Those pre-orders made in July were HIGH RISK INVESTMENTS. The game was still under NDA, hardly anyone had played it. Now how was Bioware going to get people to go ahead and order? BY GIVING THEM A HIGHER RETURN. First come, first serve. Pre-order earlier, get in earlier.


Now those of us (including me) who waited until after the NDA had been lifted or waited until after we played the beta made the low-risk investment. We knew a lot more about the game that those who ordered earlier. However, still the earlier we invested the higher return we got.


So what's the issue? Those of us that put our money in the bank are watching the guys that put their money in stocks zip around in their awesome new cars picking up our women while we take the bus. And we're jealous. Now people are complaining "HEY, I want 10% too! I mean, I didn't take the same risk, but 5% is lame and unfair! I'm going to sue!"


Don't like it? Too bad. It's life. Buy a house, buy a car. Invest. These are the rules that you are or one day going to have to learn. Might as well learn it in a video game.

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Essentially correct.


After experiences with other games, particularly Mortal Online, I chose discretion as the better course for myself, hence waiting until open beta/NDA lift, and getting a Nov 27th pre-order. Which I am quite pleased to say looks like i'll be getting in tomorrow anyway.


Those who invested early in Bioware's game deserve earlier access, and their early pre-orders allowed Bioware to have more investment capital to build off of. Risk vs reward.

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My only retort to this is that purchase date has nothing to do with early access - it's tied to registration date. There are plenty of people (like myself) who purchased the game in July, but didn't register until later. If the purchase date was somehow embedded in the registration key, that would have been nice ... still, I'm guessing people in my situation are the minority.
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Here's a little finance 101:


You have $5 you want to invest. Now, you could put it in the bank, which is zero-risk investment and get a return on investment (profit) of 5%. You're guaranteed to get your 5%.




You could put it in a medium-risk stock. But hey, the risk is higher! There's a chance you could LOSE money. Are you going to expect to only get 5% return if you do that though? OF COURSE NOT! You could get the same thing playing the zero-risk investment! There's more risk! Say you require 10% to mitigate the risk and make the investment worthwhile.


So what's this in a nutshell? The higher the risk of investment the higher return you will require.


Now what the hell does this have to do with the EGA? Everything.


Those pre-orders made in July were HIGH RISK INVESTMENTS. The game was still under NDA, hardly anyone had played it. Now how was Bioware going to get people to go ahead and order? BY GIVING THEM A HIGHER RETURN. First come, first serve. Pre-order earlier, get in earlier.


Now those of us (including me) who waited until after the NDA had been lifted or waited until after we played the beta made the low-risk investment. We knew a lot more about the game that those who ordered earlier. However, still the earlier we invested the higher return we got.


So what's the issue? Those of us that put our money in the bank are watching the guys that put their money in stocks zip around in their awesome new cars picking up our women while we take the bus. And we're jealous. Now people are complaining "HEY, I want 10% too! I mean, I didn't take the same risk, but 5% is lame and unfair! I'm going to sue!"


Don't like it? Too bad. It's life. Buy a house, buy a car. Invest. These are the rules that you are or one day going to have to learn. Might as well learn it in a video game.


Nope. Waited. Beta tested. Will play on brand new server. Not the same. You fail at analogy.

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My only retort to this is that purchase date has nothing to do with early access - it's tied to registration date. There are plenty of people (like myself) who purchased the game in July, but didn't register until later. If the purchase date was somehow embedded in the registration key, that would have been nice ... still, I'm guessing people in my situation are the minority.


If you purchased early and didn't enter your key until late then that's...wait for it...YOUR FAULT. If you didn't read and understand the criteria for early access then it...WAIT FOR IT AGAIN...YOUR FAULT!


So your "retort" is that you failed? Come on.

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If you purchased early and didn't enter your key until late then that's...wait for it...YOUR FAULT. If you didn't read and understand the criteria for early access then it...WAIT FOR IT AGAIN...YOUR FAULT!


So your "retort" is that you failed? Come on.


Never said it wasn't my fault, I'm not raging about it - just saying that I made the early investment, as the OP mentioned .. CE even. Not saying it's Bioware's fault that I had issues with the registry key

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u serious? you'd get profit from a bank on 5$? lol the monthly fees alone eat that 5 dollars. you'd need something more like 1000 at least to not lose money just due to fees


I guess hypothetical scenarios are just completely lost on you.

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Good analogy, but you are trying to explain economics and self improvement to people who are shrieking out tears of frustrated rage that they only get 4 days early access when some people got 7.



Good luck with that!


Simply stating facts that govern many facets of life, especially when it comes to anything financial. Take a higher risk, expect a higher reward. If people want to be ignorant of facts then that's on them. :)


Some people will go "ohhh, that makes sense!" And some will continue to wallow in self-entitlement. Can't do anything for the latter.

Edited by choxor
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Here's a little finance 101:


You have $5 you want to invest. Now, you could put it in the bank, which is zero-risk investment and get a return on investment (profit) of 5%. You're guaranteed to get your 5%.


What world do you live in? haven't see 5% given anywhere in over a year for zero-risk


now real world you put that $5 in a bank savings account at 5% and get 25 cents at the end of the year, however your gonna pay $10 a month in fees to have that account.

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Here's a little finance 101:


You have $5 you want to invest. Now, you could put it in the bank, which is zero-risk investment and get a return on investment (profit) of 5%. You're guaranteed to get your 5%.

[snip big wall of text] ..


I don't quite agree with your assessment exactly.. but I'm in no mood to argue it. :)


The bottom line is this is coming to an end, a predicted end.. Friday. So :






All in good fun, mate..

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Wow, you sure don't take criticism well, why do you feel the need to insult anyone who counters you? Let's go back to my situation, then using your hypothetical example. If I make an initial investment in something, whether it is a house, stock, whatever, I won't be given a number from the person who sold it to me to register with another party to lock in a date. Especially with something that appreciates over time, you would expect the date to be inextricably linked with the purchase. Like I said, there are people who ordered in July who were unable to register until later ...
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Wow, you sure don't take criticism well, why do you feel the need to insult anyone who counters you? Let's go back to my situation, then using your hypothetical example. If I make an initial investment in something, whether it is a house, stock, whatever, I won't be given a number from the person who sold it to me to register with another party to lock in a date. Especially with something that appreciates over time, you would expect the date to be inextricably linked with the purchase. Like I said, there are people who ordered in July who were unable to register until later ...



The point you were supposed to infer from the story was that the higher risk that the early pre-orders took was rewarded by BW with higher reward. You can try to convolute it however you want, but that's the way it works.


If you ordered early and didn't register until later for whatever reason was out of your control, then my condolences.

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The point you were supposed to infer from the story was that the higher risk that the early pre-orders took was rewarded by BW with higher reward. You can try to convolute it however you want, but that's the way it works.


If you ordered early and didn't register until later for whatever reason was out of your control, then my condolences.


Right, my issue is with Game Stop, not Bioware, and I should have been more ... ah, vociferous in my dealings with them. Anyways, it's a moot point for me tomorrow (when I should get in), and in the grand scheme of things two days isn't a big deal anyways. I'm not losing sleep over it, but Game Stop is definitely off my Christmas card list

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