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Five things SWTOR got RIGHT!


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So rather than one incorrect description you suggest others? You're not exactly helping him. :rolleyes:


Guided quest progression =/= a linear corridor. If you're gonna believe that then you might as well lump every themepark MMO in there too. Only sandbox MMOs lack this, and you know it.




My people disagree.


As our analyst have confirmed, every time you make an alt on other MMOs, the way you level isn't a punishment and/or system forcing you through linear content as you try to avoid the mine fields filled with explosives bought from TonsofBugs Inc.

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Let me address the cries of bias...


I have an 85 rogue, 85 DK, 85 Warlock, a level 60 druid, and an 85 Huntard.... and several alts. I loved WOW from 2004-2010, especially the PVP prior to battlegrouns at TM/SS, and in TBC... and the PVE in WOTLK. I have clocked thousands of hours in WOW and probably way more in Diablo 2.


That said, I hate Cata. I gave it every chance I could, but the endgame is going in the total opposite direction of what I want. Am I biased? I don't know. I try not to be. But, I didn't grow up watching Grom say "No Disintegrations", or seeing Warriors of the horde "Double their efforts" because Thrall was coming. Just sayin'. The Thrall marriage storyline was garbage IMO.


That said, I try not to be biased, really I do.


Yeah, but...


Your #5 option (or #1 really, cause it was first) said that Warcraft didn't have different paths you could take to level.


Last I checked, in WoW, you could run solely PVP to get to 85, or you could use the LFD to get to 85.


This game, same thing with the pvp, but doing the dungeons to 50 is just a headache. And this is me saying it with my HEALER. >_>


Also, WoW had different zones you could do, yeah it's the same "Kill X, Gather Y" etc. But this game does, too. EXCEPT You're pretty much forced to do tatooine on the republic side. And you'll feel like you got ripped off if you avoid quests because of LS/DS points. =/

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SWTOR is a decent game. Worth the $60 price tag. It did some things very well, it failed pretty hard at others. You're entitled to your opinion, just as I am, mine. And here is my answer to your 6 assessments:


#5 Alternate Advancement

I'll give you the space combat. It's a new way to level that I haven't really seen in too many other MMO's. However, I'll disagree with you on the PvP part. Pretty much every game I've played included PvP as a viable way to level. They also let me choose which PvP scenario I wanted to do. And a few of them even gave me the option to turn off XP gains if I wanted to own a particular bracket.


#4 No Arrows to the Knees

All this says to me is that SWTOR looks like it takes place in the Star Wars universe. I don't know about anybody else, but that's not much of an accomplishment to me. It's par for the course.


#3 nOoBz

I don't think I've played a game that wasn't stupidly noob friendly - with the exception of Eve. Again, no real accomplishment in my book.


#2 Leaving It Open

In some places it seems like things were left open to be expanded later but in other places it just feels incomplete and rushed. And I strongly disagree with your statement that fixes are coming at a rapid pace. Trion fixed their **** at a rapid pace. SWTOR still contains bugs that were reported in Beta and raid bosses with names like "Boss Monster 1."


#1 Grumble, Grumble... It's a secret to everybody!

Again, I am really not sure what you're trying to say here.


Are you saying that prizes hidden in the game world are new to the genre? I seem to recall lots of games having chests or bosses or shinies or interesting tidbits in the world meant to reward explorers.


Or are you trying to say that it's a good thing that the developers are secretive and not communicative with the community?


Bonus Series: Story

Yet again, I'm not overly impressed by SWTOR's showing in this category. The only thing that SWTOR really has going for it is the voice acting. I happen to think most games worth playing have pretty darn good stories. Trouble is, too many people ignore the story. SWTOR doesn't really let you ignore the story because instead of giving you a box of text that has an accept button at the bottom it makes you sit through a 2-6 minute long cut-scene.


I also don't completely agree that all the quest lines in SWTOR are awesome. Yeah, my main character's personal story quest was pretty interesting (until I got a spot on the Dark Council and realized that every other sith has been awarded in kind). However, the quest lines on the various planets were nothing special. Go here, gather/kill/interact with X of Y then come back. Pretty standard fare.


You wanna know where the money went? It went to voice acting and music/sound effects.

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My people disagree.


As our analyst have confirmed, every time you make an alt on other MMOs, the way you level isn't a punishment and/or system forcing you through linear content as you try to avoid the mine fields filled with explosives bought from TonsofBugs Inc.


No it's a punishment forcing to grind the same stale combat out over and over with no idea why you're even killing those Bloodsail guys.

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@ Tiaa

I think I love you....


@ guy above me

Try reading the quest dialogue. Contrary to popular belief, WoW does have a lot of stories and some of them are quite good. Also, if after reading the quest dialogue you still don't want to kill bloodsail pirates, go to one of the other zones in your level range.

Edited by Nymaeria
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No it's a punishment forcing to grind the same stale combat out over and over with no idea why you're even killing those Bloodsail guys.


That's correct.


Because we all know there is no legacy, social, mob, XP, commendation, money, affection, crew skill grind in this game.


And like it says in the Bible:


"Thou shall not take thy serious unless read to you by high priced voice actors via audio disc!"

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My people disagree.


As our analyst have confirmed, every time you make an alt on other MMOs, the way you level isn't a punishment and/or system forcing you through linear content as you try to avoid the mine fields filled with explosives bought from TonsofBugs Inc.


The only quests I did on my Operative alt are the story quests. Everything else is either PVP or ship missions. I'm at no disadvantage over players who did the PVE leveling.


Your sarcasm is poor. Your attempts at criticism are worse.

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@ Tiaa

I think I love you....


@ guy above me

Try reading the quest dialogue. Contrary to popular belief, WoW does have a lot of stories and some of them are quite good. Also, if after reading the quest dialogue you still don't want to kill bloodsail pirates, go to one of the other zones in your level range.


this, wow had plenty of story if you bothered to find out, it also had humor, which is non-existent in this game.

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That's correct.


Because we all know there is no legacy, social, mob, XP, commendation, money, affection, crew skill grind in this game.


And like it says in the Bible:


"Thou shall not take thy serious unless read to you by high priced voice actors via audio disc!"


The difference here is that they actually made leveling combat interesting.


In WoW, 1-max was almost entirely fighting single mobs of the exact same difficulty. Combat with each mob was the exact same.


Here leveling is varied. Sometimes you fight packs you can AoE (when did you ever use AoE leveling in WoW?) Some packs have silvers, sometimes you fight elites. There are different tactics, and there's actually a risk of dying. Leveling is actually playing a game instead of grinding out mobs with no challenge whatsoever.


I'm not going to say TOR leveling is especially difficult, but it actually requires you to pay attention, rather than being able to auto-attack your way through leveling.

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That's correct.


Because we all know there is no legacy, social, mob, XP, commendation, money, affection, crew skill grind in this game.


And like it says in the Bible:


"Thou shall not take thy serious unless read to you by high priced voice actors via audio disc!"


I did you the favor of highlighting all the irrelevant grinds that come automatically as you go or provide nothing important and can be ignored. Even crew skills are questionable since anyone can backtrack to lower level planets to get those up easily.


Still waiting for you to try harder.

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I'm not going to spend much time on this because it is obviously a fan based post that ignored what this game is. Everything in the OP, aren't even real "things" or you are nit picking at things like the names of the monsters you have to kill.


Does it make a difference if the "boars" I have to kill are called "droids"? And everything about this game feels sci-fi? Deserts and Forest? Really? Have you been to Tython?


Biased nit picking.


This much is obvious in the first paragraph when you mention being able to level how you want. Ok, I go PvP from 10-50...oh I can't forget to pick up Diplomacy because skipping all those missions also skips alignment scores!


Not to mention gear, drops etc


Everything in this game was implemented carelessly. An after thought if you will.


And your post looks like something James Ohlen would post. No offense.


You don't even read his post, call him biased, then make a big tl;dr biased rant. Oh btw I didn't read your post because I'm better than you.

Edited by Kringlorr
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I did you the favor of highlighting all the irrelevant grinds that come automatically as you go or provide nothing important and can be ignored. Even crew skills are questionable since anyone can backtrack to lower level planets to get those up easily.


Still waiting for you to try harder.


So least we know they are grinds right lol?

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this, wow had plenty of story if you bothered to find out, it also had humor, which is non-existent in this game.


I guess you didn't do any of the quests in this game or if you did, spacebarred. Also WoW's story was objectively crap.


So least we know they are grinds right lol?


Well duh, of course there are grinds. Every MMO ever is nothing but grinds. It's the relevant grinds that are absolutely necessary for max level which are important. None of Tiaa's listed ones are.

Edited by Captain_Failure
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The only quests I did on my Operative alt are the story quests. Everything else is either PVP or ship missions. I'm at no disadvantage over players who did the PVE leveling.


Your sarcasm is poor. Your attempts at criticism are worse.


What sarcasm?


I know you have no disadvantage. You can always farm gear at Ilum where the word "grind" have no meaning and the action is fast paced with lightning spam and low FPS!


Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's jump into the action!


Didn't you /thread me?


You clearly won the argument due to the fact you are still responding to me.

Edited by Tiaa
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Would be nice to clarify as well, the game doesn't have exactly 8 classes, the game have 16 classes, cause each class have two advanced classes, and let's face it, they're way different, not in story but in gameplay. Edited by GiovFett
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The difference here is that they actually made leveling combat interesting.


In WoW, 1-max was almost entirely fighting single mobs of the exact same difficulty. Combat with each mob was the exact same.


Here leveling is varied. Sometimes you fight packs you can AoE (when did you ever use AoE leveling in WoW?) Some packs have silvers, sometimes you fight elites. There are different tactics, and there's actually a risk of dying. Leveling is actually playing a game instead of grinding out mobs with no challenge whatsoever.


I'm not going to say TOR leveling is especially difficult, but it actually requires you to pay attention, rather than being able to auto-attack your way through leveling.


there is no threat of dying while leveling in ToR outside of champion level mobs

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What sarcasm?


I know you have no disadvantage. You can always farm gear at Ilum where the words "grind" have no meaning and the action is fast paced with lightning spam and low FPS!


Wow! Wow! Wow! Let's jump into the action!


Didn't you /thread me?


You clearly won the argument due to the fact you are still responding to me.


I know I won the arguement. I just enjoy making you look ill informed and ignorant, or from /v/. Considering how you worded this post I'm quoting the latter is most likely and by association removes your right to opinion.

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I guess you didn't do any of the quests in this game or if you did, spacebarred. Also WoW's story was objectively crap.


Negative. People's opinion's vary. I did darn near every quest available and once I hit 50 I even went back to do quests I missed (yeah, I'm a completionist). I found very little of it funny. Also, I was far more interested in WoW's story than I am in SWTOR's. Obviously, story quality is subjective.

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