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Biochem Worthless?


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Ok so on my main I have biochem. I originally got it because I have no self heals, so I figured I could make some really good medpacks which would increase my survivability...


Upon refining my craft skill more I found out we could make re-usable medpacks and stims...


I didn't read the fine print though... "REQUIRES BIOCHEM"...


So I then wasted a load of credits on getting mats to keep crafting and REing medpacks, with the intent of making a low level one to send to an alt.. Well I came to realise tonight that biochem is a pretty worthless craft amiright?


I mean, most crafts get their purple items, and they can sell them on for every other character to use, but no, not biochem. Our purple items are only usable by us. Which makes me think, hang on... why bother making any other purple's, when I can just get to level 50 (400) and start making rakarta gear for myself..?


I understand that if biochemists can make re-usable stuff, it kind of makes stim vendors obsolete.. But I look at these items as extremely rare-lucky-to-have items, so this is my proposal:


Allow characters with other crew skills to use our re-usable items, but make the items alot harder to get mats for and make it so you need alot of mats for them. That way even the most hardcore mat farmers will only be able to make like 1 a day if that, so when they do put it up on the Galactic Market they'll have to put it up for a lot, lowering the chance of someone buying it, eliminating their chance of conquering the medical market......


I'm sure there are others that must feel the same?

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I feel quite the opposite actually. The blue BoE medpacs, adrenals, and stims are better anyway. That's what the focus for resale should be.


All the custom mounts being BoP for Cybertech on the other hand... pretty worthless. Those should be BoE.


Also: The BoP purple low-level stims and medpacs are actually really handy when leveling. The mats aren't that crazy and they save credits in the long run. Maybe I got lucky but I had the purple medpacs, stims, and adrenals that I wanted to use before I even hit the levels required for them.

Edited by lucasomega
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Allow characters with other crew skills to use our re-usable items, but make the items alot harder to get mats for and make it so you need alot of mats for them. That way even the most hardcore mat farmers will only be able to make like 1 a day if that, so when they do put it up on the Galactic Market they'll have to put it up for a lot, lowering the chance of someone buying it, eliminating their chance of conquering the medical market......


I'm sure there are others that must feel the same?


Nope. Professions should have a "high level" item you can make and just use yourself. Dragonseye gems or fur lining in WoW is one example. Make the blue ones and sell them - they don't require Biochem and are a lot cheaper to make.

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what i dont understand is the epic implant schematics i have found from hardmodes are also BoP, for instance i found an epic tanking implant schematic that would be great for juggs, but it is BoP after its made, the only use i have for it now is to equip it to khem val and be done with it, yet in the same instance an epic armortech recipe drops and it was BoE so it could be sold. Is this some sort of bug? Just seems like a lot of the lvl 400 schematics i have found or bought are worthless because i cant sell them or give them to guildies. The epic medpacs only being good for biochem crafters is understandable tho.
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Biochem will net you 3 more medals in warzones if you don't have any self heals of your own. Even though this is highly retarded, it's the biggest advantage I've seen out of any crew skill. That and the free stims and reusable health packs, the nifty stuff etc. Biochem is simply the best ;) Wish I had it :p
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Dude the best stims/adrenals are biochem only - and you can get reusable ones so yo udont have to waste mats on making more for yourself....Biochem is not only not worthless...it is the only worthwhile crafting skill out there
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Bio-chem is actually the most overpowered profession at the moment.


They have access to all the BOE gear that other professions can make.


They are the ONLY crew skill that allows for the use of the best bio-chem gear. This means that they have an advantage over every other crew skill out there, since only Cybertech has bind on pickup gear (grenades), and those are barely noticeable in an Operation setting.


In addition, not only do they gain the advantage of the best stims, adrenals and medpacs, they gain UNLIMITED use.


I can easily use 10-15 medpacs from the vendor in one operation. That's 15,000 to 22,500 credits burned. If I purchase the better medpacs from a bio-chem, just the cost of the materials on the GTN is about 10 times that much. 100k+ easy.


I use 1 or 2 stimpacks per operation. Those can only be purchased from a bio-chem. The mats for them are roughly 25k-35k each on my server. That's another 50k+ spent per operation.


Adrenals can be used every boss fight. I won't even go into the cost of using them for every boss attempt, on cooldown. In a week, just being a Bio-Chem who runs operations will save you anywhere from 200k to 500k. IN ONE WEEK!!!


In addition to the money saved, you're also doing more damage, healing or soaking than would be possible were you not Bio-Chem.


Bio-Chem also makes implants, one of the more difficult pieces of gear to get in the game. With augments, they are easily equivalent to Columni Operations Gear, and they sell VERY well.


Now try telling me that Bio-Chem is worthless.

Edited by Craftamancer
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Nope. Professions should have a "high level" item you can make and just use yourself. Dragonseye gems or fur lining in WoW is one example. Make the blue ones and sell them - they don't require Biochem and are a lot cheaper to make.


No, they shouldn't. That's how you break the TRADE part of tradeskills. There should be NO incentive other than financial (or roleplaying) for somebody to pick up a trade skill. None at all. For tradeskilling to work properly, the vast majority of players should have little/no interest in doing it, but have significant interest in buying the results. Just because WoW did it doesn't mean it's a good idea.


That being said, I actually kinda like the fact that reuseable medpacks eliminate return business. Consumable trade skills generally end up being more profitable end-game/long-term (and thus more competitive) than non reuseable ones because of this, so you tend to make much slighter profits "per item" and it makes it more "work". Adding "reuseable" consumables brings biochem in line with all the other tradeskills that can't/don't sell consumables.


'Course, they definitely need to be BoE. So one person can't use the same one for all their alts or pass down through guild, etc.

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Now try telling me that Bio-Chem is worthless.


It's worthless. The point of a tradeskill is to make money by selling things (or the role play pride of seeing other people use stuff you made). Since everybody has (or will have) bio chem, the profit potential is practically zilch.


So, as a tradeskill, it's worthless.


As a combat skill, it's pretty awesome. But tradeskills aren't supposed to BE combat skills.

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wrong. you can sell and trade purple implants. be glad that non-biochems cannot use the reusable medpacks, because if that was so, your market wouldn't exist.


and to the guy talking about using the medpacks to selfheal in warzones for medals? that was removed, thank god.


biochem still rules.

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It's worthless. The point of a tradeskill is to make money by selling things (or the role play pride of seeing other people use stuff you made). Since everybody has (or will have) bio chem, the profit potential is practically zilch.


So, as a tradeskill, it's worthless.


As a combat skill, it's pretty awesome. But tradeskills aren't supposed to BE combat skills.


Implants with augment slots sell for 200k on my server.


Prototype stims sell for a lot, and even the medpacks and adrenals can sell very well on the GTN.


Add to that the 200k to 500k a week that you save if you participate in serious Operations or PVP, and it adds up to an extremely profitable crew skill.

Edited by Craftamancer
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