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Double-bladed lightsaber why must we use this?


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Well thanks everyone for your input, It's nice to see I'm not the only person who wondered. I've gotten used to the double blade, but with a game in which the numbers/stats are stressed less, and the story/character development are emphasized it's somewhat disappointing that they have chosen to restrict our options in this manner.
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In the mid "naughties" a game called World of Warcraft launched, this game both revolutionized and then ultimately stagnated the MMO market. This game popularized (and then standardized) the fixed usage of weapon types to archtypes.


It lowered the average age of MMO gamers from late 20's to teens. This in turn changed the community to a more selfish, gear dependent and generally itemized one.


As a result of this, the focus changed from community to loot and as a result of that, you lost the concept of revolutionary sandbox style MMOs.


This is simply untrue. I played SWG, which came out before WoW, and I had weapons restrictions based on class (profession). I played EQ2, which came out (just) before WoW, and I had weapon restrictions based on class. EQ2 was based on EQ, which I never played, but I would be willing to guess has similar restrictions. I have played single player games and many of them have weapons restrictions based on class and have nothing to do with trying to keep up with WoW.


Weapon restrictions based on class are a game design staple because it is easier to balance a game around fixed class/weapons combinations to limit the amount and type of damage, match skills to weapons (i.e., crushing blow makes sense with a mace or staff, not so much with a dagger), and to minimize the number of animations per class. In other words, WoW was following, not setting, class/weapon design standards.



Side note:


Don't take this as a criticism, but it is "noughties," not "naughties." The latter would refer to misdeeds, i.e., as in naughtiness. The former is a reference to "nought," (a somewhat obsolescent term for the digit zero), for the zeros in the years.

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Unique animations make it easier by far to identify abilities in usage, keep combat more varied, helps keep the player in the game more, along with a host of other benefits. It's by far a better design choice than slacking off on animations to make more weapons available (presuming resource availability, of course).


I could understand the lack of animations if it was the more exotic of the lightsaber variants, however, the single blade lightsaber is the quintessential Jedi weapon. If we were talking shotos, pikes, or any of the other variants throughout the EU, I could understand not having animations for them, and the resources not being used for those purposes, but a single bladed lightsaber should be an option for all Jedi. There are better ways to differentiate the classes, and the type of lightsaber used shouldn't be them, it should be a personal choice rather than a class restriction.

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Is there a significant lore reason that shadow's have to use a double bladed lightsaber? I realize that it's a manner of distinguishing the class but I don't understand why they couldn't provide me the option of using a single lightsaber (the quintessential Jedi weapon of choice) and still use my class abilities. Was this perhaps an animation issue?


I'm not aware of not being able to use single bladed for shaddow I thought you can.

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I'm not aware of not being able to use single bladed for shaddow I thought you can.


Being able to equip and being able to use is something completely different. Our techniques, force breach, whirling blow, and spinning strike cannot be used while single blade lightsabers are equipped. There may actually be more, but those are the abilities I have access to at the moment. If the only thing we can do with single bladed LS is our basic attack, it's the same as not being able to use them.

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Personally, I thought I would never touch a double-bladed lightsaber. I was determined to have the classic single saber. However, the desire to play Shadow won out. I am glad I decided to roll the Shadow because now I love the double-bladed saber.


I agree, the same thing happened to me. It grew on me and now I love the whirlwind, and buzz-texas chainsaw attacks.

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This was one of my biggest reasons why i didn't plan on making one for a while mara seemed more appealing to me when i first knew about the classes of swtor finally started to level up one and the double bladed grew on me but it just doesn't shout out *rogue class* that much wish they made it so you could pick between dual and double bladed but oh well.
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I could understand the lack of animations if it was the more exotic of the lightsaber variants, however, the single blade lightsaber is the quintessential Jedi weapon. If we were talking shotos, pikes, or any of the other variants throughout the EU, I could understand not having animations for them, and the resources not being used for those purposes, but a single bladed lightsaber should be an option for all Jedi. There are better ways to differentiate the classes, and the type of lightsaber used shouldn't be them, it should be a personal choice rather than a class restriction.


So, they should have just made all force users single saber only?

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Is there a significant lore reason that shadow's have to use a double bladed lightsaber? I realize that it's a manner of distinguishing the class but I don't understand why they couldn't provide me the option of using a single lightsaber (the quintessential Jedi weapon of choice) and still use my class abilities. Was this perhaps an animation issue?


I believe the precedence was set by BioWare themselves... in KoToR 1 and more specifically Bastilla Shan.


Knights of the Old Republic one used a mechanics engine that was a variation of the, at the time, Star Wars RPG designed by Wizards of the Coast. In that RPG, the guardian was the jedi melee base class basically, and the consular was the jedi caster base class.


However, Bioware added the sentinel base class in between them for use in the KoToR game. It was a melee-caster hybrid. The in-game lore stated that the sentinel was tasked with rooting out and destroying the darkside and its users. Hence, the sentinel is the spiritual predecessor of the Jedi Shadow. Over time, the Jedi Shadow has been redefined (by Dark Horse comics) to be a sort of "specialization" of the sentinel that hunts the darkside. Whereas, the sentinel itself has taken on a more "investigator" type role as seen by Obi Wan in Episode 2.


Anyway, the iconic Jedi Sentinel is Bastilla Shan and she wielded a yellow double bladed lightsaber. This was her initial weapon when encountered in the game and the weapon she uses in most artwork depicting her.


That is the best explanation I can give you for why a Jedi Shadow is forced to use a double bladed lightsaber. It also gives an explanation why yellow saber crystals are avaiable at level 1 while other crystals are rarer. I should note, Celeste Morne, the iconic Jedi Shadow in the comic, uses a single yellow lightsaber.


However, I personally wish there was an option for a viable one handed Shadow. The double saber makes sense for a tank. I can see it as a defensive weapon. But, the other two specs are both dps. One is "rogue" like and one is more "castery" than the other two. A rogue back stabbing with a poelarm feels silly to me. But, I can see how the other, the caster spec, could be confused with a sage. Afterall, the spec in question is the shared tree betwen shadow and sage.


**edited to add Morne

Edited by Ramsese
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I just watched a video where Develpers said they were always listening to what players want and that they love customization for their gamers.

I want the OPTION to use a Single Bladed Lightsaber, it wont change much at all it will just make me feel like the said "OBI WAN KENOBI STYLE"


Please Devs, hear us or else you are just lieing to our faces.

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... I want the OPTION to use a Single Bladed Lightsaber ...
Nohing stoping you from using a single bladed lightsaber, all Consulars are proficient with it. The only problem is, that majority of Shadow's attacks are based on the use of the double bladeded saber. So if you don't mind giving up those attacks, single blade your tookus off ;)
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I kinda miss the weapon system we used in FFXI.


You could pick up one of many weapons on the class's and use them and gain skill with them, however some were rated lower grade for your class and higher for other class's so you had a lower skill cap for them.



Example being on my warrior, Great axe's were rated A+, one handed axe's were rated A, and one handed swords were rated B. I could take great axe's over 415 skill, axe's to around 400 even, and swords to 380 or so (not exact numbers).



This let you use whichever weapons you wanted, since each weapon had its own set of special attacks. Since everything is pretty class restrained in SWTOR though, this system wouldnt work.

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I was disappointed they restricted they restricted lightsaber types to classes as well. I wanted a dbl lightsaber engine of destruction ie sentinel wielding dbl lightsaber instead of being restricted to dual lifhtsabers. But the shadow class has grown on me now and I can understand from a developers point of view why they had to restrict it



Doesn't change the fact that I'd love to be able to use any type of lightsaber with any class though. I'll just have to add that to my wish list. One can dream :)

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So, at one point I experimented by putting a particular hilt first in a single bladed and then in a double bladed light saber. With the same hilt, the double bladed light saber did more damage, according to the tooltip.


Unless I missed something, we are asking to use a weaker weapon.

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because bioware is stupid


You mean Bioware are stupid. We can assume that they are stupid even when they leave the Bioware campus, so they must be stupid as individuals.


What would really be stupid, though, would be demanding a weaker weapon, even when you don't have to sacrifice using an offhand with the stronger one.

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I think the overall limitations on lightsabers between Jedi is absolutely silly. Jedi are Jedi, they can all use the same lightsaber if they train hard enough. A consular should be able to dual wield if they want to, and a knight should be able to use a dual bladed saber if they want to, simple as that. It's about as dumb as the fact certain color crystals are limited by your dark/light side alignment.


They could make the game mechanic with it work like this and let all Jedi use all sabers regardless of class. Use dual-wield or dual saber and you cannot use an off-hand, get more DPS at sacrifice of a shield/focus, etc. Using a single saber is less DPS but gives you the option of having the shield/focus, etc.


As much as I hate to compare things to WoW, a system could also be put in place where you can learn different weapon types and maybe include the sabers as part of this.


Really I wish they would add a dual-bladed saber you could break into two single bladed, that would be amazing.


I also find it funny that you can use a dual bladed saber which most of the time requires the use of two hands but you can still use an off-hand...

Edited by DaShuk
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Actually, the double bladed lightsaber generally does more weapon damage than the single lighstaber. Also, u CAN use a single bladed lightsaber if u choose, I've done it b4, u can also still use vibroblades like during the beginning of the game. So, unless u want to do LESS weapon damage, I would use the single bladed lightsaber, otherwise, I dont see the problem of using a double bladed lightsaber. they are AWESOME! Obviously, they are unpractical because while stabbing ur enemy, u could still be stabbing urself, its still totally awesome tht I can have something better and cooler than everyone else (besides assasin). Edited by swifferdude
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