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No lie, this game's release felt like


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i wasn't about to read the 11 pages to see what others thoughts, just the first two thanks.

One issue I have, and its something that i can bring up in DAO and DA2. Your companions. IN DAO they felt like characters that were with you...almost like buddies. You could go talk to them at any moment, and even if there wasn't anything new, you'd hear their voice...you could talk to them. In DA2 this was reduced down to 'you can only talk to them when there is something new' And i found this to be countering something bioware did so well...make you feel like you are not alone. I was expecting SWTOR to have two things in addition to everything else. 1) Companions that felt like companions - as in DAO...not the DA2 style. 2) More of them and choice with the. I play jedi or sith....force users and was heartbroken to discover that blizz is not on my companion list. I know if we make them that angry the companion will leave, but I thought we had some kind of say as to who was coming with us and who wasn't. I still hate Tharon, and would love to remove him for another time of healer any day. Khem is ugly as all sin, and bores me to hell. So yea this was the biggest let down.

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Personally, it's what I call not being a spoiled MMO noob brat who wants everything their way and wants it that way NOW and having an extremely high sense of entitlement.


Just my $0.02. Don't mind me.


Pythoris:Couldn't agree more.



OP: don't complain about graphics. Instead, get a comp that doesn't suck. I run SWTOR at max graphics on an 18 month old comp and it looks *exactly* like the gameplay trailers.

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Pythoris:Couldn't agree more.



OP: don't complain about graphics. Instead, get a comp that doesn't suck. I run SWTOR at max graphics on an 18 month old comp and it looks *exactly* like the gameplay trailers.


You must have some magic glasses, because the game doesn't look *exactly* like the gameplay trailers.


And I run this game absolutely maxed out by the way, it's not a bad looking game in my opinion.


Just not what I expected

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Or I could just snipe them.




That'd solve everything.



What they need is a ridiculously difficult obstacle course/gauntlet through the empires capital. If you die, youre ported back to coruscant. But if you succeed you unlock some super secret genetic lab that ports every empire player IN GAME to your location (but now its a free for all and everyone can kill everyone else). In there, you have ONE SHOT at firing a ping pong ball into some large hadron collider type thing, but your mouse goes all ballistic (like it sometimes does when you try and look at your map). If you fail, you get ported back to coruscant and everyone gets sent back to what they were doing. But if you succeed this one in a billion shot, every empire character on the server has to make a d100 roll. If they pass the roll, they stay empire. If they fail the roll, they get ported to coruscant and are now their mirror class :)


Voila! star wars!

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ok.. so tell me lets say bioware put you in charge effective today.


how would you "turn this boat around" so to speak since TOR was such an absolute total and utter failure to you.


i heard bioware may even go out of business and take down EA with it :eek: at least that's what a buddy of mine said when he only say 86 people in the republic fleet.


I'd task a helluva lot of people with smoothing out the performance issues so the game runs smoothly. If people could at least have a smooth gaming experience, TOR would be fine, fundamentally. The rest they've got in the bag. They do content well.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


The Phantom Menace's trailer sucked. Go watch it on Youtube, it's pretty lame actually.

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Get rid of fleet stations, we have these amazing cities and no one in them because everyone is in the fleet. All you have to do to get people grouping is make all city chats connect to each other.


I would add to this put planetary GTNs back, like they were in the beta. You know, when the game had an economy. I agree 100%.

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ok.. so tell me lets say bioware put you in charge effective today.


how would you "turn this boat around" so to speak since TOR was such an absolute total and utter failure to you.


i heard bioware may even go out of business and take down EA with it :eek: at least that's what a buddy of mine said when he only say 86 people in the republic fleet.


This game needs alot of work so i would sell it to blizzard and go sit on a beach enjoying my life.

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i wasn't about to read the 11 pages to see what others thoughts, just the first two thanks.

One issue I have, and its something that i can bring up in DAO and DA2. Your companions. IN DAO they felt like characters that were with you...almost like buddies. You could go talk to them at any moment, and even if there wasn't anything new, you'd hear their voice...you could talk to them. In DA2 this was reduced down to 'you can only talk to them when there is something new' And i found this to be countering something bioware did so well...make you feel like you are not alone. I was expecting SWTOR to have two things in addition to everything else. 1) Companions that felt like companions - as in DAO...not the DA2 style. 2) More of them and choice with the. I play jedi or sith....force users and was heartbroken to discover that blizz is not on my companion list. I know if we make them that angry the companion will leave, but I thought we had some kind of say as to who was coming with us and who wasn't. I still hate Tharon, and would love to remove him for another time of healer any day. Khem is ugly as all sin, and bores me to hell. So yea this was the biggest let down.


Just wanted to jump in and clear this up for you. The section in red above is not true. It was, but they decided that they needed to protect the players from themselves and removed that feature. You can shock Vette with the shock-collar all you want and she'll never leave.


As I've said before-


BW's thought process seems to have boiled down to: Is it an end-user choice? Remove it.

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Pretty sure every single person in this thread who says they liked TPM was under the age of 15, either physically or mentally, when they saw it.


I have yet to meet a single person who gave Ep 1 a rating above "meh" and those were the good reviews.


Right, because when you hit 16 you are supposed to turn into a cynical ******e who cannot enjoy anything for what they are anymore, I suppose.


And for the record, I was 18 when TPM came out. Didn't ruin my childhood, didn't make me swear off anything related to a movie series I liked since I was 4 all because of a CGI Gungan or 9 year old brat.


While you think people who like the prequels are juvenile, I think people who complain about the prequels are the same way.


Nothing like crying about a couple of movies all because you built up in your mind leading up to it that "It better be like X"...when you got "Y", Lucas turned into an evil idiot who ruined everything you ever knew. Way to make a movie series dictate your life. Sounds like someone...younger than 15...

Edited by mathalsolo
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Anyone who's seen Return of the Jedi already knew what route Lucas was going with the franchise. If you thought Phantom Menace was going to be good well you don't pay attention to the world around you.


The Prequel trilogy is just a 6 hour+ toy commercial.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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Haha what did you expect, that they would not try to hype this game!? So far I'm still enjoying it as much as my expectations led me to believe.


So no episode 1 drama on my part. I did enjoy the fight with Darth Maul though. Except for the moment he backflips away from the jedi...it's so obvious he searches for the exact place where the flipboard (in reality) is that it seems highly unnatural.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


Nope, cant admitt cause I dont agree. Had resonable expecations and the game is really really good:)

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admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


No, it was quite what I expected and I'm enjoying it. Maybe some peoples problems are their own unrealistic expectations?


If you went into this thinking this would be the game that changes mmo genre leaving everyone else in it's dust, then, lol to you.


I expected a solid story driven mmo, which is what I got. And if they continue to hunt bugs (fix social points, please) and polishing this, I don't see why I wouln't hang around for several years to come.


I'm satisfied.

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I was expecting less actually. That does not mean that the game is the best game ever, it just means that I had such a low expectation that... ;)


Phantom Menace I had been expecting much more. Since Phantom Menace I expect anything with the Star Wars label to be not enjoyable.

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I'll be honest. For 6 years and 200 million dollars....I was expecting MUCH more.


I am so disappointed in all of the wasted time, money, potential, dumb decisions etc etc that it has really shaken my hopes for the future of Video Games.


Bioware is one of the best gaming companies, this wasn't supposed to happen like this. This game was supposed to be epic beyond imagination, like their recent games, Mass Effect and Dragon Age....this is anything but and after those 2 games, this is a HUGE letdown.


If Bioware can't do better than this for 200 mil and 6 years, well it is not looking good.

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This game has had the best start of any MMO I have been with since the beginning. And I know it will just get better.


WOW for example was unplayable the first week or so.


I like how you didn't mention Rift.


Smooth launch, and they fixed their bugs QUICKLY.

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I am so disappointed in all of the wasted time, money, potential, dumb decisions etc etc that it has really shaken my hopes for the future of Video Games......


please enlighten us.....


what and how much "wasted" time as compared to 'efficient' time useage.


same with money... how much was "wasted" in comparison to not.


how about "potential" ??? how are you getting your facts about the efficiant useage of potential in the Bioware offices ?


and how about giving us example of dumb descisions? and the comparison to the total amount of "Descisions" that were made in the development.





so ya..... please "Foil us with Facts" ..... becasue otherwise...youre jsut "baffling with bullpoo."




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