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No lie, this game's release felt like


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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.

Edited by CalvinDu
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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:


ok.. so tell me lets say bioware put you in charge effective today.


how would you "turn this boat around" so to speak since TOR was such an absolute total and utter failure to you.


i heard bioware may even go out of business and take down EA with it :eek: at least that's what a buddy of mine said when he only say 86 people in the republic fleet.

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ok.. so tell me lets say bioware put you in charge effective today.

how would you "turn this boat around" so to speak since TOR was such an absolute total and utter failure to you.

i heard bioware may even go out of business and take down EA with it :eek: at least that's what a buddy of mine said when he only say 86 people in the republic fleet.


First of all, I never said it was a total and utter failure. Everyone has their views on the release of The Phantom Menace.


Second, there are just so many things I'd do differently with this game, I don't even want to name it all. And I'd hate for this thread to get locked because it turns into a suggestion thread.


Can we all sit in awe and discuss how we the hype of the prequels and the eventual release, can be related to this game's release?


I mean come on, admit it. You were expecting more.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:


Another prequels hater it seems. The prequels were really good, people are far too concerned about acting. I actually really like the game but I think it could be improved.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:

Phantom Menace actually turned me against the Star Wars movies. When I was a kid, Star Wars and Empire Strikes back were the big, defining movies of kids my age (Return Of The Jedi not so much among me and my friends).


When I heard Phantom Menace was coming out, I was excited. A new story, modern, updated effects, and MORE STAR WARS!!!


Then I saw it. I was so diappointed, I said I would not see anymore. I was not going to support that type of crap by going to the theater, renting it, watching it on TV...nothing.


To this day I have not seen episodes 2 or 3 because of Phantom Menace.


I am enjoying the game, though. There are still some quirks, still some things I'd like to see improved but overall I'm having fun. If it will keep my attention for months and months extending into years, I do not know, but at least for now, the fact that I am enjoying it puts it MILES ahead of that Phantom Menace turd movie.

Edited by racsofp
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Another prequels hater it seems. The prequels were really good, people are far too concerned about acting. I actually really like the game but I think it could be improved.


If you watch the films objectively and completely ignore that the movies take place in the Star Wars universe you'll see just how bad they are.


The directing, the acting, the writing, the editing, the over-reliance on early to mid 2000's CGI technology. They are just bad.

Edited by Ouspensky
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You are now aware that there will be nothing but mediocre Star Wars IP releases for the rest of your life.


You can thank Lucas. And EA.


A long time ago..


There was a time when the Star Wars trademark/logo meant quality. Then came a long Jar Jar Binks + Starwars related EA games.

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I hadn't made that connection, but I think you are right, OP.


I went to a midnight showing of EpI (it was released on my b-day, how could I not) and after seeing it continued to try to convince myself that it was a good movie, worthy of the Star Wars legacy; it took a long time for me to finally admit to myself that it was a mediocre movie, at best.


I started following this game when it was nothing but rumors, and was here on the forums on day 1. I had thousands of posts on these forums before the launch wipe (in other words, I was extremely active here). I beta tested for 6 months. I was here for EGA and launch. I'm still trying to convince myself. I've come close to admitting reality a few times and cancelling; I'm only subscribed now due to apathy and BW's billing communications ineptitude (email says subscription expired and couldn't be renewed due to expired CC because exp date was this month, card not actually expired until end of month though; ignored it since said wasn't able to renew, figured it was fate making the decision for me. . . but it did renew).


It's hard to admit disappointing realities to yourself, sometimes, even if you know the reality in your mind.

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If you watch the films objectively and completely ignore that the movies take place in the Star Wars universe you'll see just how bad they are.


The directing, the acting, the writing, the editing, the over-reliance on early to mid 2000's CGI technology. They are just bad.


How do you even know how bad the directing was, or the writing, or the editing, were you the directer, writer, and editor. If you are your insulting your own work lol.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were expecting more.

Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


I went the other way. I thought the trailers looked mediocre. I think Bioware makes absolutely wretched single player rpgs, at least since Baldur's Gate 2. I expected this game to be terrible.


To my surprise, I really enjoyed it. So I would compare it more to the Captain America movie than Phantom Menace. Went in expecting to hate it, left it feeling rather pleased.

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