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Dark Ward needs to be passive [Constructive Feedback]


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I feel like making it a passive that also heals for every tick would be helpful like 5% of total heal every tick. And make it a passive


Uhh. No. Do you understand how ridiculously overpowered that would be? Heaven forbid someone attack you with a shieldable multi-hit attack Do you know what that would turn Hammer Shot into?. If you defend 20%, and shield 50% after that, Rapid Shots would heal you for 10% from a PT and 20% from a Merc. 20% of your health in a global, AS A PASSIVE ABILITY. If 3 people hit you with basic attacks at the same time, you heal for nearly HALF YOUR HEALTH. You'd be nigh-invulnerable outside of burst phases, and have some insane self heals during them. That's how you get a class nerfed: making it entirely too powerful.


I'm not normally one to say so, but if you think Dark Ward is hard to keep up when you aren't being hit by ~3 attacks per second, then you're bad at Assassin tank and should learn to play it better.

Edited by Aelanis
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Uhh. No. Do you understand how ridiculously overpowered that would be? Heaven forbid someone attack you with a shieldable multi-hit attack Do you know what that would turn Hammer Shot into?. If you defend 20%, and shield 50% after that, Rapid Shots would heal you for 10% from a PT and 20% from a Merc. 20% of your health in a global, AS A PASSIVE ABILITY. If 3 people hit you with basic attacks at the same time, you heal for nearly HALF YOUR HEALTH. You'd be nigh-invulnerable outside of burst phases, and have some insane self heals during them. That's how you get a class nerfed: making it entirely too powerful.


I'm not normally one to say so, but if you think Dark Ward is hard to keep up when you aren't being hit by ~3 attacks per second, then you're bad at Assassin tank and should learn to play it better.



I have 60k health when I tank there or abouts, which means 250 health restored every tick at a stack of 18 is 4.9k health, if its a passive it means it would have to be triggered some way some how and not up all the time so say it has the a 20sec CD, and if you. Limit the time betwen heals to 1.5 seconds that means it actut be less healing. Also I just through a number thier no real math beind it, you could lower it to 1% of total health or even .5% of total health and it would still be helpful.



P.S It not hard to keep up unless you pvp, between guard switching, staying with the healer and keeping people off the healer, and then watching your own health, and fighting the 1v1 fight and watching objectives all at once that is kinda hard... Just my to cents

Edited by allexj
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I have 60k health when I tank there or abouts, which means 250 health restored every tick at a stack of 18 is 4.9k health, if its a passive it means it would have to be triggered some way some how and not up all the time so say it has the a 20sec CD, and if you. Limit the time betwen heals to 1.5 seconds that means it actut be less healing. Also I just through a number thier no real math beind it, you could lower it to 1% of total health or even .5% of total health and it would still be helpful.



P.S It not hard to keep up unless you pvp, between guard switching, staying with the healer and keeping people off the healer, and then watching your own health, and fighting the 1v1 fight and watching objectives all at once that is kinda hard... Just my to cents


Except that you'd never notice 1% of your health every 1.5 seconds. It would take you 20 seconds of being under constant attack to see the same recovery that PTs get through Shoulder Cannon in 6 seconds, and much longer to see heals equal to Enraged Defense. People would complain that they're not useful, and still want more. Passive heals aren't what you're looking for. You're looking for moderate, long-cooldown active heals.


Sure, it's hard to keep up Dark Ward in PvP, if you can't mindlessly use an ability every 15 seconds. Except it's off the global cooldown. If you really struggle, you can set up a 15 second timer to just hit it, whether it's best to or not. I never struggled ages ago when I played warzones as a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and I'd been playing the class for 2-3 months at that point. You don't get hit often enough in PvP for it to drop from too many hits unless you have a couple Combat Sentinels and Sharpshooter Gunslingers gunning after you.

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Except that you'd never notice 1% of your health every 1.5 seconds. It would take you 20 seconds of being under constant attack to see the same recovery that PTs get through Shoulder Cannon in 6 seconds, and much longer to see heals equal to Enraged Defense. People would complain that they're not useful, and still want more. Passive heals aren't what you're looking for. You're looking for moderate, long-cooldown active heals.


Sure, it's hard to keep up Dark Ward in PvP, if you can't mindlessly use an ability every 15 seconds. Except it's off the global cooldown. If you really struggle, you can set up a 15 second timer to just hit it, whether it's best to or not. I never struggled ages ago when I played warzones as a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and I'd been playing the class for 2-3 months at that point. You don't get hit often enough in PvP for it to drop from too many hits unless you have a couple Combat Sentinels and Sharpshooter Gunslingers gunning after you.


Thier are other more important things to pay attention to on both the buff bar and during the match, other then a abblity that doesn't help but block 20% of baisc damage in pvp as you can't shield a crit which most damage now days.


Also even if you didn't keep the 1.5 CD betwen heals at 1% it would still be better then nothing

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Thier are other more important things to pay attention to on both the buff bar and during the match, other then a abblity that doesn't help but block 20% of baisc damage in pvp as you can't shield a crit which most damage now days.


Also even if you didn't keep the 1.5 CD betwen heals at 1% it would still be better then nothing


If you need to look at the buff bar to track it, then you're a) not using any kind of timers and b) not practiced enough at Assassin tanking. It was a huge struggle for me to adjust to the increased CD of Dark Ward with the set bonus because I automatically hit the button at 20 seconds.

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If you need to look at the buff bar to track it, then you're a) not using any kind of timers and b) not practiced enough at Assassin tanking. It was a huge struggle for me to adjust to the increased CD of Dark Ward with the set bonus because I automatically hit the button at 20 seconds.


Wait they have add on trackers in game? Huh when did this happen? Iv always just watched my buff bar, everyone's health, stayed beside the healer and objectives the best I could and killed people as I went along.

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Wait they have add on trackers in game? Huh when did this happen? Iv always just watched my buff bar, everyone's health, stayed beside the healer and objectives the best I could and killed people as I went along.


Not an add-on, but Starparse monitors your buff bar for you and you can set it up to make noise at you when you need to refresh Dark Ward.

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Soo you need to help yourself... its not vanilla playstyle with basic interface :p

I am suprised that you prefer to defend Dark Ward over offering better choices for the passive...

Passive is taking off not only one thing to think about but one ugly animation as well - dont tell me that you enjoy Lego Bricks

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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By looking at PTR changes ( unofficial ) we will get


Dark Bastion:

Increases the duration of Dark Ward by 5 seconds, its number of charges by 5, the shield chance it provides by an additional 3%, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds. In addition, the duration of Dark Bulwark is also 5 seconds longer, and it can build 2 additional stacks.


I dont know if that is correct... I hope that will not be ( if correct ) passive and at last Dark Bastion will be updated skill just like Depredating Volts was new version of Force Lightning. But my whining about animation is offtopic.


We will know soon if Dark Bastion is a thing... source of information is from :




The Old Republic Community

Everything you see here is subject to change and will infact probably go through several iterations before live.


Published: Saturday, August 8th, 2015 Written by Potato


Edited by PatrykJesionek
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Signed. The current form is ridiculous. Its not fun, or strategic. Its a tax and it makes assassins focus on buffs instead of the fight they are attempting to tank.


Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment but the difference between a good tank and a bad is two fold: 1) knowing the fight so a lot of your instincts should be second nature 2) Maximizing your buffs to improve mitigation which in affect improves survivability.



I don't think it should be a passive but the duration was always a little bothersome to me. Being a fan of Kinetic Ward's graphic, I rather like watching rocks lift up and hover around me but aesthetics aside, we do have a lot going on now and so much reliance on min/maxing that it has become cumbersome. My SC was so high at one point that 15 stacks would drop like sweetrolls were free so I'd not have much window for error going through my rotations before I'd have to reengage the ward(s).

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