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Commando Healer/DPS Hybrid?


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I really like it...mostly. If I were to hybrid heal/dps, that's similar to what I would try.


However...there are a few things I would certainly change.


- Drop Deadly Cannon (2), Heavy Trooper (2) and Advanced Tech (1) - 5 total pts

- Put those 5 into Steadied Aim (3) and Charged Barrier (2)


I'd also make some adjustments to the Combat Medic side, like drop Cell Capacitor, because you'll be using very few cells with that build, the 2 pts are more valuable than the 2 extra cells. I'd tweak a bit more...but I don't know anything about the Combat Medic side, so my changes would be pure guesses.


Just my suggestions - but please let us know if you like the build. IF we can Dual Spec, that's what I'd pick for my second spec.

Edited by TUXs
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I can't honestly see a Trooper being a good hybrid, mainly because of our stacks. If we leave our healing stance for our dps stance than we lose stacks. If we leave our dps stance for our healing stance we lose damage. I just don't see the real point of a hybrid :/ A lot of bosses require heavy heals and heavy dps due to enrages and such.


Maybe for PVP, but not for anything PVE



That seems to be better for PVP (used some of the Last posters tips)

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Maybe for PVP, but not for anything PVE



That seems to be better for PVP (used some of the Last posters tips)

I think this build better serves PvP: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRRozcZMIkbRrzoz.1


Trauma Probe isn't a great heal for bursty PvP. Whereas the extra points in Gunnery provide a significant increase in burst DPS, as well as some extra cooldown ability.

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