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Gunslinger PvP Ft. Megan Fox (HD)


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Are you using secondary keybindings or do you just have the smallest keyboard ever? I only use up to number 5, rest are too far. You have legshot on 9, are you some kind of a mutant?


Also keybind hunker down NOW. As sharpshooter it is basically one of your most important skills and I don't think you used it once in the video. Illegal mods and scrambling field too. 15% alacrity is what you call burst and you used it only once if I'm correct.

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thx for the feedback, I do need to use hunker down more I havent been using it at all in pvp


How come right after that first fade out I see you fighting two people, one is targeted, and it shows LEVEL 11?



Post some 50 bracket pvp now since 1.1 dropped.

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I am on the Crucible Pits server and this does look like low end PVP players. When I go up against the 50 crowd I am usually the first target they go after and get ganked more often than not. That doesn't mean I do not get a lot of kills but after watching this video it didn't look like the people you were up against were that skilled.


Edit. This was before the patch also. Big difference fighting level 11-27's and going against skilled 50's.

Edited by Estinius
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I am on the Crucible Pits server and this does look like low end PVP players. When I go up against the 50 crowd I am usually the first target they go after and get ganked more often than not. That doesn't mean I do not get a lot of kills but after watching this video it didn't look like the people you were up against were that skilled.


Edit. This was before the patch also. Big difference fighting level 11-27's and going against skilled 50's.


Im on the same server

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