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I dont think we need cc's or a knock back


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I see a lot of people pleaing for cc's/stuns or knockbacks. I think all our class really needs is an increased movement skill that lasts longer than 5 seconds in combat, i feel we can compete, especially with damage output but the problem mostly seems to be every other classes ability to literally run and keep distance between us with easy while they slowly kill us. i think if we got a few stuns, our class would might be too good like some other classes in this game (YEAH I'M LOOKING AT YOU INQUISITORS). but i would also like to see a small during-combat-health regeneration skill, even if u can only use it once with a 2-5 min cooldown, but that would just be a luxury. I would be completely fine with an increased movement skill that could last longer.
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What is predation and obliterate *scratches head*


Useless, 10m for a force jump... that's 20m less than our Force Charge or 1/3 of the distance. Not saying it is a broken ability with the 5 sec speed increase ect. Just think for a class with no real stun or CC it wouldn't be op if it was at least 20m with healers scaling better than dps anyhow. I think we actually in our current state minus ability bugs like phantom GCD/casts are the most balanced however with other classes in THEIR current state... It's close to useless.

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What is predation and obliterate *scratches head*


While I get your point, obliterate (and force charge) routinely leap to where your target was, not where they are when you land. Since the immobilize effect on force charge is buggy as all get out, chances are, they've moved 5 meters away from you and you're left swinging at air. That's even accounting for the speed increase.


That and chances are they used their knockback ability putting us right back where we were (with the added bonus of a snare).

Edited by Lashlarue
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You guys must have some really fubared latency because I don't have these issues. Obliterate has won me god knows how many hutballs.


about 53ms on average.




I think it's tied to the ability activation delay. Some people experience it worse than others.


But it's how distances work in this game: Ranged attacks appear to travel to you after they're fired, no matter how far out of their range you are when it actually lands. That's because the hit or miss was determined when you were 28m away when they fired, not when the animation (blaster bolt, whatever) finishes (if for example, you are now 40m away).


Force leap/obliterates works basically the same way, but with negative consequences. They travel to where your target was when you activated it, not to where they are when you land. Ever notice how, even in PvE, you'll land to the side or even a little ways off from where you should? It's a sync issue between your client, the server (and the client of the target in PvP).

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