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10 Good

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    United States
  1. The lack of appreciation for what the developers have done with this game is atrocious. Supposedly, they have spent 200 million dollars and four years developing this game, but people keep complaining that they released the game 'too early'. If you know business at all, you know there is a point in which you have to release a product before you see absolutely NO return. NOT to mention this is Bioware's first attempt at an mmo so how about we give them more than a MONTH to figure things out eh? There are a lot of bugs, issues and concerns with endgame and class balance that still need to be addressed, but that is why we get constant updates, is it not? Bioware is a great company, I am looking forward to the future of this game and inevitably what the Bioware team will do to add to the game. -Sorry for the rant, just a little frustrated reading through the forums.
  2. I see a lot of people pleaing for cc's/stuns or knockbacks. I think all our class really needs is an increased movement skill that lasts longer than 5 seconds in combat, i feel we can compete, especially with damage output but the problem mostly seems to be every other classes ability to literally run and keep distance between us with easy while they slowly kill us. i think if we got a few stuns, our class would might be too good like some other classes in this game (YEAH I'M LOOKING AT YOU INQUISITORS). but i would also like to see a small during-combat-health regeneration skill, even if u can only use it once with a 2-5 min cooldown, but that would just be a luxury. I would be completely fine with an increased movement skill that could last longer.
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