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What has WoW actually done innovative?


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One of the most innovative things WoW did was make their game so easy that a caveman could play it. Prior to WoW MMOs were only played by hardcore gamers that dedicated countless hours a day to play.


For better or worse they changed the MMO community forever.


IMO they killed it.

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Absorb good things and ideas from other games and make them even better


deal with it


And that prove nothing. Blizzard made MMO from well known universe. Now EA done the same. But as second. And they remain second.


Because after 7 years WoW still is alive and kicking while TOR is compared to "early WoW". Like when you buy new car just to realize that your old one is still better.


And in some unknown future Blizzard will launch next gen mmo (codename Titan). While EA and Bioware spend last few years copying WoW.


Sorry but that is the truth. I'm waiting for Guild Wars 2. Game allow you to customize characters, put background story behind them that will affect your storyline. They have very nice housing. Dynamic events that change world. Big open world btw. Dynamic party where people do something in some area (like defending village) and quest get harder every time new people enter that area to help. And they are all rewarded. You have loot of customizations and traits unique to your character. They reward PVP and exploration.

More to that - there is customization system that allow you to change look of every item to one that you once posesed using transmutation stones. So you will look exacly like you want and you can be unique (select items you want and put colors you like to them). And much much more.


This is what people expect from TOR before they told to the press that they were afraid to do something on their own so they copy "successful formula" from WoW. This + force, lightsabers, planets and space combat.


Big international company like EA and well known RPG creators Bioware didn't manage to do this and Arenanet was able to pull this off.


I like some aspects of TOR but this is just corridor semi-mmo linear (more like co-op) RPG with loot of bad quests, poor graphic, technical issues and nothing more. Voice acting to "kill 40 mobs" missions don't help at all. And storyline is just addon here.

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