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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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just wondering...


Has anyone who didn't choose the DS flirt gotten bugged later on down the line? She wanted to speak to me on the ship while I was alderaan the other night, but I didn't go at the time as I was questing with a friend. Logged on the next day and she no longer wanted to talk and even with 6290 affection currently has not talked to me again since the first kiss quest.


I have.. 10k quest.. Wanted to talk.. Went to ship.. No quest.. Got off the ship.. Now she doesent wanna talk... Havent seen anything since.. :confused:

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absolutely. if they cant figure out what they break from patch to patch, how to rectify issue that have been present since beta, their QC department needs to be flushed. simple as. do i need to remind anyone of the quote that GZ threw out there in beta saying essentially that they know whats wrong with their game and the testers were there for nothing more then a stress test?


Essentially- is that to say that your paraphrasing the quote or that He said "essentially they know" Because "Essentially" Can be taken two ways One of which is "We know the Kira bug is gonna happen but we don';t know the overall route cause"

- NOT to mention the "stress Test" Comment can be taken as Perhaps they since release have seen their servers cannot handle a 1.5 million subscriber load all at once just yet- Irrelevant as they now have it en masse.


Again not to mention- Have you or any other individual in this forum produced supported and released a game of this magnitude? To adequatley then tell me that you would be able to do any better?

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Y'know, six months from now, most of the complainers on here will be slapping their heads and going "DOH!" We are only 2 weeks after launch, and as SpyderWrath liked to point out:


I know from personal experiences in the technical field A LOT of bugs and or fixes for bugs cannot be adequatley tested UNTIL a product goes LIVE!


These bugs take time, and we can't expect them to personally reply to EVERY single complaint that comes their way..otherwise they would NEVER get anything done.


Also I would like to point out that even IF or WHEN they give an ETA


1) if it was "it will be released next patch" You would flame them for taking so long, then if by some bizarre happenstance it got delayed after the fact you'd flame them for that too.


2) If the ETA or answer was "we do not yet currently know why this happens and it may be awhile yet" You'd flame them for taking so long and flame them because it was an issue since Beta


Again..very well duly noted SyderWrath. It seems the players is never content. I have found this MMO to be highly polished compared to other MMOs that were only 2 weeks old (cough..cough..WoW...cough...cough) and played like they were built by the developers of Windows ME. Given enough time and PATIENCE..they will get this resolved. I for one am very satisfied by the canned response they gave on the 28th...I am satisfied with it simply being in the Known Issues list. I don't need to be babysat and coddled like an infant needing his diaper changed or his bottle fed to him hours on end. BioWare has not ever let their gamers down as far as caring about what they desire (well, there was that one time when they let EA buy them out). They have always delivered High Quality products, and have always done their best to fix issues and provide them to the end-user at a decent pace of time.


Now, if six months from now, this issues is still around, and all we have ever gotten are canned responses like the one on the 28th, then there is cause for concern. However, I find that to be HIGHLY unlikely, and expect it will be resolved by the end of January, or at least be given an actual reasonable response to the issue at hand, such as "we really aren't sure what's going on..etc."

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Essentially- is that to say that your paraphrasing the quote or that He said "essentially they know" Because "Essentially" Can be taken two ways One of which is "We know the Kira bug is gonna happen but we don';t know the overall route cause"

- NOT to mention the "stress Test" Comment can be taken as Perhaps they since release have seen their servers cannot handle a 1.5 million subscriber load all at once just yet- Irrelevant as they now have it en masse.


Again not to mention- Have you or any other individual in this forum produced supported and released a game of this magnitude? To adequatley then tell me that you would be able to do any better?



look, i get that your a complete fanboi and wont hold BW accountable for releasing a game that has more bugs in it then a roach motel. i understand that. and that is a close to a direct quote as i can get since they wiped the forums. i knew i should have takena screen shot of it, its called karma...Have i ever realeased a title that has 1mil subs, no? have you?


cheer on fanboi, nothing wrong with this game here at all...

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look, i get that your a complete fanboi and wont hold BW accountable for releasing a game that has more bugs in it then a roach motel. i understand that. and that is a close to a direct quote as i can get since they wiped the forums. i knew i should have takena screen shot of it, its called karma...Have i ever realeased a title that has 1mil subs, no? have you?


cheer on fanboi, nothing wrong with this game here at all...


Yes call me a fanboi all you want (highly mature)

- I have not denied that there are issues with this game not in the least have I denied it


I am simply attempting to be a mature individual who would think a forum would give me the respect I am attempting to give it by not breaking down into a complete ZOMG FML BIOWARE DOESN"T CARE attitude that can be akin to a child not recieving the lollipop it sees on the counter of a candy store

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Yes call me a fanboi all you want (highly mature)

- I have not denied that there are issues with this game not in the least have I denied it


I am simply attempting to be a mature individual who would think a forum would give me the respect I am attempting to give it by not breaking down into a complete ZOMG FML BIOWARE DOESN"T CARE attitude that can be akin to a child not recieving the lollipop it sees on the counter of a candy store


Maturity in this case would probably let you understand that you're not helping. Going around lecturing people with very legitimate issues that are, in most cases, not overreacting to them at all, but posting legitimate complaints about the issue AND about the lack of communication about it only raises the level of predictable frustration.


You're not helping the ones affected, and you're most certainly not helping bioware.

Edited by Abriael
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Yes call me a fanboi all you want (highly mature)

- I have not denied that there are issues with this game not in the least have I denied it


I am simply attempting to be a mature individual who would think a forum would give me the respect I am attempting to give it by not breaking down into a complete ZOMG FML BIOWARE DOESN"T CARE attitude that can be akin to a child not recieving the lollipop it sees on the counter of a candy store


people have been dealing with this bug since about june/july and it still isnt fixed. can you blame them for taking that stance? i mean seriously it has been on the back burner for 6 months! when BW tells me they are working on it at this point i consider it like the VA telling me they have fast tracked my disability. been waiting over a year for that...you see where im going with this? simple communication saying


"ok guys we know this is an issue, we are working on it, we dont have an eta on it, but we do understand your frustrations. we think we have located the issue and are testing fixes" would be the smart thing to do. instead its the cut and paste bs from protocol dorids and mods that we get. I refuse to re-roll my toon because a bug that was supposed to be hammered out in beta still isnt fixed. that to me is entirely unacceptable and indefensible.

Edited by Crohadan
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people have been dealing with this bug since about june/july and it still isnt fixed. can you blame them for taking that stance? i mean seriously it has been on the back burner for 6 months! when BW tells me they are working on it at this point i consider it like the VA telling me they have fast tracked my disability. been waiting over a year for that...you see where im going with this? simple communication saying


"ok guys we know this is an issue, we are working on it, we dont have an eta on it, but we do understand your frustrations" would be the smart thing to do. instead its the cut and paste bs from protocol dorids and mods that we get. I refuse to re-roll my toon because a bug that was supposed to be hammered out in beta still isnt fixed. that to me is entirely unacceptable and indefensible.


Okay...I do understand your point here, since you have been playing since it was Beta, so to you, it's been going on a lot longer. I can understand why you would expect a bit more communication, based on the amount of time you have been playing it.


That being said, the fact that it is in the known issues list, which is very long, and doesn't count the UNKNOWN issues, or issues of priority that immediately pop up to take precedence over current known issues (such as freezing at loading screen) that actually prevent players from logging on or playing, is a good enough statement for me.


I wonder, Crohadan...have you ever played an MMO before? Was this your first foray into the genre, or your first foray into Beta Testing an MMO. If not, you might recall the early days of say, LOTRO, or WoW, and see that issues like these are not new to the realm of MMOs. And I have to say....SWTOR is MORE polished out of the gate then WoW, LOTRO, or any of the others were when they first came out.

Edited by LifeOfMessiah
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Okay, I tried reading through the first 20 pages of this thread, and then the last 10 pages, but I can't seem to find a definite Yes or No to my question, so I'll just ask it out-right here.


If I re-roll my currently lvl 47 Guardian, and I go through the story again, will I get bugged if I chose the Flirt option at the quest listed above?


I know not choosing the flirt option does not close off the romance options later, but I just want to know if anyone can confirm that the flirt option has been fixed to not bug any further progress.


If the answer has been posted and I simply missed it, then please link to the post and I'll go there and read it.


All of my /bug tickets and other emails have gone with either no-reply, or the droid - non-reply.



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Okay, I tried reading through the first 20 pages of this thread, and then the last 10 pages, but I can't seem to find a definite Yes or No to my question, so I'll just ask it out-right here.


If I re-roll my currently lvl 47 Guardian, and I go through the story again, will I get bugged if I chose the Flirt option at the quest listed above?


I know not choosing the flirt option does not close off the romance options later, but I just want to know if anyone can confirm that the flirt option has been fixed to not bug any further progress.


If the answer has been posted and I simply missed it, then please link to the post and I'll go there and read it.


All of my /bug tickets and other emails have gone with either no-reply, or the droid - non-reply.




As of right now I do not think anyone really knows.....

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Okay...I do understand your point here, since you have been playing since it was Beta, so to you, it's been going on a lot longer. I can understand why you would expect a bit more communication, based on the amount of time you have been playing it.


That being said, the fact that it is in the known issues list, which is very long, and doesn't count the UNKNOWN issues, or issues of priority that immediately pop up to take precedence over current known issues (such as freezing at loading screen) that actually prevent players from logging on or playing, is a good enough statement for me.


I wonder, Corahden...have you ever played an MMO before? Was this your first foray into the genre, or your first foray into Beta Testing an MMO. If not, you might recall the early days of say, LOTRO, or WoW, and see that issues like these are not new to the realm of MMOs. And I have to say....SWTOR is MORE polished out of the gate then WoW, LOTRO, or any of the others were when they first came out.



yes i have i did play lotro, swg, aoc, and sto at launch. overall this is more polished sure. however this game was also in development a LOT longer if i recall. there are people that cant even log ito game, there are folks whos guild chat/party caht hasnt worked since ega( like me), guild functionality is as close to completely broken as you can get, speeders kicking you off mid flight. space combat locking up or dcc'ing in the middle of flight.




and that known issue list shouldnt be nearly that long. I'm sorry but a lot of those issues were bugged in beta and still havent been fixed. attention to detail is a pet peeve of mine and every time i have to rebug something that i bugged in beta 5 times tells me they didn't listen to a darn thing we said.

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So let me get this straight...If you do not pick the dark side flirt options during the defector quest can you still romance her? How can you romance her if you do not flirt with her?


i tihnk it has to do with the timing of the flirt, not the ds option itself. but i could be wrong. i just know i took all ds options and poof, no more kira quests.

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yes i have i did play lotro, swg, aoc, and sto at launch. overall this is more polished sure. however this game was also in development a LOT longer if i recall. there are people that cant even log ito game, there are folks whos guild chat/party caht hasnt worked since ega( like me), guild functionality is as close to completely broken as you can get, speeders kicking you off mid flight. space combat locking up or dcc'ing in the middle of flight.


Good..I'm glad we have a frame of reference. Definitely...There are issues that are very frustrating, and we think that they should have been ironed out prior to launch. Yes this game was in development FAR longer than many of the others. I think that shows they really did want to make something worth while, instead of just throwing out another junk Licensed Game (like many of the thousands of horrible licensed games already out there) Despite it being in Development for so long, there are somethings that just cannot be tested until the game actually goes live. Beta Testing is great, but it has it's limitations. From what I have understood by reading this thread, it doesn't affect EVERY Jedi Knight out there, and so that perhaps makes it a bit confusing to the developers. If it affected EVERY Jedi Knight, they probably would've had the solution already. Also from what I have read, it appears to have something to do with one's alignment and choices, which would explain why it doesn't affect EVERY Jedi Knight.


This MMO is far beyond anything created in this genre before, so BioWare is really treading new waters that have never been treaded before in this realm. Things like this can be expected when carving a new path out.

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there is another chance given later that doesnt give dark side points


Cernnunnose has this right, from my understand of the thread. If you don't do the DS flirt, later on, another, neutral flirt option becomes available. That's why I don't think the bug is companion related so much as alignment/choice related. The companion is a symptom of it, rather than the actual bug.

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people have been dealing with this bug since about june/july and it still isnt fixed. can you blame them for taking that stance? i mean seriously it has been on the back burner for 6 months! when BW tells me they are working on it at this point i consider it like the VA telling me they have fast tracked my disability. been waiting over a year for that...you see where im going with this? simple communication saying


"ok guys we know this is an issue, we are working on it, we dont have an eta on it, but we do understand your frustrations" would be the smart thing to do. instead its the cut and paste bs from protocol dorids and mods that we get. I refuse to re-roll my toon because a bug that was supposed to be hammered out in beta still isnt fixed. that to me is entirely unacceptable and indefensible.


As I've stated I come from a job that is technical and TRUST me when I say I understand where the people are coming from in this forum.


I get a full blown flameout from people who have issues that take ages to fix and they all say the same basic thing this forum has said "We don't want automated responses"


Yes I get it. I also get that with technical services you have "The people who talk to customers direct" and the Techs working on the issue. The techs working on it NEVER speak to customers directly and sometimes all that can be given to the customers is the said "auto-responses" because that is all that can be given.


I've also stated that alot of issues cannot fully be fixed unless the product is live.


Now in my experience if an issue takes so long to fix we generally ask that the general public have faith.

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This MMO is far beyond anything created in this genre before, so BioWare is really treading new waters that have never been treaded before in this realm. Things like this can be expected when carving a new path out.


i expected the chat servers to bug out every once in a while, not go down completely and not come back up unless you do something drastic like shutting down you computer while still in game to fix said chat issues. the only things "new" here are the vo/convo options to earn alignment points and voice overs. again, if its something i bugged in beta and it still isn't fixed, to me thats a huge issue. it shows contempt for not only the tester base but massive failures in both management of said issues and the QC department. Some of these bugs are game breaking, some are not. I will contend that if immersion is what the game strives to achieve, any companion quest that buggs out to where you can not advance it is a game breaker.


which brings us back to topic. this bug with kira many consider to be an immersion breaker, ergo a game breaker imo. I am one of those people. re-rolling a toon is not an option. this needs fixed and should be a top priority along with fixing all of the major issues in game (ui,chat,login issues)


not doling out a meaningless title to SI's or some of the other junk in the patch notes.

Edited by Crohadan
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Kira Carsen


Fixed an issue that could cause Kira's affection progression to become blocked.


That is quoted from the patch page of 1.0.1, so it is confirmed that as of 12/27, the issue has been fixed. Whether that's only for players that have NOT reached that point yet, or for ALL players, I am not sure and cannot confirm, as I personally have not reached that point in the game myself. If it doesn't affect those that reached it prior to 12/27, then I can see where they are having the hang up, because it almost seems like going back and redoing it, which you can't with any other quest in the game. Once a decision has been made, that's it, unless you completely re-roll the character. That may be what they are trying to find a work around for.


Here is the link to the patch notes:



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