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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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As long as we keep our level and gear I bet none of us would mind redoing some quests from the point of the defector. So please bioware just do this instead of making us sit around for weeks waiting to play the game we are paying for. Edited by PHOTANIUS
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Well said. I can't really put it better than this.


Just drop the quest step for the bug point if the choice was a known-broken one and the time-stamp is older than the fix. This shouldn't have dragged on as long as it has -- it's too big of a deal to too many people.




A lot of my friends playing JKs (at least three that I know of) have rerolled characters that were already over 30 because of this bug, and I think that's a real shame. I'm at 32 currently, and I've set a deadline of the end of January when I finally pull the plug on my first live character, whom I had intended to be my main up until I discovered the bug. I really don't want to, but I absolutely won't continue the character's story until this is fixed.


It's not a simple issue of repeating content. I have emotional investment in my current Knight. He was created at 6:17 a.m. on the first day of early access. I've been through flashpoints, quests, and maddening Datacron hunts with him. None of that can be replicated now that I've seen it for the first time. I have recipes in my crew skill window to remind me of the first few times I joyfully discovered a purple schematic through reverse engineering. My ship's cargo hold is stuffed with mementos and orange gear I've collected.


This is an absolute Blight on a game I was out of my mind with enjoyment for until it hit me in the face. At this point, I don't know if there is much more we, as players, can do to speed this up. So I'm just asking you, BioWare, from the bottom of my heart, to fix this and fix it soon. It has tainted my perception (and the memories I'll have looking back) of a game I waited over 3 years for in giddy anticipation.


I feel like I'm starting to ramble, so I'll just stop there. Please. Please, please, please. Fix this quickly, and if it is in your power, give us some sort of timeframe. As others have said, it is unacceptable that this made it to launch.



A Very Disappointed BioWare Fanboy

Edited by ciparis
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Guys, stop threatening to quit and reroll. There is a SIMPLE solution to all this if you want them to patch it NOW.


1: Message them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/swtor


2: Leave message after message about this on their FaceBook Wall. http://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoldrepublic


3: Call their toll free number (855) 467-9867 and report a patch bug (option 1 not 3), saying that the patch that says it fixes Kira does NOT fix kira.


They don't want the information about a bug this big on twitter or facebook as that will turn people away from buying the game! So post there, and get the word out that BioWare MESSED UP. Guarantee you, rather than letting their sales decline, they'll patch the bug to save face.


Oh and remember to use the public tweets on twitter (and not a message), and to put the message on the WALL on the facebook link.

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Guys, stop threatening to quit and reroll. There is a SIMPLE solution to all this if you want them to patch it NOW.


1: Message them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/swtor


2: Leave message after message about this on their FaceBook Wall. http://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoldrepublic


3: Call their toll free number (855) 467-9867 and report a patch bug (option 1 not 3), saying that the patch that says it fixes Kira does NOT fix kira.


They don't want the information about a bug this big on twitter or facebook as that will turn people away from buying the game! So post there, and get the word out that BioWare MESSED UP. Guarantee you, rather than letting their sales decline, they'll patch the bug to save face.


Oh and remember to use the public tweets on twitter (and not a message), and to put the message on the WALL on the facebook link.


that is threat you know to go out tell people to ruin the game unless bioware fixes it but it is a good idea to make them realize how many sale they WILL loss because of this ******* glitch.

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Guys, stop threatening to quit and reroll. There is a SIMPLE solution to all this if you want them to patch it NOW.


1: Message them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/swtor


2: Leave message after message about this on their FaceBook Wall. http://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoldrepublic


3: Call their toll free number (855) 467-9867 and report a patch bug (option 1 not 3), saying that the patch that says it fixes Kira does NOT fix kira.


They don't want the information about a bug this big on twitter or facebook as that will turn people away from buying the game! So post there, and get the word out that BioWare MESSED UP. Guarantee you, rather than letting their sales decline, they'll patch the bug to save face.


Oh and remember to use the public tweets on twitter (and not a message), and to put the message on the WALL on the facebook link.


I'm usually the last guy to tarfeather someone in public, but they have completely and utterly failed on this. I've advised any friends asking me to "wait out" or "not to buy it yet." I parked a level 25 Sith Juggernaut from early access to play with friends at launch, now I'm parking a level 38 Jedi Guardian because they didn't finish the class.


Different issue, but I'm now restarting AGAIN because the server I had my Sith Warrior on is experiencing constant 30+ minute queues. Overall it's been a really smooth launch, but leaving a big, purple, flatulent elephant (I'm looking at YOU, Carsen) in the room and refusing to give updates on it is not the way to go.

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It's funny, this is the one bug that really irritates me. Broken guild chat is bad too, but I use vent a lot, so...


Sigh. I can't really nail it down. I think it's mostly because, except for the romance options I've chosen 100% paragon choices. My ONLY dark points are the two flirt options I had with Kira before the bug broke her.


So, basically, I will never be able to use the top-end Light Side gear due to the cap, and for what? A storyline I cannot experience.


If they don't fix this, I want my Light Side points back. This is ********.

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It's funny, this is the one bug that really irritates me. Broken guild chat is bad too, but I use vent a lot, so...


Sigh. I can't really nail it down. I think it's mostly because, except for the romance options I've chosen 100% paragon choices. My ONLY dark points are the two flirt options I had with Kira before the bug broke her.


So, basically, I will never be able to use the top-end Light Side gear due to the cap, and for what? A storyline I cannot experience.


If they don't fix this, I want my Light Side points back. This is ********.


in this game the light and dark side choice is a point system not a percent so you can still get your gear.

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Yes, and its not threatening, its exposing the truth they dont want the public to know.

ok its black mailing then but I still do agree with it bioware needs to make this top priorty or the might loss a lot of sales which could at such an early point ruin the game.

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This shouldve been a high priority back when it was mentioned in beta. BioWare, you advertised your game as a story driven game but when players in beta informed you of a very important story bug you chose to ignore it and it is now far into post launch and you still haven't fixed it for those who are screwd.


To add to that, you also left us in the dark on ETA leaving us undecided as to if we should reroll or not forcing us to wait for weeks even though many only assumed it would take days. I think you need to re-evaluate your entire technical support team because they are not doing a very good job right now.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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then it sucks for you I do the choice I think is right not which one will give me the best gear.


Great way to invalidate the issue.


Basically I made the choice to pursue the romance option knowing full well about the cap issue, because I wanted to play a paragon Jedi with a human heart, and explore that personal story arc.


It was a matter of a trade off -- but now I don't get to experience that personal arc. Nor do I get to reach full tier Light.


I'm glad you don't care. Most of us would feel cheated.

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I think you need to re-evaluate your entire technical support team because they are not doing a very good job right now.


Wait a sec, there is a technical support team?:confused:

Do you have a source for that?

The reply to my ingame ticket was so unrelated to the issue and so gramatically messed up that I figured it wasn't answered by an actual human.

As for the "yellow posts" on the forum, they are so void of information and so far between, that I don't think this is actually anyones primary job.


My guess is that "forum duty" is rotated through the other departments weekly, which is why noone actually feels responsible for sticking with an issue and keeping us updated on it.

Either that or it's been assigned to the cleaning personel, who knows.:D



Just for the record: I'd be in for resetting the main storyline


@MattPucevich, I implore you: I don't know whether this is your job or not, but you have posted here before... why don't you talk to us? Make this your problem, stick with us, keep us updated. Is resetting the storyline an option? Where is it currently being discussed? When will they decide?

Customer support is making the customers problem your own problem and sticking with him until it is solved.

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Great way to invalidate the issue.


Basically I made the choice to pursue the romance option knowing full well about the cap issue, because I wanted to play a paragon Jedi with a human heart, and explore that personal story arc.


It was a matter of a trade off -- but now I don't get to experience that personal arc. Nor do I get to reach full tier Light.


I'm glad you don't care. Most of us would feel cheated.


im sorry I too am mad about this beacuse I choose mostly light but went to dark for kira but now im glitched to and im taking my angry out on you so sorry about that.

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This shouldve been a high priority back when it was mentioned in beta. BioWare, you advertised your game as a story driven game but when players in beta informed you of a very important story bug you chose to ignore it and it is now far into post launch and you still haven't fixed it for those who are screwd.


To add to that, you also left us in the dark on ETA leaving us undecided as to if we should reroll or not forcing us to wait for weeks even though many only assumed it would take days. I think you need to re-evaluate your entire technical support team because they are not doing a very good job right now.


...Also Dead on to what I was saying.

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So has anyone been able to have their char get a reset to the point where the bug messes up the romance?


If so does it work now?


And also when this is fixed (IT damn well better be and soon!) will the quests all be right after one another I assume? Or are we screwed for life here...


I am not rerolling...especially since im on a pvp server...am lvl 44 and frekin have over 9.5 k affection on her! Would not be a horrible issue if I was on a pve server or I was not that high a lvl and what not but I am...

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