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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's the Point of Operative/Smuggler?


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2/16/23...rather effective if played right. Takes some getting used to due to your burst being reliant on advantage, but I can still do 400k+ in WZ's with it.


Note: Does not rely on flechette round, or shoot first knockdown. Uses backstab, but only as a filler.




The actual allocation of points.


You won't burst someone down in the first 5-6 seconds of a fight, but wounding shots hits surprisingly hard if you have your DoT's stacked on the person. (Crits for about 4k total damage, but doesn't look like it unless you look hard because it actually comes off as 3 seperate hits stacked on top of eachother)


Shoot First

Vital Shot

Shrap Bomb

Blaster Whip

Back Blast

Wounding Shots

Wounding Shots

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honestly i dont know what the big deal is. i pvp in the lowbie bracket at lvl 28 and i dont have any of the skills getting nerfed. i do fine, if not better then most in the game. ususally close to top dmg, with really low deaths and a hight kill/killing blow ratio. i mean you can say lowbie pvp doesnt matter but hypothetically at lvl 50 with the same expertise as your target, it would be exactly the same for dmg output/ intake as it would be for lowbie pvp of the same lvl. ops have a great out of stealth sustain dmg for my lvl range and i dont see how with more gear it would somehow diminish that fact. maybe since you have had it easy with knocking people down and killing them before they get up that you have never bother to lrn how to play the class efficiently?? i will be playing my op after the nerf and as a concelment op. and enjoy hidden strike when i finally get it eventually, since lvling in pvp is sooooo slow.
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Is there a reason no one seems to use Charged Burst when an opponent gets out of 10m?


I am a low level (32) Sawbones, so I am sure a high level DPS build will have very different results, but I have found that using Charged Burst in some ranged situations has helped significantly.


Also, I have a hunch that 24/17 Sawbones/XX builds will be a good PuG build for dealing with a variety of situations.

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Is there a reason no one seems to use Charged Burst when an opponent gets out of 10m?


I am a low level (32) Sawbones, so I am sure a high level DPS build will have very different results, but I have found that using Charged Burst in some ranged situations has helped significantly.


Also, I have a hunch that 24/17 Sawbones/XX builds will be a good PuG build for dealing with a variety of situations.

Scoundrels don't use cover much at all because it tends to do more harm than good.

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I have lvl50 assassin (darkness) and lvl50 operative (concealment) and while the operative has much higher burst, once the enemy is outside 10m range, you're screwed. There's literally nothing you can do except spamming your auto-attack or using in-combat stealth. You're welcome to reroll one if you can deal with the frustration that comes with it. It's not as glamorous as people are making it out to be.


You just reinforced the fact that they are assassins and not battle-mages like what the actual assassins are.

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you are doing quite a bit wrong. A. don't attack when your enemy has all their defenses up, Those bubbles don't last forever. B. Read the resolve guide, you poped the trinket at the wrong time.


well even if i was to wait for their shield to drop they just instantly reapply it their debuff isnt long enough for them to suffer from it falling which is how it should be but the only way to get the force armor gone is to break it.....on another note with our armor reduction getting nerfed from tanks qq that they are dying thats cool i can understand why someone in heavy armor would be angry at that but also what is a stealthys job really? gank healers mainly but 2 mirror classes wear HEAVY armor so what are we supposed to even do to those guys? so just from the armor pen getting nerfed and not even touching on the other nerfs we have already lost our ability to do one of our main jobs and that is to sneak past the frontline and get to the healers in the back and kill them 0.o so really as the posts name suggests what is the point of ops and smugs in WZ now other than score board bantha poodoo as someone else had posted (lmfao)...ive heard dirty fighting isnt very good in pvp due to lack of survivability for dots to tick away so we are stuck with healing and i dont feel like being stuck to healing on the class i enjoy the most no i dont believe we should be 2-3 shotting people (even though i have yet to see a scrapper do this only imp ops which is wierd since they are mirror classes) but seriously nerf us into dust? we are gunna be the boomys of swtor with no burst no survivablilty crappy heals and unnoticeable sustained damage the stun i can deal with losing they could take it out of the game for all i cared its the fact we are losing burst that is upsetting me the most because like many have posted before if you take burst away from a burst class then they are nothing plain and simple

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pre-50's bracket did op/sc SOMETIMES blow someone up? Yes!

post .1 though? not if the target spent ANY time in Ilum day1 .1...

This is overkill clearly. Learn from your competitors BW, baby steps are the right way to fix this (especially on a PUBLIC test server). Rift anyone?


PTR hopefully exposes this for what it is... Another misread of the metrics (yes, that's what they are basing this off despite all the cynical conspiracy theorists).


I have patience with my $. Most do not. Get this right BW! We want this to cut the Pandas to pieces!


signed /I have alts to focus on now

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What class can't pick off low hp single targets?


Sadly enough, sorcs are better healers too -_-


you kidding me right ?



smugg healers dont even need bubble to keep people alive as healers lol i think smuggs/agents are well better healers and they have med armor to



and operatives/scoundrels needed the nerf they wont be super OP anymore :)

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It's true though. If you want to play a gank class learn to play it; otherwise make yourself useful and spec heals.


You admit it is a "gank class," but they are nerfing the "ganking" ability of the class severely.


What are we getting back?

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pre-50's bracket did op/sc SOMETIMES blow someone up? Yes!

post .1 though? not if the target spent ANY time in Ilum day1 .1...

This is overkill clearly. Learn from your competitors BW, baby steps are the right way to fix this (especially on a PUBLIC test server). Rift anyone?


PTR hopefully exposes this for what it is... Another misread of the metrics (yes, that's what they are basing this off despite all the cynical conspiracy theorists).


I have patience with my $. Most do not. Get this right BW! We want this to cut the Pandas to pieces!


signed /I have alts to focus on now


i can only hope that this is just a miscalc on someones end the stuns nerf i can deal with the damage nerf is simply overkill and the armor pen nerf takes away our ability to kill plate healers.....

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