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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Release the Kraken! (aka valor farming is perfectly legit)


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How to fix this? Simply add K/D ratio, or different kind of stats :) simple


why fix it? It's working as intended and they just told you black on white (actually it's orange on black) that IT IS LEGIT.


Go get your BM title before they take a 180 and come up with another idea.

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I was told the guild that got recorded doing this and posted it on youtube got banned so do at your own risk everyone.


In other words, do it but don't post youtube videos about it.


Though I highly doubt they banned them, EA will be disappoint!

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First off what are they supposed to do? You are asking the company to moderate morality, which is rediculous. All they can do is present you with the mechanics, there is a limit to what can be controlled.


We all know what was intended (grind or not we know). It's the end game in this game right now the end game consists of trying to 'earn' the end game gear. The only value in doing it is to say "I DID IT." Sploiting your way to it is the video game equivilent of making out with your sister. Yea she's got a nice basket of goodies, but it's frowned upon in most states. Telling everyone the true story of your conquest in either scenario is equally disturbing!


So Bioware needs to tell the OP not to make out with his sister. Got it...

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Well this happens when your pvp system is flawed: no K/d ratio, no loss of pvp rank when getting killed, buggy mission updates, champion bags with dozens of duplicaes and a crazy grind to valor 60 (from lvl57 to 60 you need like 126k valor or about 126 warzones if you are good).
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First off what are they supposed to do? You are asking the company to moderate morality, which is rediculous. All they can do is present you with the mechanics, there is a limit to what can be controlled.


Well, exactly, it would be ridiculous to moderate it. But I completely understand why some people would want to partake in it. If you only get to play an hour or two a day, you're gonna be stuck at lvl 50-59 valor for months and by the time you get your first piece of bm gear, there'll be a better set available.


But I also see why people would frown upon it, because it is kinda taking the easy way out.


At the end of the day, some blame has to be placed on the design of Ilum and/or the lack of other noteable PvP features that have been mentioned, like a K/D ratio. I'm not one to preach design ideas, but I will acknowledge that this isn't an optimal open world PvP system atm.

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Same thing happened in Warhammer.


You'd expect that since the same team that designed that game was largely in charge of the PvP in this one, they'd, I dunno, have planned things differently?


That entire team should have been shown a pink slip after the terrible pvp design they implemented in WAR. Instead, they were allowed to work on Bioware's pvp system. Awesome, and the fact that they have implemented some of the same failed and terrible ideas from WAR in this game, despite a mass exodus of players after launch who told them they hated those systems, priceless.

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I call FAKE ....


The grammar on that CS response is horrid ... "you guys", really? Not to mention that run on sentence that is the middle paragraph.


Nice try though!


In my experience, customer support always has impeccable grammar.

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Juggernauts should love huttball with their three leaps. That map is pretty much made for their class since all they have to do is chain leap frog for a win, and if they can't do it they might as well reroll.


yes of course we love huttball vs class with knockback.. yesterday in a huttball game i was thrown down the pit 5 TIMES in a row; everytime i got back i got pushed down again; really fun!

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At the end of the day, some blame has to be placed on the design of Ilum and/or the lack of other noteable PvP features that have been mentioned, like a K/D ratio.


K/D ratio is unfair to support classes.

PvP rewards should be based on Warzones, becouse they are balanced.

Forcing people to farm so called Open world PvP area is plain wrong.

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I was curious one day and submitted a ticket asking for clarification about valor "farming", this is what I got back:


Beginning: http://i.imgur.com/sex0Y.jpg


Middle: http://i.imgur.com/chI7l.jpg


End: http://i.imgur.com/fOkN6.jpg


If you want the explanation, it's in the middle image, the other two are given just to show I didn't somehow photoshop this.


Anyways, if you were worried you would be reprimanded for trading kills on Ilum, it's not gonna happen, so get some friends together and feel free (remember, this is not referring to the base camping that occurred on Ilum immediately after patch 1.1, this is valor farming between two consenting parties).


Perhaps this will make people less sheepish if they were thinking of doing this to acquire battlemaster.


We can get into a whole discussion of whether, even though this is legit, it's the "right" thing to do as a player from an ethical view, but I'd rather save that for another time. Just pointing the whole situation out.




As an aside, this is what valor farming entails:


How much do you want to bet when a BW higher up sees this, that GM will get a stern talking to.

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