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Warzone's, Ilum and thoughts


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First of all, I love the game. I am not normally one to rant, and I have been reading the PvP forums for the last few weeks without making a single post on my point of view. Personally, I think Bioware has done a great job but a few things are lacking in it's execution. I have faith that these will be fixed in time. Hell, even Trion is doing away with it's R1-R8 system and rank requirements for gear for Rift and bringing in 40 ranks for a more gentle slope, but this is beside the point.


Right now I am a bit angry and feel like logging off constantly, or just questing/playing an alt. Why? The gawd damn PvP que bug. This ***** is driving me up the wall, and to be honest again, not much else is annoying me. I can sit in a que for 10+ minutes and accept a que pop and go to the login screen. I can get insta pops, and dont take them and try and reque every 5 mins and keep getting insta pops, if I take them, back to the login screen.


Bioware, I know you have alot on your plate in regards to every little bug, balance issue and whinging post on the forums (some are well thought out, but not the majority). But if it takes 3 wins for a daily to get done, which is hard enough to do on my server as Imperial (weird and ironic all by itself), then fix this bug as a matter of priority. I don't know what is causing it, quitters, bad coding or whatevs. I don't really care. As a new 50, getting stomped WZ after WZ due to gear disparity (other team is regularly all Battlemaster) is tiresome, but doable if I know I am slowly but surely accrueing my valor and commendations. But to spend 2 hours online and every que pop I take, instant or otherwise to send me to the log in screen, is nothing short of making me want to punch my monitor and is the only thing sapping the fun out of playing for me.


Ilum.... couldn't be any more less fun. I went there today for the first time. What I seen disgusted me. Such a great concept, ruined by some simple mechanics that aren't working. What did I see? well, first of all not much in the 2 hours I was there due to lag and framerate issues. But I did see a massive battle going on outside the Republic camp, with relatively even numbers but Republic penned in something tight and a "farming" session going on. This isn't right. This isn't world pvp, or even RvR.


I heard Ops leaders asking to fall back, so they would come out, just to roll over them again. Now, I know I play Empire, so most don't have any sympathy for me. However, I have sympathy for the Republic because I have been there before. I am a massive Warhammer fan, and played DAOC aswell. RvR needs to be a bit better than this even if you aren't calling it RvR. It is what it is, and this isn't what it should be.


Some suggestions on fixing it. Make multiple respawn points around the map, where when someone dies they can choose to respawn at north, east, south or west. Faction cap the zone. This will suck for the dominant faction, but so be it. Even battles will be better in the long run. When I say faction cap, cap it at a 2-1 ratio. The less dominant faction should have the multiple respawn point option, the zerg faction has to travel there.


Bioware, ask your dev's about the "Against All Odds" buff. You own/merged with Mythic, sort that into the game. The less dominant faction needs to have a higher reward then the zerg, it really is the only way to encourage them to go to the zone (chasing the buff). This means more peeps chase the buff, balance ensues imo.


Deserter buffs need to be brought in with an afk report system. This is lazy for a AAA MMO not to have. If players que and can't be bothered seeing it out when it turns out for the worst, and decide to leave, that's understandable. What else is understandable is net issues and RL commitments. However, would a 15 min debuff kill the game? no. Would it stop the habitual leavers as soon as a point is scored against your team? probably not. But what it does do is discourage it a little bit. If it is a net issue, then that is unfortunate. 15 minutes feels a long time to wait when it's a net issue but not gamebreaking.


AFK reporting.... this is worst than quitters leaving. I'll leave it at that, as I am sure you know what I am talking about here.


Just some suggestions. Another thing I would like to see, and considering you are developing it already, I hope it's in your plans for end-game PvP (because warzones and Ilum won't be sustainable) is to implement your arena concept that you already have for Warhammer: Wrath of Heroes. Do it for rating, and for cosmetics/vanity items, mounts, currencies, crafting materials, whatever but not gear upgrades, the gear jump is way too high as it is. But a 6v6v6 concept really is your best bet, and would help with the faction thing. Let it be fully mixed between republic/empire, random queing and would work like a team deathmatch at the unranked level. For the ranked system, it will obviously be premade. 3 Teams in there ensures it isn't so much a comp based arena system, but skill based and 6v6v6 ensures a tank would probably have a place. The objective maps from WoH look good aswell.


Just my 2 cents, I needed to vent before I did something regrettable.



Bounty Hunter - Powertech (Swiftsure)

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