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Star Wars Innovation Fail


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I gotta wonder, upon consideration, why George Lucas would put his name to something that suggests that more than a THOUSAND YEARS before his grand and glorious movies...


The *exact*same*technology* was in play!


Don't they have scientists and innovators in the galaxy of Star Wars? Wait, yes, they do. I've encountered them. They must be absolute freaking morons, because nothing has changed in the technology between Revan's time, THIS time, and the time of Luke Skywalker.




In all seriousness, though, that is a story FAIL for Lucas. In 1977, he was showing us "advanced futuristic technology" with the release of Star Wars, it was neat, it was new, it was amazing. He should have considered, very carefully, what he was doing in releasing all this prequel stuff thousands of years in the future with the exact same specs. Logically it just doesn't work.

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I gotta wonder, upon consideration, why George Lucas would put his name to something that suggests that more than a THOUSAND YEARS before his grand and glorious movies...


The *exact*same*technology* was in play!


Don't they have scientists and innovators in the galaxy of Star Wars? Wait, yes, they do. I've encountered them. They must be absolute freaking morons, because nothing has changed in the technology between Revan's time, THIS time, and the time of Luke Skywalker.




In all seriousness, though, that is a story FAIL for Lucas. In 1977, he was showing us "advanced futuristic technology" with the release of Star Wars, it was neat, it was new, it was amazing. He should have considered, very carefully, what he was doing in releasing all this prequel stuff thousands of years in the future with the exact same specs. Logically it just doesn't work.


There's always a pinnacle to everything. There may not be any serious innovations thousands of years later but there are improvements. Star Destroyers alone are far more than our (old republic) capital ships with more weaponry and canons. It's also hard to say if blasters deal more damage (have more power) than the past counterparts and the armor likewise because there's no way we (the audience) can test this possibility.


We do know in the future is some of the most powerful super weapons. The suncrusher coming to mind which can instantly destroy entire systems with very little prep time. Finally after the sith are defeated (after battle of ruusan) there's a long long age of peace which ends up disolving most of the republic's army and the Jedi from needing extremely large numbers. If there was peace for nearly a thousand years military technology would likely become stagnant in our reality as well.

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It isn't just military technology, it's EVERYTHING. The clothing styles are about the same, the tone of design for everything from ships to speeders to buildings are about the same. I mean think of our own development 1,000 or even 100 years ago... Does ANYTHING culturally look the same as it did then? Our clothes are different, or hair is different, our cars have gone through many different style changes (along with technological improvements) our buildings look different.


Your "pinnacle" theory is an idea...MAYBE for one society, ONE planet, but it doesn't answer why virtually NOTHING has changed in more than 2,000 years of visible Star Wars history across hundreds of different worlds and dozens of alien species. I mean, in this galaxy, just 300 years from now we will have transporters if Star Trek lore is to be believed - and looking at the current pace and understanding of technology today, that is not at all far-fetched.

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It isn't just military technology, it's EVERYTHING. The clothing styles are about the same, the tone of design for everything from ships to speeders to buildings are about the same. I mean think of our own development 1,000 or even 100 years ago... Does ANYTHING culturally look the same as it did then? Our clothes are different, or hair is different, our cars have gone through many different style changes (along with technological improvements) our buildings look different.


Your "pinnacle" theory is an idea...MAYBE for one society, ONE planet, but it doesn't answer why virtually NOTHING has changed in more than 2,000 years of visible Star Wars history across hundreds of different worlds and dozens of alien species. I mean, in this galaxy, just 300 years from now we will have transporters if Star Trek lore is to be believed - and looking at the current pace and understanding of technology today, that is not at all far-fetched.


Star Trek is a T.V. series. They used to believe we'd have flying cars by the year 2000 and everyone would be using them. Alas, we do not. Also clothing styles HAVE changed and in post ROTJ clothing styles change even more. There's also various new religions post old republic era. Hair styles in star wars lore are slightly different as compared in the movies.


Vehicles clearly look different later on than they do now which goes with your car comment. Tie fighters might resemble Sith ships but not completely. They are designed differently. You can also clearly see that different aliens where different clothing as compared to humans. However, if a certain culture is dominant you can see it's influences all around the world.


Yes Star Wars is bigger hosting numerous planets but in the end "Mankind" is the dominant species. It's not farfetched to consider that various alien species would adopt our styles and mannerisms. Not to mention certain things go in and out of style. Especially clothing designs and styles.


It's possible during hundreds of years of what we don't see clothing styles/culture changed rapidly and just happened to line up being the main fashion in the prequel era. If you look at the old republic comics during the 100 years of darkness the clothing style then as well as the hairstyles are very different from the ones we have now.


I mean, currently look at how many of the sith dress to the sith in later years.


Not to mention you're changing your argument. In your original post you comment on the technology. I comment back on the technology and then you argue the culture is the same.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I gotta wonder, upon consideration, why George Lucas would put his name to something that suggests that more than a THOUSAND YEARS before his grand and glorious movies...


The *exact*same*technology* was in play!


Don't they have scientists and innovators in the galaxy of Star Wars? Wait, yes, they do. I've encountered them. They must be absolute freaking morons, because nothing has changed in the technology between Revan's time, THIS time, and the time of Luke Skywalker.




In all seriousness, though, that is a story FAIL for Lucas. In 1977, he was showing us "advanced futuristic technology" with the release of Star Wars, it was neat, it was new, it was amazing. He should have considered, very carefully, what he was doing in releasing all this prequel stuff thousands of years in the future with the exact same specs. Logically it just doesn't work.

It's not the exact same technology. It just looks similar.


I mean, cars today are completely different internally than Ford's Model T, but they don't look THAT different.

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Also, consider that how many great minds you might have, there is always the law of physics that apply


There is a limit to where they can go. If they reached that limit in Revan's time, technological advancement suddenly starts to slow down. They can reinvent stuff, make them slightly better, but not that much more.



Consider this example: Right now in robotics, the dream and goal is Artificial Intelligence. They are develloping at a very high speed. But one we reach AI, we can't really make any more big changes...


Yes we can alter the robots to do more specific stuff(by changing there interior motors, ...). We can also alter there behaviour by putting restraints. But the big bulk, the thing that will make the robots who they are, is the AI, and that won't change anymore. There is no stage after that. You can't develop them further in that area.


So for the following 3000 years al our robots would be the same, as soon as we found the ideal composition of parts and bolts.

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Also, consider that how many great minds you might have, there is always the law of physics that apply


There is a limit to where they can go. If they reached that limit in Revan's time, technological advancement suddenly starts to slow down. They can reinvent stuff, make them slightly better, but not that much more.



Consider this example: Right now in robotics, the dream and goal is Artificial Intelligence. They are develloping at a very high speed. But one we reach AI, we can't really make any more big changes...


Yes we can alter the robots to do more specific stuff(by changing there interior motors, ...). We can also alter there behaviour by putting restraints. But the big bulk, the thing that will make the robots who they are, is the AI, and that won't change anymore. There is no stage after that. You can't develop them further in that area.


So for the following 3000 years al our robots would be the same, as soon as we found the ideal composition of parts and bolts.


Not to mention even droids in Star Wars improved. The improvements are subtle and there. A droid in TOR can speak what? 6000 languages I believe a droid says? Compare that to C3PO.

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Everyone forgets (mostly because it's only mentioned in a few sources) that there was a dark age towards the end of the New Sith Wars that resulted in the Ruusan Reformation in which a lot of technology was lost, and the level of technology in the galaxy went back by a few thousand years. Many planets even lost hyperspace technology and the ability to communicate with other planets.


The Sith were finally defeated 1000 years before the prequels, and then the Republic completely demilitarised, with the only remaining standing force of peacekeepers being the Jedi. So when the Clone Wars started, it was essentially with the level of military technology that was seen at the end of the New Sith Wars, as there had been little military innovation since then as there was 1000 years of peace. That's why the technology in the Original Trilogy is only a small improvement from the technology we see in TOR.

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its because every author wants his story to take place in the original star wars but they cant clutter up the movies with all that crap.


so they invent a new time-frame x number of years in y direction and pretend in their mind that its the original star wars, just "then" so that they can write the story they want.

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Just some thoughts on the topic:


  • I have to think that with a war going on, or in TOR's case an uneasy peace, that planets are taking care of their own, versus working for the greater good. This is supported in game on the Republic side, by the fact that there are quests on Taris to get help for different things, but the Senate won't send funding/troops/aid/whatever.
  • Plus like others have said, there have been subtle technological innovations, we as the audience/reader/player just don't see their immediate impact.
  • I do like the poster who mentioned the Ruusan stuff, as that was a major setback.
  • We can see from the time of TOR to the PT, how the Republic is thought of, as during TORs time, the Republic is a major presence on Outer Rim worlds like Tatooine, and by the PT+OT era, the Hutts are in full control, and Watto won't even take Republic credits.
  • We can even see from the time of the PT to the time of the OT, a major change in appearance, as PT era is bright and shiny, and the OT era is darker as the shackles of the Empire are felt by everyone.
  • Taken together, greed, corruption, war, and politics could be stifling the technological improvements that most societies would see over 3000 years.


Thats how I look at it anyway.

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I assume that many factors play into the lack of innovation and technological advancement. For starters you could say they do not even understand the technology they have. They could have suffered a series of dark ages as the result of the several wars that have caused stagnation and loss of knowledge. I consider this less likely and not really backed up by the lore. Perhaps they lack a certain understanding of the physics behind many technologies. How much of their tech was their invention and how much of it was the remnants of dead alien societies? If they discovered old alien technology they could figure out how to use it and how to reproduce it, but may not understand all the science behind it and thus be unable to advance upon it. There are many cultural differences that can be seen in the aesthetics between PT and OT alone. TOR has many many differences in looks from PT and OT.
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You know what I say to this!! WHO CARES lol!!! Do you have fun watching the movies? Playing the games?


Would you like to play TOR and have everyone running around with gas driven cars like us or something i mean *** who cares if the tech looks the same, its a frigging game set in a fiction universe.


so i guess the OP would rather lucas said nope dont make this game, it dosent make sense to have the same tech 3k years later. Then you would have nothing to play.


I LOVE SW ive read over 60 books, played numerous games over the years but i mean some ppl take it way to seriously, they get offended that TOR has the same tech that the movies do, if it didnt guess what, it wouldnt be star wars. Go play skyrim or something and stop belly aching about such a trivial thing.

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I've defended this on several posts on these forums, even explaining that technology on earth was the same for over 4000 years. Someone in the Renaissance lived with the same basic technology as an ancient Egyptian over 3000 years earlier. Truth is, we've only been in a tech revolution for about a century, so we honestly have no idea how long-term tech peaks and plateaus.


Secondly, Star Wars isn't science fiction. It's fantasy. In Lord of the Rings, fashion and technology stayed the way it was for just as long as in Star Wars. It's interesting that in a world full of monsters and magic and laser swords and sounds in space, the speed with which technology progresses is what pulls you from the reality.


Thirdly, the first and second reasons are just rationalizations because the tech and aesthetics in this game are like they are so it still feels like Star Wars, and I'm glad. I'm perfectly happy to suspend a little disbelief in order for my Star Wars game to feel like Star Wars.


Besides, if you really want to complain about tech, why not ask why - in a world where everyone carries around a holo-projector - you have to go to a mail box to check your email.... ;)

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The explanation is simple, really. Giant corporations have used their influence on the Senate to get patent laws passed that make rapid innovation and technological progress effectively impossible. So nothing changes much over the centuries. Hell, they're trying to do it now in the real world.


But seriously, rapid technological progress is not exactly an iron law of civilization. Historically, technological change was actually very slow from the invention of writing until the Watt steam engine.


And its not even really clear that the humans & aliens in Star Wars even understand the science behind the technologies they use. They may have just copied old Rakata machines without really ever getting a thorough understanding of how they actually work. Then their science would be tens of thousands of years behind their technology, and technological change would be glacial.

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And its not even really clear that the humans & aliens in Star Wars even understand the science behind the technologies they use. They may have just copied old Rakata machines without really ever getting a thorough understanding of how they actually work. Then their science would be tens of thousands of years behind their technology, and technological change would be glacial.


My thoughts exactly.

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